 * PtokaX - hub server for Direct Connect peer to peer network.
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005  Ptaczek, Ptaczek at PtokaX dot org
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2017  Petr Kozelka, PPK at PtokaX dot org
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "User.h"
#include "colUsers.h"
#include "DcCommands.h"
#include "GlobalDataQueue.h"
#include "hashUsrManager.h"
#include "LanguageManager.h"
#include "LuaScriptManager.h"
#include "ProfileManager.h"
#include "ServerManager.h"
#include "SettingManager.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "UdpDebug.h"
#include "ZlibUtility.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
	#pragma hdrstop
	#include "DB-SQLite.h"
	#include "DB-PostgreSQL.h"
	#include "DB-MySQL.h"
#include "DeFlood.h"
#ifdef _BUILD_GUI
	#include "../gui.win/GuiUtil.h"
    #include "../gui.win/MainWindowPageUsersChat.h"
static const size_t ZMINDATALEN = 128;
static const char * sBadTag = "BAD TAG!"; // 8
static const char * sOtherNoTag = "OTHER (NO TAG)"; // 14
static const char * sUnknownTag = "UNKNOWN TAG"; // 11
static const char * sDefaultNick = "<unknown>"; // 9
DcCommand ActualDcCommand = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
static bool UserProcessLines(User * pUser, const uint32_t ui32NewDataStart) {
    char c = 0;
    char * pBuffer = pUser->m_pRecvBuf;
    for(uint32_t ui32i = ui32NewDataStart; ui32i < pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen; ++ui32i) {
    	// look for pipes in the data - process lines one by one
        if(pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i] == '|') {
            c = pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i+1];
			pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i+1] = '\0';
            uint32_t ui32CommandLen = (uint32_t)(((pUser->m_pRecvBuf+ui32i)-pBuffer)+1);
            if(pBuffer[0] == '|') {
                //UdpDebug->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] heartbeat from %s (%s).", pUser->Nick, pUser->sIP);
                //send(Sck, "|", 1, 0);
            } else if(ui32CommandLen <= (pUser->m_ui8State < User::STATE_ADDME ? 1024U : 65536U)) {
            	ActualDcCommand.m_pUser = pUser;
            	ActualDcCommand.m_sCommand = pBuffer;
            	ActualDcCommand.m_ui32CommandLen = ui32CommandLen;
        	} else {
				pUser->SendFormat("UserProcessLines1", false, "<%s> %s!|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_CMD_TOO_LONG]);
				UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] %s (%s): Received command too long. User disconnected.", pUser->m_sNick, pUser->m_sIP);
                return false;
			pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i+1] = c;
        	pBuffer += ui32CommandLen;
            if(pUser->m_ui8State >= User::STATE_CLOSING) {
                return true;
        } else if(pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i] == '\0') {
            // look for NULL character and replace with zero
			pUser->m_pRecvBuf[ui32i] = '0';
	pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen -= (uint32_t)(pBuffer-pUser->m_pRecvBuf);
	if(pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen == 0) {
		pUser->m_pRecvBuf[0] = '\0';
        return false;
    } else if(pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen == 1) {
		pUser->m_pRecvBuf[0] = pBuffer[0];
		pUser->m_pRecvBuf[1] = '\0';
        return true;
    } else {
        if(pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen > (pUser->m_ui8State < User::STATE_ADDME ? 1024U : 65536U)) {
            // PPK ... we don't want commands longer than 64 kB, drop this user !
			pUser->SendFormat("UserProcessLines2", false, "<%s> %s!|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_CMD_TOO_LONG]);
			UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] %s (%s): RecvBuffer overflow. User disconnected.", pUser->m_sNick, pUser->m_sIP);
        	return false;
        memmove(pUser->m_pRecvBuf, pBuffer, pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen);
		pUser->m_pRecvBuf[pUser->m_ui32RecvBufDataLen] = '\0';
        return true;
static void UserSetBadTag(User * pUser, char * sDesc, const uint8_t ui8DescLen) {
    // PPK ... clear all tag related things
	pUser->m_sTagVersion = NULL;
	pUser->m_ui8TagVersionLen = 0;
	pUser->m_sModes[0] = '\0';
	pUser->m_ui32Hubs = pUser->m_ui32Slots = pUser->m_ui32OLimit = pUser->m_ui32LLimit = pUser->m_ui32DLimit = pUser->m_ui32NormalHubs = pUser->m_ui32RegHubs = pUser->m_ui32OpHubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_OLDHUBSTAG;
	pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_HAVE_BADTAG;
	pUser->m_sDescription = sDesc;
	pUser->m_ui8DescriptionLen = ui8DescLen;
    // PPK ... clear (fake) tag
	pUser->m_sTag = NULL;
	pUser->m_ui8TagLen = 0;
    // PPK ... set bad tag
	pUser->m_sClient = (char *)sBadTag;
	pUser->m_ui8ClientLen = 8;
    // PPK ... send report to udp debug
	UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User %s (%s) have bad TAG (%s) ?!?", pUser->m_sNick, pUser->m_sIP, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal);
static void UserParseMyInfo(User * pUser) {
    memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal, pUser->m_ui16MyInfoOriginalLen);
    char *sMyINFOParts[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
    uint16_t iMyINFOPartsLen[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    unsigned char cPart = 0;
    sMyINFOParts[cPart] = ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+14+pUser->m_ui8NickLen; // desription start
    for(uint32_t ui32i = 14+pUser->m_ui8NickLen; ui32i < pUser->m_ui16MyInfoOriginalLen-1u; ui32i++) {
        if(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[ui32i] == '$') {
            ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[ui32i] = '\0';
            iMyINFOPartsLen[cPart] = (uint16_t)((ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+ui32i)-sMyINFOParts[cPart]);
            // are we on end of myinfo ???
            if(cPart == 4)
            sMyINFOParts[cPart] = ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+ui32i+1;
    // check if we have all myinfo parts, connection and sharesize must have length more than 0 !
    if(sMyINFOParts[0] == NULL || sMyINFOParts[1] == NULL || iMyINFOPartsLen[1] != 1 || sMyINFOParts[2] == NULL || iMyINFOPartsLen[2] == 0 || sMyINFOParts[3] == NULL || sMyINFOParts[4] == NULL || iMyINFOPartsLen[4] == 0) {
		pUser->SendFormat("UserParseMyInfo1", false, "<%s> %s!|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_YOU_MyINFO_IS_CORRUPTED]);
		UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User %s (%s) with bad MyINFO (%s) disconnected.", pUser->m_sNick, pUser->m_sIP, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal);
    // connection
	pUser->m_ui8MagicByte = sMyINFOParts[2][iMyINFOPartsLen[2]-1];
	pUser->m_sConnection = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[2]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
	pUser->m_ui8ConnectionLen = (uint8_t)(iMyINFOPartsLen[2]-1);
    // email
    if(iMyINFOPartsLen[3] != 0) {
		pUser->m_sEmail = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[3]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
		pUser->m_ui8EmailLen = (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[3];
    // share
    // PPK ... check for valid numeric share, kill fakers !
    if(HaveOnlyNumbers(sMyINFOParts[4], iMyINFOPartsLen[4]) == false) {
        //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User %s (%s) with non-numeric sharesize disconnected.", pUser->Nick, pUser->IP);
    if(((pUser->m_ui32BoolBits & User::BIT_HAVE_SHARECOUNTED) == User::BIT_HAVE_SHARECOUNTED) == true) {
        ServerManager::m_ui64TotalShare -= pUser->m_ui64SharedSize;
#ifdef _WIN32
		pUser->m_ui64SharedSize = _strtoui64(sMyINFOParts[4], NULL, 10);
		pUser->m_ui64SharedSize = strtoull(sMyINFOParts[4], NULL, 10);
        ServerManager::m_ui64TotalShare += pUser->m_ui64SharedSize;
    } else {
#ifdef _WIN32
		pUser->m_ui64SharedSize = _strtoui64(sMyINFOParts[4], NULL, 10);
		pUser->m_ui64SharedSize = strtoull(sMyINFOParts[4], NULL, 10);
    // Reset all tag infos...
	pUser->m_sModes[0] = '\0';
	pUser->m_ui32Hubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32NormalHubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32RegHubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32OpHubs =0;
	pUser->m_ui32Slots = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32OLimit = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32LLimit = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32DLimit = 0;
    // description
    if(iMyINFOPartsLen[0] != 0) {
        if(sMyINFOParts[0][iMyINFOPartsLen[0]-1] == '>') {
            char *DCTag = strrchr(sMyINFOParts[0], '<');
            if(DCTag == NULL) {               
				pUser->m_sDescription = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
				pUser->m_ui8DescriptionLen = (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0];
				pUser->m_sClient = (char*)sOtherNoTag;
				pUser->m_ui8ClientLen = 14;
			pUser->m_sTag = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(DCTag-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
			pUser->m_ui8TagLen = (uint8_t)(iMyINFOPartsLen[0]-(DCTag-sMyINFOParts[0]));
            static const uint16_t ui16plusplus = *((uint16_t *)"++");
            if(DCTag[3] == ' ' && *((uint16_t *)(DCTag+1)) == ui16plusplus) {
				pUser->m_ui32SupportBits |= User::SUPPORTBIT_NOHELLO;
            static const uint16_t ui16V = *((uint16_t *)"V:");
            char * sTemp = strchr(DCTag, ' ');
            if(sTemp != NULL && *((uint16_t *)(sTemp+1)) == ui16V) {
                sTemp[0] = '\0';
				pUser->m_sClient = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+((DCTag+1)-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
				pUser->m_ui8ClientLen = (uint8_t)((sTemp-DCTag)-1);
            } else {
				pUser->m_sClient = (char *)sUnknownTag;
				pUser->m_ui8ClientLen = 11;
				pUser->m_sTag = NULL;
				pUser->m_ui8TagLen = 0;
                sMyINFOParts[0][iMyINFOPartsLen[0]-1] = '>'; // not valid DC Tag, add back > tag ending
				pUser->m_sDescription = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
				pUser->m_ui8DescriptionLen = (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0];
            size_t szTagPattLen = ((sTemp-DCTag)+1);
            sMyINFOParts[0][iMyINFOPartsLen[0]-1] = ','; // terminate tag end with ',' for easy tag parsing
            uint32_t reqVals = 0;
            char * sTagPart = DCTag+szTagPattLen;
            for(size_t szi = szTagPattLen; szi < (size_t)(iMyINFOPartsLen[0]-(DCTag-sMyINFOParts[0])); szi++) {
                if(DCTag[szi] == ',') {
                    DCTag[szi] = '\0';
                    if(sTagPart[1] != ':') {
                        UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
                    switch(sTagPart[0]) {
                        case 'V':
                            // PPK ... fix for potencial memory leak with fake tag
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0' || pUser->m_sTagVersion) {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_sTagVersion = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+((sTagPart+2)-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
							pUser->m_ui8TagVersionLen = (uint8_t)((DCTag+szi)-(sTagPart+2));
                        case 'M':
                            if((pUser->m_ui32BoolBits & User::BIT_IPV6) == User::BIT_IPV6 && (pUser->m_ui32SupportBits & User::SUPPORTBIT_IP64) == User::SUPPORTBIT_IP64) {
                                if(sTagPart[2] == '\0' || sTagPart[3] == '\0' || sTagPart[4] != '\0') {
                                    UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
								pUser->m_sModes[0] = sTagPart[2];
								pUser->m_sModes[1] = sTagPart[3];
								pUser->m_sModes[2] = '\0';
                                if(toupper(sTagPart[3]) == 'A') {
									pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_IPV6_ACTIVE;
                                } else {
									pUser->m_ui32BoolBits &= ~User::BIT_IPV6_ACTIVE;
                            } else {
                                if(sTagPart[2] == '\0' || sTagPart[3] != '\0') {
                                    UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
								pUser->m_sModes[0] = sTagPart[2];
								pUser->m_sModes[1] = '\0';
                            if(toupper(sTagPart[2]) == 'A') {
								pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_IPV4_ACTIVE;
                            } else {
								pUser->m_ui32BoolBits &= ~User::BIT_IPV4_ACTIVE;
                        case 'H': {
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
                            DCTag[szi] = '/';
                            char *sHubsParts[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
                            uint16_t iHubsPartsLen[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
                            uint8_t ui8Part = 0;
                            sHubsParts[ui8Part] = sTagPart+2;
                            for(uint32_t ui32j = 3; ui32j < (uint32_t)((DCTag+szi+1)-sTagPart); ui32j++) {
                                if(sTagPart[ui32j] == '/') {
                                    sTagPart[ui32j] = '\0';
                                    iHubsPartsLen[ui8Part] = (uint16_t)((sTagPart+ui32j)-sHubsParts[ui8Part]);
                                    // are we on end of hubs tag part ???
