* PtokaX - hub server for Direct Connect peer to peer network.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Ptaczek, Ptaczek at PtokaX dot org
* Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Petr Kozelka, PPK at PtokaX dot org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef utilityH
#define utilityH
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using std::string;
struct BanItem;
struct RangeBanItem;
#define PTOKAX_GLOBAL_BUFF_SIZE (131072*2)
namespace std
inline const std::string& to_string(const std::string& s)
return s;
inline const std::string to_string(const char* s, const int p)
return std::string(s,p);
void Cout(const string & sMsg);
#ifdef _WIN32
static void preD(char *pat, int M, int D[]);
static void suffixes(char *pat, int M, int *suff);
static void preDD(char *pat, int M, int DD[]);
int BMFind(char *text, int N, char *pat, int M);
char * Lock2Key(char * sLock);
#ifdef _WIN32
char * WSErrorStr(const uint32_t ui32Error);
const char * ErrnoStr(const uint32_t ui32Error);
const char * formatBytes(const uint64_t ui64Bytes);
const char * formatBytesPerSecond(const uint64_t ui64Bytes);
const char * formatTime(uint64_t ui64Rest);
const char * formatSecTime(uint64_t ui64Rest);
char * stristr(const char *str1, const char *str2);
char * stristr2(const char *str1, const char *str2);
bool isIP(const char * sIP);
uint32_t HashNick(const char * sNick, const size_t szNickLen);
class Hash128
uint8_t m_ui128Hash[16];
// Hash128(int ) // Fast;
// {
// }
memset(m_ui128Hash, 0, sizeof(m_ui128Hash));
void init(const uint8_t * ui128Hash)
memcpy(m_ui128Hash, ui128Hash, sizeof(m_ui128Hash));
operator uint8_t* ()
return m_ui128Hash;
const uint8_t* data() const
return m_ui128Hash;
bool compare(const uint8_t * ui128Hash) const
return memcmp(m_ui128Hash, ui128Hash, sizeof(m_ui128Hash)) == 0;
bool HashIP(const char * sIP, uint8_t * ui128IpHash);
uint16_t GetIpTableIdx(const uint8_t * ui128IpHash);
int GenerateBanMessage(BanItem * pBan, const time_t &tAccTime);
int GenerateRangeBanMessage(RangeBanItem * pRangeBan, const time_t &tAccTime);
bool GenerateTempBanTime(const uint8_t ui8Multiplyer, const uint32_t ui32Time, time_t &tAccTime, time_t &tBanTime);
inline bool HaveOnlyNumbers(char *sData, const uint16_t ui16Len)
for (uint16_t ui16i = 0; ui16i < ui16Len; ui16i++)
if (isdigit(sData[ui16i]) == 0)
return false;
return true;
inline size_t Allign(size_t n)
return (n + 1);
// + alex82 ... from MOD
bool CheckSprintf(const int iRetVal, const size_t szMax, const char * sMsg); // CheckSprintf(imsgLen, 64, "UdpDebug::New");
bool CheckSprintf1(const int iRetVal, const size_t szLenVal, const size_t szMax, const char * sMsg); // CheckSprintf1(iret, imsgLen, 64, "UdpDebug::New");
void AppendLog(const char * sData, const bool bScript = false);
inline void AppendLog(const string & sData, const bool bScript = false)
AppendLog(sData.c_str(), bScript);
void AppendDebugLog(const char * sData);
void AppendDebugLogFormat(const char * sFormatMsg, ...);
#ifdef _WIN32
void GetHeapStats(void * pHeap, DWORD &dwCommitted, DWORD &dwUnCommitted);
void Memo(const string & sMessage);
#ifdef _WIN32
const char * ExtractFileName(const char * sPath);
bool FileExist(const char * sPath);
bool DirExist(const char * sPath);
#ifdef _WIN32
void SetupOsVersion();
void * LuaAlocator(void * pOld, void * pData, const size_t szOldSize, const size_t szNewSize);
#if !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(_WIN_IOT)
INT win_inet_pton(PCTSTR pAddrString, PVOID pAddrBuf);
void win_inet_ntop(PVOID pAddr, PTSTR pStringBuf, size_t szStringBufSize);
void CheckForIPv4();
void CheckForIPv6();
bool GetMacAddress(const char * sIP, char * sMac);
void CreateGlobalBuffer();
void DeleteGlobalBuffer();
bool CheckAndResizeGlobalBuffer(const size_t szWantedSize);
void ReduceGlobalBuffer();
bool HashPassword(const char * sPassword, const size_t szPassLen, uint8_t * ui8PassHash);
inline uint16_t CalcHash(const uint32_t& ui32Hash)
uint16_t ui16dx;
memcpy(&ui16dx, &ui32Hash, sizeof(uint16_t));
return ui16dx;
#ifdef _WIN32
uint64_t htobe64(const uint64_t & ui64Value);
uint64_t be64toh(const uint64_t & ui64Value);
bool WantAgain();
bool IsPrivateIP(const char * sIP);
#define safe_free(p) {if (p) { free(p); p = nullptr;} }
#define safe_free_and_init(p,p_new_ptr) {if (p) {free(p);} p = p_new_ptr;}
template <class T> inline void safe_free(T* & p)
if (p)
p = nullptr;
template <class T> inline void safe_free_and_init(T* & p, T* p_new_ptr)
if (p)
p = p_new_ptr;
template <class T> inline void safe_delete(T* & p)
if (p)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// TODO boost::checked_delete(p);
delete p;
p = nullptr;
template <class T> inline void safe_delete_array(T* & p)
if (p)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// TODO boost::checked_array_delete(p);
delete[] p;
p = nullptr;
#ifdef _WIN32
static const int SHUT_RD = 0;
static const int SHUT_WR = 1;
static const int SHUT_RDWR = 2;
template <class T>inline void safe_closesocket(T& p_socket)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (p_socket != INVALID_SOCKET)
p_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
if (p_socket != -1)
p_socket = -1;
template <class T>inline void shutdown_and_close(T& p_socket, int p_type)
#ifdef _WIN32
shutdown(p_socket, SD_SEND);
shutdown(p_socket, p_type);
↑ V1061 Extending the 'std' namespace may result in undefined behavior.