// File: WinCtrl.cpp
// Desc: DirectShow base classes - implements video control interface class.
// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
#include "streams.h"
#include <intsafe.h>
#include "checkbmi.h"
// The control interface methods require us to be connected
#define CheckConnected(pin,code)                    \
{                                                   \
    if (pin == NULL) {                              \
        ASSERT(!TEXT("Pin not set"));               \
    } else if (pin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {       \
        return (code);                              \
    }                                               \
// This checks to see whether the window has a drain. An application can in
// most environments set the owner/parent of windows so that they appear in
// a compound document context (for example). In this case, the application
// would probably like to be told of any keyboard/mouse messages. Therefore
// we pass these messages on untranslated, returning TRUE if we're successful
BOOL WINAPI PossiblyEatMessage(HWND hwndDrain, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    if (hwndDrain != NULL && !InSendMessage())
        switch (uMsg)
            case WM_CHAR:
            case WM_DEADCHAR:
            case WM_KEYDOWN:
            case WM_KEYUP:
            case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_LBUTTONUP:
            case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_MBUTTONUP:
            case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE:
            case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
            // If we pass this on we don't get any mouse clicks
            //case WM_NCHITTEST:
            case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_NCLBUTTONUP:
            case WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_NCMBUTTONUP:
            case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE:
            case WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_NCRBUTTONUP:
            case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK:
            case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
            case WM_RBUTTONUP:
            case WM_SYSCHAR:
            case WM_SYSDEADCHAR:
            case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
            case WM_SYSKEYUP:
                DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("Forwarding %x to drain")));
                PostMessage(hwndDrain, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
// This class implements the IVideoWindow control functions (dual interface)
// we support a large number of properties and methods designed to allow the
// client (whether it be an automation controller or a C/C++ application) to
// set and get a number of window related properties such as it's position.
// We also support some methods that duplicate the properties but provide a
// more direct and efficient mechanism as many values may be changed in one
                        __inout CBaseFilter *pFilter,     // Owning filter
                        __in CCritSec *pInterfaceLock,    // Locking object
                        __in_opt LPCTSTR pName,           // Object description
                        __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,       // Normal COM ownership
                        __inout HRESULT *phr) :           // OLE return code
    m_BorderColour = VIDEO_COLOUR;
// Set the title caption on the base window, we don't do any field checking
// as we really don't care what title they intend to have. We can always get
// it back again later with GetWindowText. The only other complication is to
// do the necessary string conversions between ANSI and OLE Unicode strings
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Caption(__in BSTR strCaption)
#ifdef UNICODE
    SetWindowText(m_hwnd, strCaption);
    CHAR Caption[CAPTION];
    SetWindowText(m_hwnd, Caption);
    return NOERROR;
// Get the current base window title caption, once again we do no real field
// checking. We allocate a string for the window title to be filled in with
// which ensures the interface doesn't fiddle around with getting memory. A
// BSTR is a normal C string with the length at position (-1), we use the
// WriteBSTR helper function to create the caption to try and avoid OLE32
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Caption(__out BSTR *pstrCaption)
    WCHAR WideCaption[CAPTION];
#ifdef UNICODE
    // Convert the ASCII caption to a UNICODE string
    TCHAR Caption[CAPTION];
    return WriteBSTR(pstrCaption,WideCaption);
// Set the window style using GWL_EXSTYLE
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyleEx(long WindowStyleEx)
    // Should we be taking off WS_EX_TOPMOST
    if (GetWindowLong(m_hwnd,GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) {
        if ((WindowStyleEx & WS_EX_TOPMOST) == 0) {
            SendMessage(m_hwnd,m_ShowStageTop,(WPARAM) FALSE,(LPARAM) 0);
    // Likewise should we be adding WS_EX_TOPMOST
    if (WindowStyleEx & WS_EX_TOPMOST) {
        SendMessage(m_hwnd,m_ShowStageTop,(WPARAM) TRUE,(LPARAM) 0);
        WindowStyleEx &= (~WS_EX_TOPMOST);
        if (WindowStyleEx == 0) return NOERROR;
    return DoSetWindowStyle(WindowStyleEx,GWL_EXSTYLE);
// Gets the current GWL_EXSTYLE base window style
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyleEx(__out long *pWindowStyleEx)
    return DoGetWindowStyle(pWindowStyleEx,GWL_EXSTYLE);
// Set the window style using GWL_STYLE
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyle(long WindowStyle)
    // These styles cannot be changed dynamically
    if ((WindowStyle & WS_DISABLED) ||
        (WindowStyle & WS_ICONIC) ||
        (WindowStyle & WS_MAXIMIZE) ||
        (WindowStyle & WS_MINIMIZE) ||
        (WindowStyle & WS_HSCROLL) ||
        (WindowStyle & WS_VSCROLL)) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    return DoSetWindowStyle(WindowStyle,GWL_STYLE);
// Get the current GWL_STYLE base window style
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyle(__out long *pWindowStyle)
    return DoGetWindowStyle(pWindowStyle,GWL_STYLE);
// Change the base window style or the extended styles depending on whether
// WindowLong is GWL_STYLE or GWL_EXSTYLE. We must call SetWindowPos to have
// the window displayed in it's new style after the change which is a little
// tricky if the window is not currently visible as we realise it offscreen.