                                    if(ui8Part == 2)
                                    sHubsParts[ui8Part] = sTagPart+ui32j+1;
                            if(sHubsParts[0] != NULL && sHubsParts[1] != NULL && sHubsParts[2] != NULL) {
                                if(iHubsPartsLen[0] != 0 && iHubsPartsLen[1] != 0 && iHubsPartsLen[2] != 0) {
                                    if(HaveOnlyNumbers(sHubsParts[0], iHubsPartsLen[0]) == false ||
                                        HaveOnlyNumbers(sHubsParts[1], iHubsPartsLen[1]) == false ||
                                        HaveOnlyNumbers(sHubsParts[2], iHubsPartsLen[2]) == false) {
                                        UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
									pUser->m_ui32NormalHubs = atoi(sHubsParts[0]);
									pUser->m_ui32RegHubs = atoi(sHubsParts[1]);
									pUser->m_ui32OpHubs = atoi(sHubsParts[2]);
									pUser->m_ui32Hubs = pUser->m_ui32NormalHubs+pUser->m_ui32RegHubs+pUser->m_ui32OpHubs;
                                    // PPK ... kill LAM3R with fake hubs
                                    if(pUser->m_ui32Hubs != 0) {
										pUser->m_ui32BoolBits &= ~User::BIT_OLDHUBSTAG;
                            } else if(sHubsParts[1] == DCTag+szi+1 && sHubsParts[2] == NULL) {
                                DCTag[szi] = '\0';
								pUser->m_ui32Hubs = atoi(sHubsParts[0]);
								pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_OLDHUBSTAG;
							pUser->SendFormat("UserParseMyInfo2", false, "<%s> %s!|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_FAKE_TAG]);
							pUser->m_sTag[pUser->m_ui8TagLen] = '\0';
							UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User %s (%s) with fake Tag disconnected: %s", pUser->m_sNick, pUser->m_sIP, pUser->m_sTag);
                        case 'S':
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
                            if(HaveOnlyNumbers(sTagPart+2, (uint16_t)strlen(sTagPart+2)) == false) {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_ui32Slots = atoi(sTagPart+2);
                        case 'O':
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_ui32OLimit = atoi(sTagPart+2);
                        case 'B':
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_ui32LLimit = atoi(sTagPart+2);
                        case 'L':
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_ui32LLimit = atoi(sTagPart+2);
                        case 'D':
                            if(sTagPart[2] == '\0') {
                                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
							pUser->m_ui32DLimit = atoi(sTagPart+2);
                            //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] %s (%s): Extra info in DC tag: %s", pUser->Nick, pUser->sIP, sTag);
                    sTagPart = DCTag+szi+1;
            if(reqVals < 4) {
                UserSetBadTag(pUser, pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer), (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0]);
            } else {
				pUser->m_sDescription = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
				pUser->m_ui8DescriptionLen = (uint8_t)(DCTag-sMyINFOParts[0]);
        } else {
			pUser->m_sDescription = pUser->m_sMyInfoOriginal+(sMyINFOParts[0]-ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
			pUser->m_ui8DescriptionLen = (uint8_t)iMyINFOPartsLen[0];
	pUser->m_sClient = (char *)sOtherNoTag;
	pUser->m_ui8ClientLen = 14;
	pUser->m_sTag = NULL;
	pUser->m_ui8TagLen = 0;
	pUser->m_sTagVersion = NULL;
	pUser->m_ui8TagVersionLen = 0;
	pUser->m_sModes[0] = '\0';
	pUser->m_ui32Hubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32NormalHubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32RegHubs = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32OpHubs =0;
	pUser->m_ui32Slots = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32OLimit = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32LLimit = 0;
	pUser->m_ui32DLimit = 0;
UserBan::UserBan() : m_sMessage(NULL), m_ui32Len(0), m_ui32NickHash(0) {
    // ...
UserBan::~UserBan() {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_sMessage != NULL && HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sMessage) == 0) {
        AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sMessage in UserBan::~UserBan\n");
UserBan * UserBan::CreateUserBan(char * sMess, const uint32_t ui32MessLen, const uint32_t ui32Hash) {
    UserBan * pUserBan = new (std::nothrow) UserBan();
    if(pUserBan == NULL) {
        AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate new pUserBan in UserBan::CreateUserBan\n");
        return NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
    pUserBan->m_sMessage = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ui32MessLen+1);
	pUserBan->m_sMessage = (char *)malloc(ui32MessLen+1);
    if(pUserBan->m_sMessage == NULL) {
        AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] UserBan::CreateUserBan cannot allocate %u bytes for sMessage\n", ui32MessLen+1);
        delete pUserBan;
        return NULL;
    memcpy(pUserBan->m_sMessage, sMess, ui32MessLen);
    pUserBan->m_sMessage[ui32MessLen] = '\0';
    pUserBan->m_ui32Len = ui32MessLen;
    pUserBan->m_ui32NickHash = ui32Hash;
    return pUserBan;
LoginLogout::LoginLogout() : m_ui64LogonTick(0), m_ui64IPv4CheckTick(0), m_pBan(NULL), m_pBuffer(NULL), m_ui32ToCloseLoops(0), m_ui32UserConnectedLen(0) {
    // ...