// In most cases the client will call get_WindowStyle before they call this
// and then AND and OR in extra bit settings according to the requirements
HRESULT CBaseControlWindow::DoSetWindowStyle(long Style,long WindowLong)
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Get the window's visibility before setting the style
    BOOL bVisible = IsWindowVisible(m_hwnd);
    // Set the new style flags for the window
    // Show the window again in the current position
    if (bVisible == TRUE) {
        SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,            // Base window handle
                     HWND_TOP,          // Just a place holder
                     0,0,0,0,           // Leave size and position
                     WindowFlags);      // Just draw it again
        return NOERROR;
    // Move the window offscreen so the user doesn't see the changes
    MoveWindow((HWND) m_hwnd,                     // Base window handle
               GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),     // Current desktop width
               GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN),     // Likewise it's height
               WIDTH(&WindowRect),                // Use the same width
               HEIGHT(&WindowRect),               // Keep height same to
               TRUE);                             // May as well repaint
    // Now show the previously hidden window
    SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,            // Base window handle
                 HWND_TOP,          // Just a place holder
                 0,0,0,0,           // Leave size and position
                 WindowFlags);      // Just draw it again
    if (GetParent(m_hwnd)) {
        MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(m_hwnd), (LPPOINT)&WindowRect, 2);
    MoveWindow((HWND) m_hwnd,        // Base window handle
               WindowRect.left,      // Existing x coordinate
               WindowRect.top,       // Existing y coordinate
               WIDTH(&WindowRect),   // Use the same width
               HEIGHT(&WindowRect),  // Keep height same to
               TRUE);                // May as well repaint
    return NOERROR;
// Get the current base window style (either GWL_STYLE or GWL_EXSTYLE)
HRESULT CBaseControlWindow::DoGetWindowStyle(__out long *pStyle,long WindowLong)
    *pStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hwnd,WindowLong);
    return NOERROR;
// Change the visibility of the base window, this takes the same parameters
// as the ShowWindow Win32 API does, so the client can have the window hidden
// or shown, minimised to an icon, or maximised to play in full screen mode
// We pass the request on to the base window to actually make the change
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowState(long WindowState)
    return NOERROR;
// Get the current window state, this function returns a subset of the SW bit
// settings available in ShowWindow, if the window is visible then SW_SHOW is
// set, if it is hidden then the SW_HIDDEN is set, if it is either minimised
// or maximised then the SW_MINIMIZE or SW_MAXIMIZE is set respectively. The
// other SW bit settings are really set commands not readable output values
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowState(__out long *pWindowState)
    *pWindowState = FALSE;
    // Is the window visible, a window is termed visible if it is somewhere on
    // the current desktop even if it is completely obscured by other windows
    // so the flag is a style for each window set with the WS_VISIBLE bit
    if (IsWindowVisible(m_hwnd) == TRUE) {
        // Is the base window iconic
        if (IsIconic(m_hwnd) == TRUE) {
            *pWindowState |= SW_MINIMIZE;
        // Has the window been maximised
        else if (IsZoomed(m_hwnd) == TRUE) {
            *pWindowState |= SW_MAXIMIZE;
        // Window is normal
        else {
            *pWindowState |= SW_SHOW;
    } else {
        *pWindowState |= SW_HIDE;
    return NOERROR;
// This makes sure that any palette we realise in the base window (through a
// media type or through the overlay interface) is done in the background and
// is therefore mapped to existing device entries rather than taking it over
// as it will do when we this window gets the keyboard focus. An application
// uses this to make sure it doesn't have it's palette removed by the window
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_BackgroundPalette(long BackgroundPalette)
    CAutoLock cWindowLock(&m_WindowLock);
    // Check this is a valid automation boolean type
    if (BackgroundPalette != OATRUE) {
        if (BackgroundPalette != OAFALSE) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Make sure the window realises any palette it has again
    m_bBackground = (BackgroundPalette == OATRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// This returns the current background realisation setting
CBaseControlWindow::get_BackgroundPalette(__out long *pBackgroundPalette)
    CAutoLock cWindowLock(&m_WindowLock);
    // Get the current background palette setting
    *pBackgroundPalette = (m_bBackground == TRUE ? OATRUE : OAFALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// Change the visibility of the base window
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Visible(long Visible)
    // Check this is a valid automation boolean type
    if (Visible != OATRUE) {
        if (Visible != OAFALSE) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Convert the boolean visibility into SW_SHOW and SW_HIDE
    INT Mode = (Visible == OATRUE ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE);
    return NOERROR;
// Return OATRUE if the window is currently visible otherwise OAFALSE
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Visible(__out long *pVisible)
    // See if the base window has a WS_VISIBLE style - this will return TRUE
    // even if the window is completely obscured by other desktop windows, we
    // return FALSE if the window is not showing because of earlier calls
    BOOL Mode = IsWindowVisible(m_hwnd);
    *pVisible = (Mode == TRUE ? OATRUE : OAFALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// Change the left position of the base window. This keeps the window width
// and height properties the same so it effectively shunts the window left or
// right accordingly - there is the Width property to change that dimension
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Left(long Left)
    BOOL bSuccess;
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Get the current window position in a RECT
    if (GetParent(m_hwnd)) {
        MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(m_hwnd), (LPPOINT)&WindowRect, 2);
    // Adjust the coordinates ready for SetWindowPos, the window rectangle we
    // get back from GetWindowRect is in left,top,right and bottom while the
    // coordinates SetWindowPos wants are left,top,width and height values
    WindowRect.bottom = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top;
    WindowRect.right = WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left;
    bSuccess = SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,                // Window handle
                            HWND_TOP,              // Put it at the top
                            Left,                  // New left position
                            WindowRect.top,        // Leave top alone
                            WindowRect.right,      // The WIDTH (not right)
                            WindowRect.bottom,     // The HEIGHT (not bottom)
                            WindowFlags);          // Show window options
    if (bSuccess == FALSE) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current base window left position
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Left(__out long *pLeft)
    RECT WindowRect;
    *pLeft = WindowRect.left;
    return NOERROR;
// Change the current width of the base window. This property complements the
// left position property so we must keep the left edge constant and expand or
// contract to the right, the alternative would be to change the left edge so
// keeping the right edge constant but this is maybe a little more intuitive
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Width(long Width)
    BOOL bSuccess;
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Adjust the coordinates ready for SetWindowPos, the window rectangle we
    // get back from GetWindowRect is in left,top,right and bottom while the
    // coordinates SetWindowPos wants are left,top,width and height values
    if (GetParent(m_hwnd)) {
        MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(m_hwnd), (LPPOINT)&WindowRect, 2);
    WindowRect.bottom = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top;
    // This seems to have a bug in that calling SetWindowPos on a window with
    // just the width changing causes it to ignore the width that you pass in
    // and sets it to a mimimum value of 110 pixels wide (Windows NT 3.51)
    bSuccess = SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,                // Window handle
                            HWND_TOP,              // Put it at the top
                            WindowRect.left,       // Leave left alone
                            WindowRect.top,        // Leave top alone
                            Width,                 // New WIDTH dimension
                            WindowRect.bottom,     // The HEIGHT (not bottom)
                            WindowFlags);          // Show window options
    if (bSuccess == FALSE) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current base window width
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Width(__out long *pWidth)
    RECT WindowRect;
    *pWidth = WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left;
    return NOERROR;
// This allows the client program to change the top position for the window in
// the same way that changing the left position does not affect the width of
// the image so changing the top position does not affect the window height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Top(long Top)
    BOOL bSuccess;
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Get the current window position in a RECT
    if (GetParent(m_hwnd)) {
        MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(m_hwnd), (LPPOINT)&WindowRect, 2);
    // Adjust the coordinates ready for SetWindowPos, the window rectangle we
    // get back from GetWindowRect is in left,top,right and bottom while the
    // coordinates SetWindowPos wants are left,top,width and height values
    WindowRect.bottom = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top;
    WindowRect.right = WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left;
    bSuccess = SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,                // Window handle
                            HWND_TOP,              // Put it at the top
                            WindowRect.left,       // Leave left alone
                            Top,                   // New top position
                            WindowRect.right,      // The WIDTH (not right)
                            WindowRect.bottom,     // The HEIGHT (not bottom)
                            WindowFlags);          // Show window flags
    if (bSuccess == FALSE) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current base window top position
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Top(long *pTop)
    RECT WindowRect;
    *pTop = WindowRect.top;
    return NOERROR;
// Change the height of the window, this complements the top property so when
// we change this we must keep the top position for the base window, as said
// before we could keep the bottom and grow upwards although this is perhaps
// a little more intuitive since we already have a top position property
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Height(long Height)
    BOOL bSuccess;
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Adjust the coordinates ready for SetWindowPos, the window rectangle we
    // get back from GetWindowRect is in left,top,right and bottom while the
    // coordinates SetWindowPos wants are left,top,width and height values
    if (GetParent(m_hwnd)) {
        MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(m_hwnd), (LPPOINT)&WindowRect, 2);
    WindowRect.right = WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left;
    bSuccess = SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,                // Window handle
                            HWND_TOP,              // Put it at the top
                            WindowRect.left,       // Leave left alone
                            WindowRect.top,        // Leave top alone
                            WindowRect.right,      // The WIDTH (not right)
                            Height,                // New height dimension
                            WindowFlags);          // Show window flags
    if (bSuccess == FALSE) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current base window height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Height(__out long *pHeight)
    RECT WindowRect;
    *pHeight = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top;
    return NOERROR;
// This can be called to change the owning window. Setting the owner is done
// through this function, however to make the window a true child window the
// style must also be set to WS_CHILD. After resetting the owner to NULL an
// application should also set the style to WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CLIPCHILDREN.