LoginLogout::~LoginLogout() {
    delete m_pBan;
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_pBuffer != NULL) {
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_pBuffer) == 0) {
            AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_pBuffer in LoginLogout::~LoginLogout\n");
User::User() : m_ui64SharedSize(0), m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeShort(0), m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeLong(0), m_ui64GetNickListsTick(0), m_ui64MyINFOsTick(0), m_ui64SearchsTick(0),
	m_ui64ChatMsgsTick(0), m_ui64PMsTick(0), m_ui64SameSearchsTick(0), m_ui64SamePMsTick(0), m_ui64SameChatsTick(0), m_ui64LastMyINFOSendTick(0), m_ui64LastNicklist(0), m_ui64ReceivedPmTick(0),
	m_ui64ChatMsgsTick2(0), m_ui64PMsTick2(0), m_ui64SearchsTick2(0), m_ui64MyINFOsTick2(0), m_ui64CTMsTick(0), m_ui64CTMsTick2(0), m_ui64RCTMsTick(0), m_ui64RCTMsTick2(0),
	m_ui64SRsTick(0), m_ui64SRsTick2(0), m_ui64RecvsTick(0), m_ui64RecvsTick2(0), m_ui64ChatIntMsgsTick(0), m_ui64PMsIntTick(0), m_ui64SearchsIntTick(0), 
	m_pCmdToUserStrt(NULL), m_pCmdToUserEnd(NULL), m_pCmdStrt(NULL), m_pCmdEnd(NULL), m_pCmdActive4Search(NULL), m_pCmdActive6Search(NULL), m_pCmdPassiveSearch(NULL),
	m_pPrev(NULL), m_pNext(NULL), m_pHashTablePrev(NULL), m_pHashTableNext(NULL), m_pHashIpTablePrev(NULL), m_pHashIpTableNext(NULL),
	m_sNick((char *)sDefaultNick), m_sVersion(NULL), m_sMyInfoOriginal(NULL), m_sMyInfoShort(NULL), m_sMyInfoLong(NULL), 
	m_sDescription(NULL), m_sTag(NULL), m_sConnection(NULL), m_sEmail(NULL), m_sClient((char *)sOtherNoTag), m_sTagVersion(NULL), 
	m_sLastChat(NULL), m_sLastPM(NULL), m_sLastSearch(NULL), m_pSendBuf(NULL), m_pRecvBuf(NULL), m_pSendBufHead(NULL),
	m_sChangedDescriptionShort(NULL), m_sChangedDescriptionLong(NULL), m_sChangedTagShort(NULL), m_sChangedTagLong(NULL),
	m_sChangedConnectionShort(NULL), m_sChangedConnectionLong(NULL), m_sChangedEmailShort(NULL), m_sChangedEmailLong(NULL),
	m_ui32Recvs(0), m_ui32Recvs2(0),
	m_ui32Hubs(0), m_ui32Slots(0), m_ui32OLimit(0), m_ui32LLimit(0), m_ui32DLimit(0), m_ui32NormalHubs(0), m_ui32RegHubs(0), m_ui32OpHubs(0), 
	m_ui32SendCalled(0), m_ui32RecvCalled(0), m_ui32ReceivedPmCount(0), m_ui32SR(0), m_ui32DefloodWarnings(0),
	m_ui32BoolBits(0), m_ui32InfoBits(0), m_ui32SupportBits(0), 
	m_ui32SendBufLen(0), m_ui32RecvBufLen(0), m_ui32SendBufDataLen(0), m_ui32RecvBufDataLen(0),
	m_ui32NickHash(0), m_i32Profile(-1), 
#ifdef _WIN32
	m_ui16MyInfoOriginalLen(0), m_ui16MyInfoShortLen(0), m_ui16MyInfoLongLen(0), m_ui16GetNickLists(0), m_ui16MyINFOs(0), m_ui16Searchs(0),
	m_ui16ChatMsgs(0), m_ui16PMs(0), m_ui16SameSearchs(0), m_ui16LastSearchLen(0), m_ui16SamePMs(0), m_ui16LastPMLen(0), m_ui16SameChatMsgs(0),
	m_ui16LastChatLen(0), m_ui16LastPmLines(0), m_ui16SameMultiPms(0), m_ui16LastChatLines(0), m_ui16SameMultiChats(0), m_ui16ChatMsgs2(0), m_ui16PMs2(0),
	m_ui16Searchs2(0), m_ui16MyINFOs2(0), m_ui16CTMs(0), m_ui16CTMs2(0), m_ui16RCTMs(0), m_ui16RCTMs2(0), m_ui16SRs(0), m_ui16SRs2(0), m_ui16ChatIntMsgs(0),
	m_ui16PMsInt(0), m_ui16SearchsInt(0), m_ui16IpTableIdx(0),
	m_ui8NickLen(9), m_ui8IpLen(0), m_ui8ConnectionLen(0), m_ui8DescriptionLen(0), m_ui8EmailLen(0), m_ui8TagLen(0), m_ui8ClientLen(14), m_ui8TagVersionLen(0),
	m_ui8Country(246), m_ui8State(User::STATE_SOCKET_ACCEPTED), m_ui8IPv4Len(0),
	m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen(0), m_ui8ChangedDescriptionLongLen(0), m_ui8ChangedTagShortLen(0), m_ui8ChangedTagLongLen(0),
    m_ui8ChangedConnectionShortLen(0), m_ui8ChangedConnectionLongLen(0), m_ui8ChangedEmailShortLen(0), m_ui8ChangedEmailLongLen(0) {
	m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_IPV4_ACTIVE;
	m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_OLDHUBSTAG;
	memset(&m_ui128IpHash, 0, 16);
	m_sIP[0] = '\0';
	m_sIPv4[0] = '\0';
	m_sModes[0] = '\0';
User::~User() {
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_pRecvBuf != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hRecvHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_pRecvBuf) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_pRecvBuf in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_pSendBuf != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_pSendBuf) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_pSendBuf in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sLastChat != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastChat) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastChat in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sLastPM != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastPM) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastPM in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sLastSearch != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastSearch) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastSearch in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sMyInfoShort != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sMyInfoShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sMyInfoShort in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sMyInfoLong != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sMyInfoLong) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sMyInfoLong in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sMyInfoOriginal != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sMyInfoOriginal) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sMyInfoOriginal in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sVersion != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sVersion) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sVersion in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedDescriptionShort != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedDescriptionShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedDescriptionShort in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedDescriptionLong != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedDescriptionLong) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedDescriptionLong in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedTagShort != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedTagShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedTagShort in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedTagLong != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedTagLong) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedTagLong in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedConnectionShort != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedConnectionShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedConnectionShort in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedConnectionLong != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedConnectionLong) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedConnectionLong in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedEmailShort != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedEmailShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedEmailShort in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sChangedEmailLong != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sChangedEmailLong) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sChangedEmailLong in User::~User\n");
	if(((m_ui32SupportBits & User::SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == User::SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == true)
#ifdef _BUILD_GUI
    if(::SendMessage(MainWindowPageUsersChat::m_Ptr->m_hWndPageItems[MainWindowPageUsersChat::BTN_SHOW_COMMANDS], BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) {
        RichEditAppendText(MainWindowPageUsersChat::m_Ptr->m_hWndPageItems[MainWindowPageUsersChat::REDT_CHAT], ("x User removed: " + string(m_sNick, m_ui8NickLen) + " (Socket " + string(m_Socket) + ")").c_str());
	if(m_sNick != sDefaultNick) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sNick) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sNick in User::~User\n");
	delete m_pLogInOut;
	if(m_pCmdActive4Search != NULL) {
	if(m_pCmdActive6Search != NULL) {
	if(m_pCmdPassiveSearch != NULL) {
	PrcsdUsrCmd * cur = NULL,
        * next = m_pCmdStrt;
    while(next != NULL) {
        cur = next;
        next = cur->m_pNext;
#ifdef _WIN32
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)cur->m_sCommand) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate cur->m_sCommand in User::~User\n");
        delete cur;
	PrcsdToUsrCmd * curto = NULL,
        * nextto = m_pCmdToUserStrt;
    while(nextto != NULL) {
        curto = nextto;
        nextto = curto->m_pNext;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)curto->m_sCommand) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate curto->m_sCommand in User::~User\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)curto->m_sToNick) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate curto->m_sToNick in User::~User\n");
        delete curto;
bool User::MakeLock() {
    // This code computes the valid Lock string including the Pk= string
    // For maximum speed we just find two random numbers - start and step
    // Step is added each cycle to the start and the ascii 122 boundary is
    // checked. If overflow occurs then the overflowed value is added to the
    // ascii 48 value ("0") and continues.
	// The lock has fixed length 63 bytes
#ifdef _WIN32
	#ifdef _BUILD_GUI
	    #ifndef _M_X64
	        static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           win Pk=PtokaX|";
	        static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           wg6 Pk=PtokaX|";
	    #ifndef _M_X64
	        static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           wis Pk=PtokaX|";
	    #elif _M_ARM
	    	static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           wsa Pk=PtokaX|";
	        static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           ws6 Pk=PtokaX|";
	static const char sLock[] = "$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL                           nix Pk=PtokaX|";
	static const size_t szLockLen = sizeof(sLock)-1;
    size_t szAllignLen = Allign1024(m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szLockLen);
	char * pOldBuf = m_pSendBuf;
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
		m_pSendBuf = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szAllignLen);
    } else {
		m_pSendBuf = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
	m_pSendBuf = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
    if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
		m_pSendBuf = pOldBuf;
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes in User::MakeLock\n", szAllignLen);
        return false;
	m_ui32SendBufLen = (uint32_t)(szAllignLen-1);
	m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf;
    // append data to the buffer
    memcpy(m_pSendBuf, sLock, szLockLen);
	m_ui32SendBufDataLen += szLockLen;
	m_pSendBuf[m_ui32SendBufDataLen] = '\0';
	for(uint8_t ui8i = 22; ui8i < 49; ui8i++) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		m_pSendBuf[ui8i] = (char)((rand() % 74) + 48);
		m_pSendBuf[ui8i] = (char)((random() % 74) + 48);
//	Memo(string(pSendBuf, ui32SendBufDataLen));
#ifdef _WIN32
	m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 64);
	m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)malloc(64);
    if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer == NULL) {
		AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate 64 bytes for pBuffer in User::MakeLock\n");
		return false;
    memcpy(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer, m_pSendBuf, szLockLen);
	m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[szLockLen] = '\0';
    return true;
bool User::DoRecv() {
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_ERROR) == BIT_ERROR || m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING)
        return false;
#ifdef _WIN32
	u_long iAvailBytes = 0;
	if(ioctlsocket(m_Socket, FIONREAD, &iAvailBytes) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
		int iError = WSAGetLastError();
	int iAvailBytes = 0;
	if(ioctl(m_Socket, FIONREAD, &iAvailBytes) == -1) {
		UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[ERR] %s (%s): ioctlsocket(FIONREAD) error %s (%d). User is being closed.", m_sNick, m_sIP,
#ifdef _WIN32
			WSErrorStr(iError), iError);
			ErrnoStr(errno), errno);
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
        return false;
    // PPK ... check flood ...