// We cannot lock the object here because the SetParent causes an interthread
// SendMessage to the owner window. If they are in GetState we will sit here
// incomplete with the critical section locked therefore blocking out source
// filter threads from accessing us. Because the source thread can't enter us
// it can't get buffers or call EndOfStream so the GetState will not complete
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_Owner(OAHWND Owner)
    // Check we are connected otherwise reject the call
    m_hwndOwner = (HWND) Owner;
    HWND hwndParent = m_hwndOwner;
    // Add or remove WS_CHILD as appropriate
    LONG Style = GetWindowLong(m_hwnd,GWL_STYLE);
    if (Owner == NULL) {
        Style &= (~WS_CHILD);
    } else {
        Style |= (WS_CHILD);
    // Don't call this with the filter locked
    NOTE1("Changed parent %lx",hwndParent);
    return NOERROR;
// This complements the put_Owner to get the current owning window property
// we always return NOERROR although the returned window handle may be NULL
// to indicate no owning window (the desktop window doesn't qualify as one)
// If an application sets the owner we call SetParent, however that returns
// NULL until the WS_CHILD bit is set on, so we store the owner internally
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_Owner(__out OAHWND *Owner)
    *Owner = (OAHWND) m_hwndOwner;
    return NOERROR;
// And renderer supporting IVideoWindow may have an HWND set who will get any
// keyboard and mouse messages we receive posted on to them. This is separate
// from setting an owning window. By separating the two, applications may get
// messages sent on even when they have set no owner (perhaps it's maximised)
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_MessageDrain(OAHWND Drain)
    // Check we are connected otherwise reject the call
    m_hwndDrain = (HWND) Drain;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current message drain
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_MessageDrain(__out OAHWND *Drain)
    *Drain = (OAHWND) m_hwndDrain;
    return NOERROR;
// This is called by the filter graph to inform us of a message we should know
// is being sent to our owning window. We have this because as a child window
// we do not get certain messages that are only sent to top level windows. We
// must see the palette changed/changing/query messages so that we know if we
// have the foreground palette or not. We pass the message on to our window
// using SendMessage - this will cause an interthread send message to occur
CBaseControlWindow::NotifyOwnerMessage(OAHWND hwnd,    // Window handle
                                       long uMsg,    // Message ID
                                       LONG_PTR wParam,  // Parameters
                                       LONG_PTR lParam)  // for message
    // Only interested in these Windows messages
    switch (uMsg) {
        case WM_DEVMODECHANGE:
        case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:
        case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
            // If we do not have an owner then ignore
            if (m_hwndOwner == NULL) {
                return NOERROR;
	// do NOT fwd WM_MOVE. the parameters are the location of the parent
	// window, NOT what the renderer should be looking at.  But we need
	// to make sure the overlay is moved with the parent window, so we
	// do this.
	case WM_MOVE:
    return NOERROR;
// Allow an application to have us set the base window in the foreground. We
// have this because it is difficult for one thread to do do this to a window
// owned by another thread. We ask the base window class to do the real work
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::SetWindowForeground(long Focus)
    // Check this is a valid automation boolean type
    if (Focus != OATRUE) {
        if (Focus != OAFALSE) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    // We shouldn't lock as this sends a message
    BOOL bFocus = (Focus == OATRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// This allows a client to set the complete window size and position in one
// atomic operation. The same affect can be had by changing each dimension
// in turn through their individual properties although some flashing will
// occur as each of them gets updated (they are better set at design time)
CBaseControlWindow::SetWindowPosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height)
    BOOL bSuccess;
    // Set the new size and position
    bSuccess = SetWindowPos(m_hwnd,         // Window handle
                            HWND_TOP,       // Put it at the top
                            Left,           // Left position
                            Top,            // Top position
                            Width,          // Window width
                            Height,         // Window height
                            WindowFlags);   // Show window flags
#ifdef _DEBUG
    DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 1, TEXT("SWP failed error %d"), GetLastError()));
    if (bSuccess == FALSE) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// This complements the SetWindowPosition to return the current window place
// in device coordinates. As before the same information can be retrived by
// calling the property get functions individually but this is atomic and is
// therefore more suitable to a live environment rather than design time
CBaseControlWindow::GetWindowPosition(__out long *pLeft,__out long *pTop,__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Should check the pointers are not NULL
    RECT WindowRect;
    // Get the current window coordinates
    // Convert the RECT into left,top,width and height values
    *pLeft = WindowRect.left;
    *pTop = WindowRect.top;
    *pWidth = WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left;
    *pHeight = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top;
    return NOERROR;
// When a window is maximised or iconic calling GetWindowPosition will return
// the current window position (likewise for the properties). However if the
// restored size (ie the size we'll return to when normally shown) is needed
// then this should be used. When in a normal position (neither iconic nor
// maximised) then this returns the same coordinates as GetWindowPosition
CBaseControlWindow::GetRestorePosition(__out long *pLeft,__out long *pTop,__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Should check the pointers are not NULL
    // Use GetWindowPlacement to find the restore position
    Place.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
    RECT WorkArea;
    // We must take into account any task bar present
    if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&WorkArea,FALSE) == TRUE) {
        if (GetParent(m_hwnd) == NULL) {
            Place.rcNormalPosition.top += WorkArea.top;
            Place.rcNormalPosition.bottom += WorkArea.top;
            Place.rcNormalPosition.left += WorkArea.left;
            Place.rcNormalPosition.right += WorkArea.left;