	if(iAvailBytes != 0 && ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NODEFLOODRECV) == false) {
        if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_ACTION] != 0) {
    		if(m_ui32Recvs == 0) {
				m_ui64RecvsTick = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
			m_ui32Recvs += iAvailBytes;
			if(DeFloodCheckForDataFlood(this, DEFLOOD_MAX_DOWN, SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_ACTION],
				m_ui32Recvs, m_ui64RecvsTick, SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_KB],
              (uint32_t)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_TIME]) == true) {
				return false;
    		if(m_ui32Recvs != 0) {
				m_ui32Recvs -= iAvailBytes;
        if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_ACTION2] != 0) {
    		if(m_ui32Recvs2 == 0) {
				m_ui64RecvsTick2 = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
			m_ui32Recvs2 += iAvailBytes;
			if(DeFloodCheckForDataFlood(this, DEFLOOD_MAX_DOWN, SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_ACTION2],
				m_ui32Recvs2, m_ui64RecvsTick2, SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_KB2],
				(uint32_t)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_DOWN_TIME2]) == true) {
                return false;
    		if(m_ui32Recvs2 != 0) {
				m_ui32Recvs2 -= iAvailBytes;
	if(iAvailBytes == 0) {
		// we need to try recv to catch connection error or closed connection
        iAvailBytes = 16;
    } else if(iAvailBytes > 16384) {
        // receive max. 16384 bytes to receive buffer
        iAvailBytes = 16384;
    size_t szAllignLen = 0;
    if(m_ui32RecvBufLen < m_ui32RecvBufDataLen+iAvailBytes) {
        szAllignLen = Allign512(m_ui32RecvBufDataLen+iAvailBytes);
    } else if(m_ui32RecvCalled > 60) {
        szAllignLen = Allign512(m_ui32RecvBufDataLen+iAvailBytes);
        if(m_ui32RecvBufLen <= szAllignLen) {
            szAllignLen = 0;
		m_ui32RecvCalled = 0;
    if(szAllignLen != 0) {
        char * pOldBuf = m_pRecvBuf;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(m_pRecvBuf == NULL) {
			m_pRecvBuf = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hRecvHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szAllignLen);
        } else {
			m_pRecvBuf = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hRecvHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
		m_pRecvBuf = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
		if(m_pRecvBuf == NULL) {
            m_pRecvBuf = pOldBuf;
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot (re)allocate %zu bytes for pRecvBuf in User::DoRecv\n", szAllignLen);
			return false;
		m_ui32RecvBufLen = (uint32_t)(szAllignLen-1);
    // receive new data to pRecvBuf
	int recvlen = recv(m_Socket, m_pRecvBuf+m_ui32RecvBufDataLen, m_ui32RecvBufLen-m_ui32RecvBufDataLen, 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(recvlen == SOCKET_ERROR) {
		int iError = WSAGetLastError();
        if(iError != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
    if(recvlen == -1) {
        if(errno != EAGAIN) {
			UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[ERR] %s (%s): recv() error %s (%d). User is being closed.", m_sNick, m_sIP,
#ifdef _WIN32
                WSErrorStr(iError), iError);
				ErrnoStr(errno), errno);
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
            return false;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else if(recvlen == 0) { // regular close
#ifdef _WIN32
	#ifdef _BUILD_GUI
        if(::SendMessage(MainWindowPageUsersChat::m_Ptr->m_hWndPageItems[MainWindowPageUsersChat::BTN_SHOW_COMMANDS], BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) {
			int iRet = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "- User has closed the connection: %s (%s)", m_sNick, m_sIP);
			if(iRet > 0) {
				RichEditAppendText(MainWindowPageUsersChat::m_Ptr->m_hWndPageItems[MainWindowPageUsersChat::REDT_CHAT], ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer);
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
	    return false;
	m_ui32Recvs += recvlen;
	m_ui32Recvs2 += recvlen;
	ServerManager::m_ui64BytesRead += recvlen;
	m_ui32RecvBufDataLen += recvlen;
	m_pRecvBuf[m_ui32RecvBufDataLen] = '\0';
    if(UserProcessLines(this, m_ui32RecvBufDataLen-recvlen) == true) {
        return true;
    return false;
void User::SendChar(const char * sText, const size_t szTextLen) {
	if(m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING || szTextLen == 0)
    if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false || szTextLen < ZMINDATALEN) {
        if(PutInSendBuf(sText, szTextLen)) {
    } else {
        uint32_t iLen = 0;
        char *sData = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(sText, szTextLen, iLen);
        if(iLen == 0) {
            if(PutInSendBuf(sText, szTextLen)) {
        } else {
            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += szTextLen-iLen;
            if(PutInSendBuf(sData, iLen)) {
void User::SendCharDelayed(const char * sText, const size_t szTextLen) {
	if(m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING || szTextLen == 0) {
    if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false || szTextLen < ZMINDATALEN) {
        PutInSendBuf(sText, szTextLen);
    } else {
        uint32_t iLen = 0;
        char *sPipeData = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(sText, szTextLen, iLen);
        if(iLen == 0) {
            PutInSendBuf(sText, szTextLen);
        } else {
            PutInSendBuf(sPipeData, iLen);
            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += szTextLen-iLen;
void User::SendFormat(const char * sFrom, const bool bDelayed, const char * sFormatMsg, ...) {
	if(m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING) {
	va_list vlArgs;
	va_start(vlArgs, sFormatMsg);
	int iRet = vsnprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, sFormatMsg, vlArgs);
	if(iRet <= 0) {
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[ERR] vsnprintf wrong value %d in User::SendFormatDelayed from: %s\n", iRet, sFrom);
    if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false || (size_t)iRet < ZMINDATALEN) {
        if(PutInSendBuf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iRet) == true && bDelayed == false) {
    } else {
        uint32_t iLen = 0;
        char *sData = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iRet, iLen);
        if(iLen == 0) {
            if(PutInSendBuf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iRet) == true && bDelayed == false) {
        } else {
            if(PutInSendBuf(sData, iLen) == true && bDelayed == false) {
            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += iRet-iLen;
void User::SendFormatCheckPM(const char * sFrom, const char * sOtherNick, const bool bDelayed, const char * sFormatMsg, ...) {
	if(m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING) {
	int iMsgLen = 0;
	if(sOtherNick != NULL) {
	    iMsgLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "$To: %s From: %s $", m_sNick, sOtherNick);
		if(iMsgLen <= 0) {
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[ERR] snprintf wrong value %d in User::SendFormatCheckPM from: %s\n", iMsgLen, sFrom);
	va_list vlArgs;
	va_start(vlArgs, sFormatMsg);
	int iRet = vsnprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iMsgLen, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize-iMsgLen, sFormatMsg, vlArgs);
	if(iRet <= 0) {
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[ERR] vsnprintf wrong value %d in User::SendFormatCheckPM from: %s\n", iRet, sFrom);
	iMsgLen += iRet;
    if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false || (size_t)iMsgLen < ZMINDATALEN) {
        if(PutInSendBuf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iMsgLen) == true && bDelayed == false) {
    } else {
        uint32_t iLen = 0;
        char *sData = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iMsgLen, iLen);
        if(iLen == 0) {
            if(PutInSendBuf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iMsgLen) == true && bDelayed == false) {
        } else {
            if(PutInSendBuf(sData, iLen) == true && bDelayed == false) {
            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += iMsgLen-iLen;
bool User::PutInSendBuf(const char * sText, const size_t szTxtLen) {
    size_t szAllignLen = 0;
    if(m_ui32SendBufLen < m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szTxtLen) {
        if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
            szAllignLen = Allign1024(m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szTxtLen);
        } else {
            if((size_t)(m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf) > szTxtLen) {
                uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)(m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf);
                memmove(m_pSendBuf, m_pSendBufHead, (m_ui32SendBufDataLen-offset));
				m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf;
				m_ui32SendBufDataLen = m_ui32SendBufDataLen-offset;
            } else {
                szAllignLen = Allign1024(m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szTxtLen);
                size_t szMaxBufLen = (size_t)(((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER) == BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER) == true ?
                    ((Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen > Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen ? Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen : Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen)*2) :
                    (Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen > Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen ? Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen : Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen));
                szMaxBufLen = szMaxBufLen < 262144 ? 262144 :szMaxBufLen;
                if(szAllignLen > szMaxBufLen) {
                    // does the buffer size reached the maximum
                    if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_KEEP_SLOW_USERS] == false || (m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) {
                        // we want to drop the slow user
						m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
                        UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] %s (%s) SendBuffer overflow (AL:%zu[SL:%u|NL:%zu|FL:%zu]/ML:%zu). User disconnected.", 
							m_sNick, m_sIP, szAllignLen, m_ui32SendBufDataLen, szTxtLen, m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf, szMaxBufLen);
                        return false;
                    } else {
    				    UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] %s (%s) SendBuffer overflow (AL:%zu[SL:%u|NL:%zu|FL:%zu]/ML:%zu). Buffer cleared - user stays online.", 
							m_sNick, m_sIP, szAllignLen, m_ui32SendBufDataLen, szTxtLen, m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf, szMaxBufLen);
                    // we want to keep the slow user online
                    // PPK ... i don't want to corrupt last command, get rest of it and add to new buffer ;)
                    char *sTemp = (char *)memchr(m_pSendBufHead, '|', m_ui32SendBufDataLen-(m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf));
                    if(sTemp != NULL) {
                        uint32_t iOldSBDataLen = m_ui32SendBufDataLen;
                        uint32_t iRestCommandLen = (uint32_t)((sTemp-m_pSendBufHead)+1);
                        if(m_pSendBuf != m_pSendBufHead) {
                            memmove(m_pSendBuf, m_pSendBufHead, iRestCommandLen);
						m_ui32SendBufDataLen = iRestCommandLen;
                        // If is not needed then don't lost all data, try to find some space with removing only few oldest commands
                        if(szTxtLen < szMaxBufLen && iOldSBDataLen > (uint32_t)((sTemp+1)-m_pSendBuf) && (iOldSBDataLen-((sTemp+1)-m_pSendBuf)) > (uint32_t)szTxtLen) {
                            char *sTemp1;
                            // try to remove min half of send bufer
                            if(iOldSBDataLen > (m_ui32SendBufLen/2) && (uint32_t)((sTemp+1+szTxtLen)-m_pSendBuf) < (m_ui32SendBufLen/2)) {
                                sTemp1 = (char *)memchr(m_pSendBuf+(m_ui32SendBufLen/2), '|', iOldSBDataLen-(m_ui32SendBufLen/2));
                            } else {
                                sTemp1 = (char *)memchr(sTemp+1+szTxtLen, '|', iOldSBDataLen-((sTemp+1+szTxtLen)-m_pSendBuf));
                            if(sTemp1 != NULL) {
                                iRestCommandLen = (uint32_t)(iOldSBDataLen-((sTemp1+1)-m_pSendBuf));
                                memmove(m_pSendBuf+m_ui32SendBufDataLen, sTemp1+1, iRestCommandLen);
								m_ui32SendBufDataLen += iRestCommandLen;
                    } else {
						m_pSendBuf[0] = '|';
						m_pSendBuf[1] = '\0';
						m_ui32SendBufDataLen = 1;
                    size_t szAllignTxtLen = Allign1024(szTxtLen+m_ui32SendBufDataLen);
                    char * pOldBuf = m_pSendBuf;
#ifdef _WIN32
					m_pSendBuf = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, szAllignTxtLen);
					m_pSendBuf = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, szAllignTxtLen);
                    if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
						m_pSendBuf = pOldBuf;
						m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
                        AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot reallocate %zu bytes in User::PutInSendBuf-keepslow\n", szAllignLen);
                        return false;
					m_ui32SendBufLen = (uint32_t)(szAllignTxtLen-1);
					m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf;
                    szAllignLen = 0;
                } else {
                    szAllignLen = Allign1024(m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szTxtLen);
    } else if(m_ui32SendCalled > 100) {
        szAllignLen = Allign1024(m_ui32SendBufDataLen+szTxtLen);
        if(m_ui32SendBufLen <= szAllignLen) {
            szAllignLen = 0;
		m_ui32SendCalled = 0;
    if(szAllignLen != 0) {
        uint32_t offset = (m_pSendBuf == NULL ? 0 : (uint32_t)(m_pSendBufHead-m_pSendBuf));
        char * pOldBuf = m_pSendBuf;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
			m_pSendBuf = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szAllignLen);
        } else {
			m_pSendBuf = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
		m_pSendBuf = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, szAllignLen);
        if(m_pSendBuf == NULL) {
			m_pSendBuf = pOldBuf;
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot (re)allocate %zu bytes for new pSendBuf in User::PutInSendBuf\n", szAllignLen);
        	return false;
		m_ui32SendBufLen = (uint32_t)(szAllignLen-1);
		m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf+offset;
    // append data to the buffer
    memcpy(m_pSendBuf+m_ui32SendBufDataLen, sText, szTxtLen);
	m_ui32SendBufDataLen += (uint32_t)szTxtLen;
	m_pSendBuf[m_ui32SendBufDataLen] = '\0';
    return true;
bool User::Try2Send() {
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_ERROR) == BIT_ERROR || m_ui32SendBufDataLen == 0) {
        return false;
    // compute length of unsent data
    int32_t offset = (int32_t)(m_pSendBufHead - m_pSendBuf);
	int32_t len = m_ui32SendBufDataLen - offset;
	if(offset < 0 || len < 0) {
    	AppendDebugLogFormat("[ERR] Negative send values!\nSendBuf: %p\nPlayHead: %p\nDataLen: %u\n", m_pSendBuf, m_pSendBufHead, m_ui32SendBufDataLen);
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
        return false;
    int n = send(m_Socket, m_pSendBufHead, len < 32768 ? len : 32768, 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(n == SOCKET_ERROR) {
    	int iError = WSAGetLastError();
        if(iError != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
	if(n == -1) {
        if(errno != EAGAIN) {
			UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[ERR] %s (%s): send() error %s (%d). User is being closed.", m_sNick, m_sIP,
#ifdef _WIN32
				WSErrorStr(iError), iError);
				ErrnoStr(errno), errno);
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
	ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSent += n;
	// if buffer is sent then mark it as empty (first byte = 0)
	// else move remaining data on new place and free old buffer
	if(n < len) {
		m_pSendBufHead += n;
		return true;
	} else {
        // PPK ... we need to free memory allocated for big buffer on login (userlist, motd...)
        if(((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER) == BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER) == true) {
            if(m_pSendBuf != NULL) {
#ifdef _WIN32
               if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hSendHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_pSendBuf) == 0) {
					AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pSendBuf in User::Try2Send\n");
				m_pSendBuf = NULL;
				m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf;
				m_ui32SendBufLen = 0;
				m_ui32SendBufDataLen = 0;
			m_ui32BoolBits &= ~BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER;
        } else {
			m_pSendBuf[0] = '\0';
			m_pSendBufHead = m_pSendBuf;
			m_ui32SendBufDataLen = 0;
		return false;
void User::SetIP(char * sIP) {
    strcpy(m_sIP, sIP);
    m_ui8IpLen = (uint8_t)strlen(sIP);
void User::SetNick(char * sNick, const uint8_t ui8NickLen) {
	if(m_sNick != sDefaultNick && m_sNick != NULL) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sNick) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sNick in User::SetNick\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sNick = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ui8NickLen+1);
	m_sNick = (char *)malloc(ui8NickLen+1);
    if(m_sNick == NULL) {
        m_sNick = (char *)sDefaultNick;
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %" PRIu8 " bytes for m_sNick in User::SetNick\n", m_ui8NickLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sNick, sNick, ui8NickLen);
    m_sNick[ui8NickLen] = '\0';
    m_ui8NickLen = ui8NickLen;
    m_ui32NickHash = HashNick(m_sNick, m_ui8NickLen);
void User::SetMyInfoOriginal(char * sMyInfo, const uint16_t ui16MyInfoLen) {
    char * sOldMyInfo = m_sMyInfoOriginal;
    char * sOldDescription = m_sDescription;
    uint8_t ui8OldDescriptionLen = m_ui8DescriptionLen;
    char * sOldTag = m_sTag;
    uint8_t ui8OldTagLen = m_ui8TagLen;
    char * sOldConnection = m_sConnection;
    uint8_t ui8OldConnectionLen = m_ui8ConnectionLen;
    char * sOldEmail = m_sEmail;
    uint8_t ui8OldEmailLen = m_ui8EmailLen;
    uint64_t ui64OldShareSize = m_ui64SharedSize;
	if(m_sMyInfoOriginal != NULL) {
        m_sConnection = NULL;
        m_ui8ConnectionLen = 0;
        m_sDescription = NULL;
        m_ui8DescriptionLen = 0;
        m_sEmail = NULL;
        m_ui8EmailLen = 0;
        m_sTag = NULL;
        m_ui8TagLen = 0;
        m_sClient = NULL;
        m_ui8ClientLen = 0;
        m_sTagVersion = NULL;
        m_ui8TagVersionLen = 0;
        m_sMyInfoOriginal = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sMyInfoOriginal = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ui16MyInfoLen+1);
	m_sMyInfoOriginal = (char *)malloc(ui16MyInfoLen+1);
    if(m_sMyInfoOriginal == NULL) {
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %hu bytes for m_sMyInfoOriginal in UserSetMyInfoOriginal\n", ui16MyInfoLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sMyInfoOriginal, sMyInfo, ui16MyInfoLen);
    m_sMyInfoOriginal[ui16MyInfoLen] = '\0';
    m_ui16MyInfoOriginalLen = ui16MyInfoLen;
    if(ui8OldDescriptionLen != m_ui8DescriptionLen || (m_ui8DescriptionLen > 0 && memcmp(sOldDescription, m_sDescription, m_ui8DescriptionLen) != 0)) {
        m_ui32InfoBits |= INFOBIT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED;
    } else {
        m_ui32InfoBits &= ~INFOBIT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED;
    if(ui8OldTagLen != m_ui8TagLen || (m_ui8TagLen > 0 && memcmp(sOldTag, m_sTag, m_ui8TagLen) != 0)) {
        m_ui32InfoBits |= INFOBIT_TAG_CHANGED;
    } else {
        m_ui32InfoBits &= ~INFOBIT_TAG_CHANGED;
    if(ui8OldConnectionLen != m_ui8ConnectionLen || (m_ui8ConnectionLen > 0 && memcmp(sOldConnection, m_sConnection, m_ui8ConnectionLen) != 0)) {
        m_ui32InfoBits |= INFOBIT_CONNECTION_CHANGED;
    } else {
        m_ui32InfoBits &= ~INFOBIT_CONNECTION_CHANGED;
    if(ui8OldEmailLen != m_ui8EmailLen || (m_ui8EmailLen > 0 && memcmp(sOldEmail, m_sEmail, m_ui8EmailLen) != 0)) {
        m_ui32InfoBits |= INFOBIT_EMAIL_CHANGED;
    } else {
        m_ui32InfoBits &= ~INFOBIT_EMAIL_CHANGED;
    if(ui64OldShareSize != m_ui64SharedSize) {
        m_ui32InfoBits |= INFOBIT_SHARE_CHANGED;
    } else {
        m_ui32InfoBits &= ~INFOBIT_SHARE_CHANGED;
    if(sOldMyInfo != NULL) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)sOldMyInfo) == 0) {
            AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sOldMyInfo in UserSetMyInfoOriginal\n");
    if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_SHARE_SHORT_PERM) == INFOBIT_SHARE_SHORT_PERM) == false) {
        m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeShort = m_ui64SharedSize;
    if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_SHARE_LONG_PERM) == INFOBIT_SHARE_LONG_PERM) == false) {
        m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeLong = m_ui64SharedSize;
static void UserSetMyInfoLong(User * pUser, char * sMyInfoLong, const uint16_t &ui16MyInfoLongLen) {
	if(pUser->m_sMyInfoLong != NULL) {
        if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption != 2) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pUser->m_sMyInfoLong) == 0) {
            AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pUser->m_sMyInfoLong in UserSetMyInfoLong\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    pUser->m_sMyInfoLong = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ui16MyInfoLongLen+1);
	pUser->m_sMyInfoLong = (char *)malloc(ui16MyInfoLongLen+1);
    if(pUser->m_sMyInfoLong == NULL) {
        pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %hu bytes for m_sMyInfoLong in UserSetMyInfoLong\n", ui16MyInfoLongLen+1);
    memcpy(pUser->m_sMyInfoLong, sMyInfoLong, ui16MyInfoLongLen);
    pUser->m_sMyInfoLong[ui16MyInfoLongLen] = '\0';
    pUser->m_ui16MyInfoLongLen = ui16MyInfoLongLen;
static void UserSetMyInfoShort(User * pUser, char * sMyInfoShort, const uint16_t &ui16MyInfoShortLen) {
	if(pUser->m_sMyInfoShort != NULL) {
        if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption != 0) {
#ifdef _WIN32    	    
    	if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pUser->m_sMyInfoShort) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pUser->m_sMyInfoShort in UserSetMyInfoShort\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    pUser->m_sMyInfoShort = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ui16MyInfoShortLen+1);
	pUser->m_sMyInfoShort = (char *)malloc(ui16MyInfoShortLen+1);
    if(pUser->m_sMyInfoShort == NULL) {
        pUser->m_ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %hu bytes for m_sMyInfoShort in UserSetMyInfoShort\n", ui16MyInfoShortLen+1);
    memcpy(pUser->m_sMyInfoShort, sMyInfoShort, ui16MyInfoShortLen);
    pUser->m_sMyInfoShort[ui16MyInfoShortLen] = '\0';
    pUser->m_ui16MyInfoShortLen = ui16MyInfoShortLen;
void User::SetVersion(char * sVersion) {
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(m_sVersion) {
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sVersion) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sVersion in User::SetVersion\n");
    size_t szLen = strlen(sVersion);
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sVersion = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szLen+1);
	m_sVersion = (char *)malloc(szLen+1);
    if(m_sVersion == NULL) {
        m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for m_sVersion in User::SetVersion\n", szLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sVersion, sVersion, szLen);
    m_sVersion[szLen] = '\0';
void User::SetLastChat(char * sData, const size_t szLen) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_sLastChat != NULL) {
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastChat) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastChat in User::SetLastChat\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sLastChat = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szLen+1);
	m_sLastChat = (char *)malloc(szLen+1);
    if(m_sLastChat == NULL) {
        m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for m_sLastChat in User::SetLastChat\n", szLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sLastChat, sData, szLen);
    m_sLastChat[szLen] = '\0';
    m_ui16SameChatMsgs = 1;
    m_ui64SameChatsTick = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
    m_ui16LastChatLen = (uint16_t)szLen;
    m_ui16SameMultiChats = 0;
    m_ui16LastChatLines = 0;
void User::SetLastPM(char * sData, const size_t szLen) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_sLastPM != NULL) {
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastPM) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastPM in User::SetLastPM\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sLastPM = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szLen+1);
	m_sLastPM = (char *)malloc(szLen+1);
    if(m_sLastPM == NULL) {
        m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for m_sLastPM in User::SetLastPM\n", szLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sLastPM, sData, szLen);
    m_sLastPM[szLen] = '\0';
    m_ui16SamePMs = 1;
    m_ui64SamePMsTick = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
    m_ui16LastPMLen = (uint16_t)szLen;
    m_ui16SameMultiPms = 0;
    m_ui16LastPmLines = 0;
void User::SetLastSearch(char * sData, const size_t szLen) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(m_sLastSearch != NULL) {
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_sLastSearch) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate m_sLastSearch in User::SetLastSearch\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_sLastSearch = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szLen+1);
	m_sLastSearch = (char *)malloc(szLen+1);
    if(m_sLastSearch == NULL) {
        m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
        AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for m_sLastSearch in User::SetLastSearch\n", szLen+1);
    memcpy(m_sLastSearch, sData, szLen);
    m_sLastSearch[szLen] = '\0';
    m_ui16SameSearchs = 1;
    m_ui64SameSearchsTick = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
    m_ui16LastSearchLen = (uint16_t)szLen;
void User::SetBuffer(char * sKickMsg, size_t szLen/* = 0*/) {
    if(szLen == 0) {
        szLen = strlen(sKickMsg);
    if(m_pLogInOut == NULL) {
		m_pLogInOut = new (std::nothrow) LoginLogout();
        if(m_pLogInOut == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
    		AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate new pLogInOut in User::SetBuffer\n");
	void * pOldBuf = m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer;
    if(szLen < 512) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer == NULL) {
			m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szLen+1);
		} else {
			m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, pOldBuf, szLen+1);
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, szLen+1);
        if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for pBuffer in User::SetBuffer\n", szLen+1);
        memcpy(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer, sKickMsg, szLen);
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[szLen] = '\0';
    } else {
#ifdef _WIN32
		if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer == NULL) {
			m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 512);
		} else {
			m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, pOldBuf, 512);
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, 512);
        if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate 512 bytes for pBuffer in User::SetBuffer\n");
        memcpy(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer, sKickMsg, 508);
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[511] = '\0';
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[510] = '.';
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[509] = '.';
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer[508] = '.';
void User::FreeBuffer() {
    if(m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer != NULL) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer) == 0) {
            AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pLogInOut->pBuffer in User::FreeBuffer\n");
		m_pLogInOut->m_pBuffer = NULL;
void User::Close(const bool bNoQuit/* = false*/) {
    if(m_ui8State >= STATE_CLOSING) {
	// nick in hash table ?