    // Convert the RECT into left,top,width and height values
    *pLeft = Place.rcNormalPosition.left;
    *pTop = Place.rcNormalPosition.top;
    *pWidth = Place.rcNormalPosition.right - Place.rcNormalPosition.left;
    *pHeight = Place.rcNormalPosition.bottom - Place.rcNormalPosition.top;
    return NOERROR;
// Return the current border colour, if we are playing something to a subset
// of the base window display there is an outside area exposed. The default
// action is to paint this colour in the Windows background colour (defined
// as value COLOR_WINDOW) We reset to this default when we're disconnected
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_BorderColor(__out long *Color)
    *Color = (long) m_BorderColour;
    return NOERROR;
// This can be called to set the current border colour
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_BorderColor(long Color)
    // Have the window repainted with the new border colour
    m_BorderColour = (COLORREF) Color;
    return NOERROR;
// Delegate fullscreen handling to plug in distributor
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_FullScreenMode(__out long *FullScreenMode)
    return E_NOTIMPL;
// Delegate fullscreen handling to plug in distributor
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_FullScreenMode(long FullScreenMode)
    return E_NOTIMPL;
// This sets the auto show property, this property causes the base window to
// be displayed whenever we change state. This allows an application to have
// to do nothing to have the window appear but still allow them to change the
// default behaviour if for example they want to keep it hidden for longer
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::put_AutoShow(long AutoShow)
    // Check this is a valid automation boolean type
    if (AutoShow != OATRUE) {
        if (AutoShow != OAFALSE) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    m_bAutoShow = (AutoShow == OATRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// This can be called to get the current auto show flag. The flag is updated
// when we connect and disconnect and through this interface all of which are
// controlled and serialised by means of the main renderer critical section
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::get_AutoShow(__out long *AutoShow)
    *AutoShow = (m_bAutoShow == TRUE ? OATRUE : OAFALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// Return the minimum ideal image size for the current video. This may differ
// to the actual video dimensions because we may be using DirectDraw hardware
// that has specific stretching requirements. For example the Cirrus Logic
// cards have a minimum stretch factor depending on the overlay surface size
CBaseControlWindow::GetMinIdealImageSize(__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Must not be stopped for this to work correctly
    if (State == State_Stopped) {
        return VFW_E_WRONG_STATE;
    RECT DefaultRect = GetDefaultRect();
    *pWidth = WIDTH(&DefaultRect);
    *pHeight = HEIGHT(&DefaultRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Return the maximum ideal image size for the current video. This may differ
// to the actual video dimensions because we may be using DirectDraw hardware
// that has specific stretching requirements. For example the Cirrus Logic
// cards have a maximum stretch factor depending on the overlay surface size
CBaseControlWindow::GetMaxIdealImageSize(__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Must not be stopped for this to work correctly
    if (State == State_Stopped) {
        return VFW_E_WRONG_STATE;
    RECT DefaultRect = GetDefaultRect();
    *pWidth = WIDTH(&DefaultRect);
    *pHeight = HEIGHT(&DefaultRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Allow an application to hide the cursor on our window
CBaseControlWindow::HideCursor(long HideCursor)
    // Check this is a valid automation boolean type
    if (HideCursor != OATRUE) {
        if (HideCursor != OAFALSE) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    m_bCursorHidden = (HideCursor == OATRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// Returns whether we have the cursor hidden or not
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlWindow::IsCursorHidden(__out long *CursorHidden)
    *CursorHidden = (m_bCursorHidden == TRUE ? OATRUE : OAFALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// This class implements the IBasicVideo control functions (dual interface)
// we support a large number of properties and methods designed to allow the
// client (whether it be an automation controller or a C/C++ application) to
// set and get a number of video related properties such as the native video
// size. We support some methods that duplicate the properties but provide a
// more direct and efficient mechanism as many values may be changed in one
                        __inout CBaseFilter *pFilter,     // Owning filter
                        __in CCritSec *pInterfaceLock,    // Locking object
                        __in_opt LPCTSTR pName,           // Object description
                        __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,       // Normal COM ownership
                        __inout HRESULT *phr) :           // OLE return code
// Return an approximate average time per frame
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_AvgTimePerFrame(__out REFTIME *pAvgTimePerFrame)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    COARefTime AvgTime(pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame);
    *pAvgTimePerFrame = (REFTIME) AvgTime;
    return NOERROR;
// Return an approximate bit rate for the video
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_BitRate(__out long *pBitRate)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *pBitRate = pVideoInfo->dwBitRate;
    return NOERROR;
// Return an approximate bit error rate
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_BitErrorRate(__out long *pBitErrorRate)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *pBitErrorRate = pVideoInfo->dwBitErrorRate;
    return NOERROR;
// This returns the current video width
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_VideoWidth(__out long *pVideoWidth)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *pVideoWidth = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
    return NOERROR;
// This returns the current video height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_VideoHeight(__out long *pVideoHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *pVideoHeight = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    return NOERROR;
// This returns the current palette the video is using as an array allocated
// by the user. To remain consistent we use PALETTEENTRY fields to return the
// colours in rather than RGBQUADs that multimedia decided to use. The memory
// is allocated by the user so we simple copy each in turn. We check that the
// number of entries requested and the start position offset are both valid
// If the number of entries evaluates to zero then we return an S_FALSE code
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoPaletteEntries(long StartIndex,
                                                       long Entries,
                                                       __out long *pRetrieved,
                                                       __out_ecount_part(Entries, *pRetrieved) long *pPalette)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    CMediaType MediaType;
    // Get the video format from the derived class
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pVideoInfo);
    // Is the current format palettised
    if (PALETTISED(pVideoInfo) == FALSE) {
        *pRetrieved = 0;
    // Do they just want to know how many are available
    if (pPalette == NULL) {
        *pRetrieved = pHeader->biClrUsed;
        return NOERROR;
    // Make sure the start position is a valid offset
    if (StartIndex >= (LONG) pHeader->biClrUsed || StartIndex < 0) {
        *pRetrieved = 0;
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Correct the number we can retrieve
    LONG Available = (LONG) pHeader->biClrUsed - StartIndex;
    *pRetrieved = max(0,min(Available,Entries));
    if (*pRetrieved == 0) {
        return S_FALSE;
    // Copy the palette entries to the output buffer
    PALETTEENTRY *pEntries = (PALETTEENTRY *) pPalette;
    RGBQUAD *pColours = COLORS(pVideoInfo) + StartIndex;
    for (LONG Count = 0;Count < *pRetrieved;Count++) {
        pEntries[Count].peRed = pColours[Count].rgbRed;
        pEntries[Count].peGreen = pColours[Count].rgbGreen;
        pEntries[Count].peBlue = pColours[Count].rgbBlue;
        pEntries[Count].peFlags = 0;
    return NOERROR;
// This returns the current video dimensions as a method rather than a number
// of individual property get calls. For the same reasons as said before we
// cannot access the renderer media type directly as the window object thread
// may be updating it since dynamic format changes may change these values
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoSize(__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    // Get the video format from the derived class
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *pWidth = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
    *pHeight = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    return NOERROR;
// Set the source video rectangle as left,top,right and bottom coordinates
// rather than left,top,width and height as per OLE automation interfaces
// Then pass the rectangle on to the window object to set the source
CBaseControlVideo::SetSourcePosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    SourceRect.left = Left;
    SourceRect.top = Top;
    SourceRect.right = Left + Width;
    SourceRect.bottom = Top + Height;
    // Check the source rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the source rectangle
    hr = SetSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the source rectangle in left,top,width and height rather than the
// left,top,right and bottom values that RECT uses (and which the window
// object returns through GetSourceRect) which requires a little work
CBaseControlVideo::GetSourcePosition(__out long *pLeft,__out long *pTop,__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Should check the pointers are non NULL
    RECT SourceRect;
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    *pLeft = SourceRect.left;
    *pTop = SourceRect.top;
    *pWidth = WIDTH(&SourceRect);
    *pHeight = HEIGHT(&SourceRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Set the video destination as left,top,right and bottom coordinates rather
// than the left,top,width and height uses as per OLE automation interfaces
// Then pass the rectangle on to the window object to set the destination
CBaseControlVideo::SetDestinationPosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    DestinationRect.left = Left;
    DestinationRect.top = Top;
    DestinationRect.right = Left + Width;
    DestinationRect.bottom = Top + Height;
    // Check the target rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the new target rectangle
    hr = SetTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the destination rectangle in left,top,width and height rather than
// the left,top,right and bottom values that RECT uses (and which the window
// object returns through GetDestinationRect) which requires a little work
CBaseControlVideo::GetDestinationPosition(__out long *pLeft,__out long *pTop,__out long *pWidth,__out long *pHeight)
    // Should check the pointers are not NULL
    RECT DestinationRect;
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    *pLeft = DestinationRect.left;
    *pTop = DestinationRect.top;
    *pWidth = WIDTH(&DestinationRect);
    *pHeight = HEIGHT(&DestinationRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Set the source left position, the source rectangle we get back from the
// window object is a true rectangle in left,top,right and bottom positions
// so all we have to do is to update the left position and pass it back. We
// must keep the current width constant when we're updating this property
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_SourceLeft(long SourceLeft)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    SourceRect.right = SourceLeft + WIDTH(&SourceRect);
    SourceRect.left = SourceLeft;
    // Check the source rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the source rectangle
    hr = SetSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the current left source video position
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_SourceLeft(__out long *pSourceLeft)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    *pSourceLeft = SourceRect.left;
    return NOERROR;
// Set the source width, we get the current source rectangle and then update
// the right position to be the left position (thereby keeping it constant)
// plus the new source width we are passed in (it expands to the right)
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_SourceWidth(long SourceWidth)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    SourceRect.right = SourceRect.left + SourceWidth;
    // Check the source rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the source rectangle
    hr = SetSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the current source width
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_SourceWidth(__out long *pSourceWidth)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    *pSourceWidth = WIDTH(&SourceRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Set the source top position - changing this property does not affect the
// current source height. So changing this shunts the source rectangle up and
// down appropriately. Changing the height complements this functionality by
// keeping the top position constant and simply changing the source height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_SourceTop(long SourceTop)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    SourceRect.bottom = SourceTop + HEIGHT(&SourceRect);
    SourceRect.top = SourceTop;