	if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_HASHED) == BIT_HASHED) {
    // nick in nick/op list ?
    if(m_ui8State >= STATE_ADDME_2LOOP) {  
		Users::m_Ptr->DelFromNickList(m_sNick, (m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_OPERATOR) == BIT_OPERATOR);
        // PPK ... fix for QuickList nad ghost...
        // and fixing redirect all too ;)
        // and fix disconnect on send error too =)
        if(bNoQuit == false) {         
            int iMsgLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "$Quit %s|", m_sNick); 
            if(iMsgLen > 0) {
                GlobalDataQueue::m_Ptr->AddQueueItem(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iMsgLen, NULL, 0, GlobalDataQueue::CMD_QUIT);
#ifdef _BUILD_GUI
        if(::SendMessage(MainWindowPageUsersChat::m_Ptr->m_hWndPageItems[MainWindowPageUsersChat::BTN_AUTO_UPDATE_USERLIST], BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) {
		if(((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_HAVE_SHARECOUNTED) == BIT_HAVE_SHARECOUNTED) == true) {
            ServerManager::m_ui64TotalShare -= m_ui64SharedSize;
			m_ui32BoolBits &= ~BIT_HAVE_SHARECOUNTED;
    if(m_ui8State > STATE_ADDME_2LOOP) {
	m_ui8State = STATE_CLOSING;
    if(m_pCmdActive4Search != NULL) {
		m_pCmdActive4Search = NULL;
    if(m_pCmdActive6Search != NULL) {
		m_pCmdActive6Search = NULL;
    if(m_pCmdPassiveSearch != NULL) {
		m_pCmdPassiveSearch = NULL;
    PrcsdUsrCmd * cur = NULL,
        * next = m_pCmdStrt;
    while(next != NULL) {
        cur = next;
        next = cur->m_pNext;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)cur->m_sCommand) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate cur->m_sCommand in User::Close\n");
        cur->m_sCommand = NULL;
        delete cur;
	m_pCmdStrt = NULL;
	m_pCmdEnd = NULL;
    PrcsdToUsrCmd * curto = NULL,
        * nextto = m_pCmdToUserStrt;
    while(nextto != NULL) {
        curto = nextto;
        nextto = curto->m_pNext;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)curto->m_sCommand) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate curto->m_sCommand in User::Close\n");
        curto->m_sCommand = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)curto->m_sToNick) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate curto->m_sToNick in User::Close\n");
        curto->m_sToNick = NULL;
        delete curto;
	m_pCmdToUserStrt = NULL;
	m_pCmdToUserEnd = NULL;
    if(m_sMyInfoLong) {
    	if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption != 2) {
    if(m_sMyInfoShort) {
    	if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption != 0) {
    if(m_ui32SendBufDataLen == 0 || (m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_ERROR) == BIT_ERROR) {
		m_ui8State = STATE_REMME;
    } else {
        if(m_pLogInOut == NULL) {
			m_pLogInOut = new (std::nothrow) LoginLogout();
            if(m_pLogInOut == NULL) {
				m_ui8State = STATE_REMME;
        		AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate new pLogInOut in User::Close\n");
		m_pLogInOut->m_ui32ToCloseLoops = 100;
void User::Add2Userlist() {
    switch(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption) {
        case 0: {
        case 1: {
        case 2: {
void User::AddUserList() {
	m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_BIG_SEND_BUFFER;
	m_ui64LastNicklist = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
	if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_NOHELLO) == SUPPORTBIT_NOHELLO) == false) {
    	if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::ALLOWEDOPCHAT) == false || (SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_REG_OP_CHAT] == false ||
            (SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_REG_BOT] == true && SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBotsSameNick == true))) {
            if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen);
            } else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen == 0) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pZNickList = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZNickList,
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListSize, Allign16K);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen == 0) {
                        SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen);
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen;
                } else {
                    PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen);
                    ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZNickListLen;
        } else {
            // PPK ... OpChat bot is now visible only for OPs ;)
            int iLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "%s$$|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[SETTXT_OP_CHAT_NICK]);
            if(iLen > 0) {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListSize < Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen+iLen) {
                    char * pOldBuf = Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList;
#ifdef _WIN32
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListSize+NICKLISTSIZE+1);
					Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListSize+NICKLISTSIZE+1);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList == NULL) {
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList = pOldBuf;
						m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
						AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot reallocate %u bytes for m_pNickList in User::AddUserList\n", Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListSize+NICKLISTSIZE+1);
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListSize += NICKLISTSIZE;
                memcpy(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList+Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen-1, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iLen);
                Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen+(iLen-1)] = '\0';
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen+(iLen-1));
                Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen-1] = '|';
                Users::m_Ptr->m_pNickList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32NickListLen] = '\0';
	switch(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui8FullMyINFOOption) {
    	case 0: {
            if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen == 0) {
            if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen);
            } else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen == 0) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag,
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagSize, Allign128K);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen == 0) {
                        SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen);
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen;
                } else {
                    PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen);
                    ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen;
    	case 1: {
    		if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::SENDFULLMYINFOS) == false) {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen == 0) {
                if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                    SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen);
                } else {
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen == 0) {
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos,
                            Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosSize, Allign128K);
                        if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen == 0) {
                            SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen);
                        } else {
                            PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen);
                            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen;
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen;
    		} else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen == 0) {
                if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                    SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen);
                } else {
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen == 0) {
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag,
                            Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagSize, Allign128K);
                        if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen == 0) {
                            SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen);
                        } else {
                            PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen);
                            ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen;
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfosTag, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosTagLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosTagLen;
        case 2: {
            if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen == 0) {
            if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen);
            } else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen == 0) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos,
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosSize, Allign128K);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen == 0) {
                        SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen);
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen;
                } else {
                    PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZMyInfos, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen);
                    ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32MyInfosLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZMyInfosLen;
	if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::ALLOWEDOPCHAT) == false || (SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_REG_OP_CHAT] == false ||
        (SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_REG_BOT] == true && SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBotsSameNick == true))) {
        if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen > 9) {
            if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen);
            } else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen == 0) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pZOpList = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZOpList,
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListSize, Allign16K);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen == 0) {
                        SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen);
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen;
                } else {
                    PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen);
                    ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZOpListLen;
    } else {
        // PPK ... OpChat bot is now visible only for OPs ;)
        int iLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "%s$$|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[SETTXT_OP_CHAT_NICK]);
        if(iLen > 0) {
            if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListSize < Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen+iLen) {
                char * pOldBuf = Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList;
#ifdef _WIN32
                Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListSize+OPLISTSIZE+1);
				Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListSize+OPLISTSIZE+1);
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList == NULL) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList = pOldBuf;
					m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
                    AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot reallocate %u bytes for m_pOpList in User::AddUserList\n", Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListSize+OPLISTSIZE+1);
                Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListSize += OPLISTSIZE;
            memcpy(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList+Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen-1, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, iLen);
            Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen+(iLen-1)] = '\0';
            SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen+(iLen-1));
            Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen-1] = '|';