    // Check the source rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the source rectangle
    hr = SetSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the current top position
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_SourceTop(__out long *pSourceTop)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    *pSourceTop = SourceRect.top;
    return NOERROR;
// Set the source height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_SourceHeight(long SourceHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    SourceRect.bottom = SourceRect.top + SourceHeight;
    // Check the source rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the source rectangle
    hr = SetSourceRect(&SourceRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the current source height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_SourceHeight(__out long *pSourceHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT SourceRect;
    *pSourceHeight = HEIGHT(&SourceRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Set the target left position, the target rectangle we get back from the
// window object is a true rectangle in left,top,right and bottom positions
// so all we have to do is to update the left position and pass it back. We
// must keep the current width constant when we're updating this property
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_DestinationLeft(long DestinationLeft)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    DestinationRect.right = DestinationLeft + WIDTH(&DestinationRect);
    DestinationRect.left = DestinationLeft;
    // Check the target rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the new target rectangle
    hr = SetTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the left position for the destination rectangle
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationLeft(__out long *pDestinationLeft)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    *pDestinationLeft = DestinationRect.left;
    return NOERROR;
// Set the destination width
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_DestinationWidth(long DestinationWidth)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    DestinationRect.right = DestinationRect.left + DestinationWidth;
    // Check the target rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the new target rectangle
    hr = SetTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the width for the destination rectangle
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationWidth(__out long *pDestinationWidth)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    *pDestinationWidth = WIDTH(&DestinationRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Set the target top position - changing this property does not affect the
// current target height. So changing this shunts the target rectangle up and
// down appropriately. Changing the height complements this functionality by
// keeping the top position constant and simply changing the target height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_DestinationTop(long DestinationTop)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    DestinationRect.bottom = DestinationTop + HEIGHT(&DestinationRect);
    DestinationRect.top = DestinationTop;
    // Check the target rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the new target rectangle
    hr = SetTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the top position for the destination rectangle
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationTop(__out long *pDestinationTop)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    *pDestinationTop = DestinationRect.top;
    return NOERROR;
// Set the destination height
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::put_DestinationHeight(long DestinationHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    DestinationRect.bottom = DestinationRect.top + DestinationHeight;
    // Check the target rectangle is valid
    HRESULT hr = CheckTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now set the new target rectangle
    hr = SetTargetRect(&DestinationRect);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return the height for the destination rectangle
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationHeight(__out long *pDestinationHeight)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    RECT DestinationRect;
    *pDestinationHeight = HEIGHT(&DestinationRect);
    return NOERROR;
// Reset the source rectangle to the full video dimensions
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::SetDefaultSourcePosition()
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    HRESULT hr = SetDefaultSourceRect();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return S_OK if we're using the default source otherwise S_FALSE
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::IsUsingDefaultSource()
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    return IsDefaultSourceRect();
// Reset the video renderer to use the entire playback area
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::SetDefaultDestinationPosition()
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    HRESULT hr = SetDefaultTargetRect();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return OnUpdateRectangles();
// Return S_OK if we're using the default target otherwise S_FALSE
STDMETHODIMP CBaseControlVideo::IsUsingDefaultDestination()
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    return IsDefaultTargetRect();
// Return a copy of the current image in the video renderer
CBaseControlVideo::GetCurrentImage(__inout long *pBufferSize,__out_bcount_part(*pBufferSize, *pBufferSize) long *pVideoImage)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(m_pInterfaceLock);
    // Make sure we are in a paused state
    if (pVideoImage != NULL) {
        if (State != State_Paused) {
            return VFW_E_NOT_PAUSED;
        return GetStaticImage(pBufferSize,pVideoImage);
    // Just return the memory required
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    RECT SourceRect;
    return GetImageSize(pVideoInfo,pBufferSize,&SourceRect);
// An application has two ways of using GetCurrentImage, one is to pass a real
// buffer which should be filled with the current image. The other is to pass
// a NULL buffer pointer which is interpreted as asking us to return how much
// memory is required for the image. The constraints for when the latter can
// be called are much looser. To calculate the memory required we synthesize
// a VIDEOINFO that takes into account the source rectangle that's being used
HRESULT CBaseControlVideo::GetImageSize(__in VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo,
                                        __out long *pBufferSize,
                                        __in RECT *pSourceRect)
    NOTE("Entering GetImageSize");
    // Check we have the correct input parameters
    if (pSourceRect == NULL ||
            pVideoInfo == NULL ||
            pBufferSize == NULL) {