            Users::m_Ptr->m_pOpList[Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32OpListLen] = '\0';
    if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::SENDALLUSERIP) == true && ((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_USERIP2) == SUPPORTBIT_USERIP2) == true) {
        if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen > 9) {
            if(((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == SUPPORTBIT_ZPIPE) == false) {
                SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pUserIPList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen);
            } else {
                if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen == 0) {
                    Users::m_Ptr->m_pZUserIPList = ZlibUtility::m_Ptr->CreateZPipe(Users::m_Ptr->m_pUserIPList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_pZUserIPList,
                        Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListSize, Allign16K);
                    if(Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen == 0) {
                        SendCharDelayed(Users::m_Ptr->m_pUserIPList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen);
                    } else {
                        PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZUserIPList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen);
                        ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen;
                } else {
                    PutInSendBuf(Users::m_Ptr->m_pZUserIPList, Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen);
                    ServerManager::m_ui64BytesSentSaved += Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32UserIPListLen-Users::m_Ptr->m_ui32ZUserIPListLen;
bool User::GenerateMyInfoLong() { // true == changed
    // Prepare myinfo with nick
    int iLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "$MyINFO $ALL %s ", m_sNick);
    if(iLen <= 0) {
        return false;
    // Add description
    if(m_ui8ChangedDescriptionLongLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedDescriptionLong != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedDescriptionLong, m_ui8ChangedDescriptionLongLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedDescriptionLongLen;
            if(m_sChangedDescriptionLong != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedDescriptionLong, "sChangedDescriptionLong");
				m_sChangedDescriptionLong = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedDescriptionLongLen = 0;
    } else if(m_sDescription != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sDescription, (size_t)m_ui8DescriptionLen);
        iLen += m_ui8DescriptionLen;
    // Add tag
    if(m_ui8ChangedTagLongLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedTagLong != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedTagLong, m_ui8ChangedTagLongLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedTagLongLen;
        if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_TAG_LONG_PERM) == INFOBIT_TAG_LONG_PERM) == false) {
            if(m_sChangedTagLong != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedTagLong, "sChangedTagLong");
				m_sChangedTagLong = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedTagLongLen = 0;
    } else if(m_sTag != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sTag, (size_t)m_ui8TagLen);
        iLen += (int)m_ui8TagLen;
    memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, "$ $", 3);
    iLen += 3;
    // Add connection
    if(m_ui8ChangedConnectionLongLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedConnectionLong != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedConnectionLong, m_ui8ChangedConnectionLongLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedConnectionLongLen;
        if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_CONNECTION_LONG_PERM) == INFOBIT_CONNECTION_LONG_PERM) == false) {
            if(m_sChangedConnectionLong != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedConnectionLong, "sChangedConnectionLong");
				m_sChangedConnectionLong = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedConnectionLongLen = 0;
    } else if(m_sConnection != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sConnection, m_ui8ConnectionLen);
        iLen += m_ui8ConnectionLen;
    // add magicbyte
    uint8_t ui8Magic = m_ui8MagicByte;
    if(((m_ui32BoolBits & User::SUPPORTBIT_TLS2) == User::SUPPORTBIT_TLS2) == false) {
    	// should not be set if user not have TLS2 support
        ui8Magic &= ~0x10;
        ui8Magic &= ~0x20;
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_IPV4) == BIT_IPV4) {
        ui8Magic |= 0x40; // IPv4 support
    } else {
        ui8Magic &= ~0x40; // IPv4 support
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_IPV6) == BIT_IPV6) {
        ui8Magic |= 0x80; // IPv6 support
    } else {
        ui8Magic &= ~0x80; // IPv6 support
    ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen] = ui8Magic;
    ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen+1] = '$';
    iLen += 2;
    // Add email
    if(m_ui8ChangedEmailLongLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedEmailLong != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedEmailLong, m_ui8ChangedEmailLongLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedEmailLongLen;
        if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_EMAIL_LONG_PERM) == INFOBIT_EMAIL_LONG_PERM) == false) {
            if(m_sChangedEmailLong != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedEmailLong, "sChangedEmailLong");
				m_sChangedEmailLong = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedEmailLongLen = 0;
    } else if(m_sEmail != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sEmail, (size_t)m_ui8EmailLen);
        iLen += (int)m_ui8EmailLen;
    // Add share and end of myinfo
	int iRet = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize-iLen, "$%" PRIu64 "$|", m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeLong);
    if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_SHARE_LONG_PERM) == INFOBIT_SHARE_LONG_PERM) == false) {
		m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeLong = m_ui64SharedSize;
    if(iRet <= 0) {
        return false;
    iLen += iRet;
    if(m_sMyInfoLong != NULL) {
        if(m_ui16MyInfoLongLen == (uint16_t)iLen && memcmp(m_sMyInfoLong+14+m_ui8NickLen, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+14+m_ui8NickLen, m_ui16MyInfoLongLen-14-m_ui8NickLen) == 0) {
            return false;
    UserSetMyInfoLong(this, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, (uint16_t)iLen);
    return true;
bool User::GenerateMyInfoShort() { // true == changed
    // Prepare myinfo with nick
    int iLen = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize, "$MyINFO $ALL %s ", m_sNick);
    if(iLen <= 0) {
        return false;
    // Add mode to start of description if is enabled
    if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_MODE_TO_DESCRIPTION] == true && m_sModes[0] != 0) {
        char * sActualDescription = NULL;
        if(m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen != 0) {
            sActualDescription = m_sChangedDescriptionShort;
        } else if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_STRIP_DESCRIPTION] == true) {
            sActualDescription = m_sDescription;
        if(sActualDescription == NULL) {
            ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen] = m_sModes[0];
        } else if(sActualDescription[0] != m_sModes[0] && sActualDescription[1] != ' ') {
            ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen] = m_sModes[0];
            ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen+1] = ' ';
            iLen += 2;
    // Add description
    if(m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedDescriptionShort != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedDescriptionShort, m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen;
            if(m_sChangedDescriptionShort != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedDescriptionShort, "sChangedDescriptionShort");
				m_sChangedDescriptionShort = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedDescriptionShortLen = 0;
    } else if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_STRIP_DESCRIPTION] == false && m_sDescription != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sDescription, m_ui8DescriptionLen);
        iLen += m_ui8DescriptionLen;
    // Add tag
    if(m_ui8ChangedTagShortLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedTagShort != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedTagShort, m_ui8ChangedTagShortLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedTagShortLen;
        if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_TAG_SHORT_PERM) == INFOBIT_TAG_SHORT_PERM) == false) {
            if(m_sChangedTagShort != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedTagShort, "sChangedTagShort");
				m_sChangedTagShort = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedTagShortLen = 0;
    } else if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_STRIP_TAG] == false && m_sTag != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sTag, (size_t)m_ui8TagLen);
        iLen += (int)m_ui8TagLen;
    // Add mode to myinfo if is enabled
    if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_MODE_TO_MYINFO] == true && m_sModes[0] != 0) {
        int iRet = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize-iLen, "$%c$", m_sModes[0]);
        if(iRet <= 0) {
            return false;
        iLen += iRet;
    } else {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, "$ $", 3);
        iLen += 3;
    // Add connection
    if(m_ui8ChangedConnectionShortLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedConnectionShort != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedConnectionShort, m_ui8ChangedConnectionShortLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedConnectionShortLen;
            if(m_sChangedConnectionShort != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedConnectionShort, "sChangedConnectionShort");
				m_sChangedConnectionShort = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedConnectionShortLen = 0;
    } else if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_STRIP_CONNECTION] == false && m_sConnection != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sConnection, m_ui8ConnectionLen);
        iLen += m_ui8ConnectionLen;
    // add magicbyte
    uint8_t ui8Magic = m_ui8MagicByte;
    if(((m_ui32BoolBits & User::SUPPORTBIT_TLS2) == User::SUPPORTBIT_TLS2) == false) {
    	// should not be set if user not have TLS2 support
        ui8Magic &= ~0x10;
        ui8Magic &= ~0x20;
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_IPV4) == BIT_IPV4) {
        ui8Magic |= 0x40; // IPv4 support
    } else {
        ui8Magic &= ~0x40; // IPv4 support
    if((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_IPV6) == BIT_IPV6) {
        ui8Magic |= 0x80; // IPv6 support
    } else {
        ui8Magic &= ~0x80; // IPv6 support
    ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen] = ui8Magic;
    ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer[iLen+1] = '$';
    iLen += 2;
    // Add email
    if(m_ui8ChangedEmailShortLen != 0) {
        if(m_sChangedEmailShort != NULL) {
            memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sChangedEmailShort, m_ui8ChangedEmailShortLen);
            iLen += m_ui8ChangedEmailShortLen;
        if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_EMAIL_SHORT_PERM) == INFOBIT_EMAIL_SHORT_PERM) == false) {
            if(m_sChangedEmailShort != NULL) {
                User::FreeInfo(m_sChangedEmailShort, "sChangedEmailShort");
				m_sChangedEmailShort = NULL;
			m_ui8ChangedEmailShortLen = 0;
    } else if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_STRIP_EMAIL] == false && m_sEmail != NULL) {
        memcpy(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, m_sEmail, (size_t)m_ui8EmailLen);
        iLen += (int)m_ui8EmailLen;
    // Add share and end of myinfo
	int iRet = snprintf(ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+iLen, ServerManager::m_szGlobalBufferSize-iLen, "$%" PRIu64 "$|", m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeShort);
    if(((m_ui32InfoBits & INFOBIT_SHARE_SHORT_PERM) == INFOBIT_SHARE_SHORT_PERM) == false) {
		m_ui64ChangedSharedSizeShort = m_ui64SharedSize;
    if(iRet <= 0) {
        return false;
    iLen += iRet;
    if(m_sMyInfoShort != NULL) {
        if(m_ui16MyInfoShortLen == (uint16_t)iLen && memcmp(m_sMyInfoShort+14+m_ui8NickLen, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer+14+m_ui8NickLen, m_ui16MyInfoShortLen-14-m_ui8NickLen) == 0) {
            return false;
    UserSetMyInfoShort(this, ServerManager::m_pGlobalBuffer, (uint16_t)iLen);
    return true;
#ifdef _WIN32
void User::FreeInfo(char * sInfo, const char * sName) {
	if(sInfo != NULL) {
		if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)sInfo) == 0) {
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot deallocate %s in User::FreeInfo\n", sName);
void User::FreeInfo(char * sInfo, const char */* sName*/) {
void User::HasSuspiciousTag() {
	if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_REPORT_SUSPICIOUS_TAG] == true && SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_bBools[SETBOOL_SEND_STATUS_MESSAGES] == true) {
		m_sDescription[m_ui8DescriptionLen] = '\0';
		GlobalDataQueue::m_Ptr->StatusMessageFormat("User::HasSuspiciousTag", "<%s> *** %s (%s) %s. %s: %s|", SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], m_sNick, m_sIP, LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_HAS_SUSPICIOUS_TAG_CHECK_HIM], 
			LanguageManager::m_Ptr->m_sTexts[LAN_FULL_DESCRIPTION], m_sDescription);
		m_sDescription[m_ui8DescriptionLen] = '$';
	m_ui32BoolBits &= ~BIT_HAVE_BADTAG;
bool User::ProcessRules() {
    // if share limit enabled, check it
    if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NOSHARELIMIT) == false) {      
        if((SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui64MinShare != 0 && m_ui64SharedSize < SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui64MinShare) ||
            (SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui64MaxShare != 0 && m_ui64SharedSize > SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui64MaxShare)) {
            SendChar(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_SHARE_LIMIT_MSG], SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PreTextsLens[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_SHARE_LIMIT_MSG]);
            //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User with low or high share %s (%s) disconnected.", sNick, sIP);
            return false;
    // no Tag? Apply rule
    if(m_sTag == NULL) {
        if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NOTAGCHECK) == false) {
            if(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_NO_TAG_OPTION] != 0) {
                SendChar(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_NO_TAG_MSG], SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PreTextsLens[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_NO_TAG_MSG]);
                //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User without Tag %s (%s) redirected.", sNick, sIP);
                return false;
    } else {
        // min and max slot check
        if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NOSLOTCHECK) == false) {
            // TODO 2 -oPTA -ccheckers: $SR based slots fetching for no_tag users
			if((SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MIN_SLOTS_LIMIT] != 0 && m_ui32Slots < (uint32_t)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MIN_SLOTS_LIMIT]) ||
				(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_SLOTS_LIMIT] != 0 && m_ui32Slots > (uint32_t)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_SLOTS_LIMIT])) {
                SendChar(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_SLOTS_LIMIT_MSG], SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PreTextsLens[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_SLOTS_LIMIT_MSG]);
                //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User with bad slots %s (%s) disconnected.", sNick, sIP);
                return false;
        // slots/hub ration check
        if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NOSLOTHUBRATIO) == false && 
            SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_HUBS] != 0 && SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_SLOTS] != 0) {
            uint32_t slots = m_ui32Slots;
            uint32_t hubs = m_ui32Hubs > 0 ? m_ui32Hubs : 1;
        	if(((double)slots / hubs) < ((double)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_SLOTS] / SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_HUBS])) {
        	    SendChar(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_MSG], SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PreTextsLens[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SLOT_RATIO_MSG]);
                //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User with bad hub/slot ratio %s (%s) disconnected.", sNick, sIP);
                return false;
        // hub checker
        if(ProfileManager::m_Ptr->IsAllowed(this, ProfileManager::NOMAXHUBCHECK) == false && SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_HUBS_LIMIT] != 0) {
            if(m_ui32Hubs > (uint32_t)SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_i16Shorts[SETSHORT_MAX_HUBS_LIMIT]) {
                SendChar(SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_sPreTexts[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_MAX_HUBS_LIMIT_MSG], SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PreTextsLens[SettingManager::SETPRETXT_MAX_HUBS_LIMIT_MSG]);
                //UdpDebug::m_Ptr->BroadcastFormat("[SYS] User with bad hubs count %s (%s) disconnected.", sNick, sIP);
                return false;
    return true;
void User::AddPrcsdCmd(const uint8_t ui8Type, char * sCommand, const size_t szCommandLen, User * pToUser, const bool bIsPm/* = false*/) {
    if(ui8Type == PrcsdUsrCmd::CTM_MCTM_RCTM_SR_TO) {
        PrcsdToUsrCmd * cur = NULL,
            * next = m_pCmdToUserStrt;
        while(next != NULL) {
            cur = next;
            next = cur->m_pNext;
            if(cur->m_pToUser == pToUser) {
                char * pOldBuf = cur->m_sCommand;
#ifdef _WIN32
                cur->m_sCommand = (char *)HeapReAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pOldBuf, cur->m_ui32Len+szCommandLen+1);
				cur->m_sCommand = (char *)realloc(pOldBuf, cur->m_ui32Len+szCommandLen+1);
                if(cur->m_sCommand == NULL) {
                    cur->m_sCommand = pOldBuf;
					m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
					AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot reallocate %zu bytes in User::AddPrcsdCmd\n", cur->m_ui32Len+szCommandLen+1);
                memcpy(cur->m_sCommand+cur->m_ui32Len, sCommand, szCommandLen);
                cur->m_sCommand[cur->m_ui32Len+szCommandLen] = '\0';
                cur->m_ui32Len += (uint32_t)szCommandLen;
                cur->m_ui32PmCount += bIsPm == true ? 1 : 0;
        PrcsdToUsrCmd * pNewToCmd = new (std::nothrow) PrcsdToUsrCmd();
        if(pNewToCmd == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] User::AddPrcsdCmd cannot allocate new pNewToCmd\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
        pNewToCmd->m_sCommand = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szCommandLen+1);
		pNewToCmd->m_sCommand = (char *)malloc(szCommandLen+1);
        if(pNewToCmd->m_sCommand == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for sCommand in User::AddPrcsdCmd\n", szCommandLen+1);
            delete pNewToCmd;
        memcpy(pNewToCmd->m_sCommand, sCommand, szCommandLen);
        pNewToCmd->m_sCommand[szCommandLen] = '\0';
        pNewToCmd->m_ui32Len = (uint32_t)szCommandLen;
        pNewToCmd->m_ui32PmCount = bIsPm == true ? 1 : 0;
        pNewToCmd->m_ui32Loops = 0;
        pNewToCmd->m_pToUser = pToUser;
#ifdef _WIN32
        pNewToCmd->m_sToNick = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, pToUser->m_ui8NickLen+1);
		pNewToCmd->m_sToNick = (char *)malloc(pToUser->m_ui8NickLen+1);
        if(pNewToCmd->m_sToNick == NULL) {
			m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
			AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %" PRIu8 " bytes for ToNick in User::AddPrcsdCmd\n", pToUser->m_ui8NickLen+1);
#ifdef _WIN32
            if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pNewToCmd->m_sCommand) == 0) {
                AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pNewToCmd->sCommand in User::AddPrcsdCmd\n");
            delete pNewToCmd;
        memcpy(pNewToCmd->m_sToNick, pToUser->m_sNick, pToUser->m_ui8NickLen);
        pNewToCmd->m_sToNick[pToUser->m_ui8NickLen] = '\0';
        pNewToCmd->m_ui32ToNickLen = pToUser->m_ui8NickLen;
        pNewToCmd->m_pNext = NULL;
        if(m_pCmdToUserStrt == NULL) {
			m_pCmdToUserStrt = pNewToCmd;
			m_pCmdToUserEnd = pNewToCmd;
        } else {
			m_pCmdToUserEnd->m_pNext = pNewToCmd;
			m_pCmdToUserEnd = pNewToCmd;
    PrcsdUsrCmd * pNewcmd = new (std::nothrow) PrcsdUsrCmd();
    if(pNewcmd == NULL) {
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] User::AddPrcsdCmd cannot allocate new pNewcmd1\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
    pNewcmd->m_sCommand = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szCommandLen+1);
	pNewcmd->m_sCommand = (char *)malloc(szCommandLen+1);
    if(pNewcmd->m_sCommand == NULL) {
		m_ui32BoolBits |= BIT_ERROR;
		AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes for sCommand in User::AddPrcsdCmd1\n", szCommandLen+1);
        delete pNewcmd;
    memcpy(pNewcmd->m_sCommand, sCommand, szCommandLen);
    pNewcmd->m_sCommand[szCommandLen] = '\0';
    pNewcmd->m_ui32Len = (uint32_t)szCommandLen;
    pNewcmd->m_ui8Type = ui8Type;
    pNewcmd->m_pNext = NULL;
    pNewcmd->m_pPtr = (void *)pToUser;
    if(m_pCmdStrt == NULL) {
		m_pCmdStrt = pNewcmd;
		m_pCmdEnd = pNewcmd;
    } else {
        m_pCmdEnd->m_pNext = pNewcmd;
		m_pCmdEnd = pNewcmd;
void User::AddMeOrIPv4Check() {
    if(((m_ui32BoolBits & BIT_IPV6) == BIT_IPV6) && ((m_ui32SupportBits & SUPPORTBIT_IPV4) == SUPPORTBIT_IPV4) && ServerManager::m_sHubIP[0] != '\0' && ServerManager::m_bUseIPv4 == true) {
		m_ui8State = STATE_IPV4_CHECK;
		m_pLogInOut->m_ui64IPv4CheckTick = ServerManager::m_ui64ActualTick;
        SendFormat("AddMeOrIPv4Check", true, "$ConnectToMe %s %s:%hu|", m_sNick, ServerManager::m_sHubIP, SettingManager::m_Ptr->m_ui16PortNumbers[0]);
    } else {
		m_ui8State = STATE_ADDME;
char * User::SetUserInfo(char * sOldData, uint8_t &ui8OldDataLen, char * sNewData, const size_t szNewDataLen, const char * sDataName) {
    if(sOldData != NULL) {
        User::FreeInfo(sOldData, sDataName);
        sOldData = NULL;
        ui8OldDataLen = 0;
    if(szNewDataLen > 0) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        sOldData = (char *)HeapAlloc(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, szNewDataLen+1);
        sOldData = (char *)malloc(szNewDataLen+1);
        if(sOldData == NULL) {
            AppendDebugLogFormat("[MEM] Cannot allocate %zu bytes in User::SetUserInfo\n", szNewDataLen+1);
            return sOldData;
        memcpy(sOldData, sNewData, szNewDataLen);
        sOldData[szNewDataLen] = '\0';
        ui8OldDataLen = (uint8_t)szNewDataLen;
    } else {
        ui8OldDataLen = 1;
    return sOldData;
void User::RemFromSendBuf(const char * sData, const uint32_t ui32Len, const uint32_t ui32SendBufLen) {
	char *match = strstr(m_pSendBuf+ui32SendBufLen, sData);
    if(match != NULL) {
        memmove(match, match+ui32Len, m_ui32SendBufDataLen-((match+(ui32Len))-m_pSendBuf));
		m_ui32SendBufDataLen -= ui32Len;
		m_pSendBuf[m_ui32SendBufDataLen] = '\0';
void User::DeletePrcsdUsrCmd(PrcsdUsrCmd * pCommand) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if(HeapFree(ServerManager::m_hPtokaXHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (void *)pCommand->m_sCommand) == 0) {
        AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot deallocate pCommand->m_sCommand in User::DeletePrcsdUsrCmd\n");
    delete pCommand;

V220 Suspicious sequence of types castings: memsize -> 32-bit integer -> memsize. The value being cast: 'szTxtLen'.

V127 An overflow of the 32-bit 'reqVals' variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.

V127 An overflow of the 32-bit 'reqVals' variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.

V127 An overflow of the 32-bit 'reqVals' variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.

V127 An overflow of the 32-bit 'reqVals' variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.

V127 An overflow of the 32-bit 'reqVals' variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items 'm_ui32OLimit', 'm_ui32LLimit', 'm_ui32LLimit', 'm_ui32DLimit' in lines 430, 437, 444, 451.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'atoi' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'HeapReAlloc' function. Inspect the third argument.

V769 The 'm_pSendBuf' pointer in the 'm_pSendBuf + m_ui32SendBufDataLen' expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.