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
    // Is the data format compatible
    if (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_RGB) {
        if (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_BITFIELDS) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    ASSERT(IsRectEmpty(pSourceRect) == FALSE);
    bih.biWidth = WIDTH(pSourceRect);
    bih.biHeight = HEIGHT(pSourceRect);
    bih.biBitCount = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
    LONG Size = DIBSIZE(bih);
    Size += GetBitmapFormatSize(HEADER(pVideoInfo)) - SIZE_PREHEADER;
    *pBufferSize = Size;
    return NOERROR;
// Given an IMediaSample containing a linear buffer with an image and a type
// describing the bitmap make a rendering of the image into the output buffer
// This may be called by derived classes who render typical video images to
// handle the IBasicVideo GetCurrentImage method. The pVideoImage pointer may
// be NULL when passed to GetCurrentImage in which case GetImageSize will be
// called instead, which will just do the calculation of the memory required
HRESULT CBaseControlVideo::CopyImage(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
                                     __in VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo,
                                     __inout long *pBufferSize,
                                     __out_bcount_part(*pBufferSize, *pBufferSize) BYTE *pVideoImage,
                                     __in RECT *pSourceRect)
    NOTE("Entering CopyImage");
    BYTE *pCurrentImage;
    // Check we have an image to copy
    if (pMediaSample == NULL || pSourceRect == NULL ||
            pVideoInfo == NULL || pVideoImage == NULL ||
            pBufferSize == NULL) {
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
    // Is the data format compatible
    if (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_RGB) {
        if (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_BITFIELDS) {
            return E_INVALIDARG;
    if (*pBufferSize < 0) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Arbitrarily large size to prevent integer overflow problems
    if (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biSize > 4096)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    ASSERT(IsRectEmpty(pSourceRect) == FALSE);
    bih.biWidth = WIDTH(pSourceRect);
    bih.biHeight = HEIGHT(pSourceRect);
    bih.biBitCount = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
    DWORD Size = GetBitmapFormatSize(HEADER(pVideoInfo)) - SIZE_PREHEADER;
    DWORD Total;
    DWORD dwDibSize;
    if( !ValidateBitmapInfoHeader( HEADER(pVideoInfo), Size)) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    //  ValidateBitmapInfoHeader checks this but for some reason code scanning
    //  tools aren't picking up the annotation
    __analysis_assume(Size >= sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
    if (FAILED(SAFE_DIBSIZE(&bih, &dwDibSize))) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    if (FAILED(DWordAdd(Size, dwDibSize, &Total))) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Make sure we have a large enough buffer
    if ((DWORD)*pBufferSize < Total) {
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    // Copy the BITMAPINFO
    CopyMemory((PVOID)pVideoImage, (PVOID)&pVideoInfo->bmiHeader, Size);
    ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pVideoImage)->biWidth = WIDTH(pSourceRect);
    ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pVideoImage)->biHeight = HEIGHT(pSourceRect);
    ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pVideoImage)->biSizeImage = DIBSIZE(bih);
    BYTE *pImageData = pVideoImage + Size;
    // Get the pointer to it's image data
    HRESULT hr = pMediaSample->GetPointer(&pCurrentImage);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    // Now we are ready to start copying the source scan lines
    LONG ScanLine = (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8) * WIDTH(pSourceRect);
    LONG LinesToSkip = pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    LinesToSkip -= pSourceRect->top + HEIGHT(pSourceRect);
    pCurrentImage += LinesToSkip * DIBWIDTHBYTES(pVideoInfo->bmiHeader);
    pCurrentImage += pSourceRect->left * (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8);
    // Even money on this GP faulting sometime...
    for (LONG Line = 0;Line < HEIGHT(pSourceRect);Line++) {
        CopyMemory((PVOID)pImageData, (PVOID)pCurrentImage, ScanLine);
        pImageData += DIBWIDTHBYTES(*(BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pVideoImage);
        pCurrentImage += DIBWIDTHBYTES(pVideoInfo->bmiHeader);
    return NOERROR;
// Called when we change media types either during connection or dynamically
// We inform the filter graph and therefore the application that the video
// size may have changed, we don't bother looking to see if it really has as
// we leave that to the application - the dimensions are the event parameters
HRESULT CBaseControlVideo::OnVideoSizeChange()
    // Get the video format from the derived class
    VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = GetVideoFormat();
    if (pVideoInfo == NULL)
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    WORD Width = (WORD) pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
    WORD Height = (WORD) pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    return m_pFilter->NotifyEvent(EC_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED,
// Set the video source rectangle. We must check the source rectangle against
// the actual video dimensions otherwise when we come to draw the pictures we
// get access violations as GDI tries to touch data outside of the image data
// Although we store the rectangle in left, top, right and bottom coordinates
// instead of left, top, width and height as OLE uses we do take into account
// that the rectangle is used up to, but not including, the right column and
// bottom row of pixels, see the Win32 documentation on RECT for more details
HRESULT CBaseControlVideo::CheckSourceRect(__in RECT *pSourceRect)
    LONG Width,Height;
    // Check the coordinates are greater than zero
    // and that the rectangle is valid (left<right, top<bottom)
    if ((pSourceRect->left >= pSourceRect->right) ||
       (pSourceRect->left < 0) ||
       (pSourceRect->top >= pSourceRect->bottom) ||
       (pSourceRect->top < 0)) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Check the coordinates are less than the extents
    if ((pSourceRect->right > Width) ||
        (pSourceRect->bottom > Height)) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return NOERROR;
// Check the target rectangle has some valid coordinates, which amounts to
// little more than checking the destination rectangle isn't empty. Derived
// classes may call this when they have their SetTargetRect method called to
// check the rectangle validity, we do not update the rectangles passed in
// Although we store the rectangle in left, top, right and bottom coordinates
// instead of left, top, width and height as OLE uses we do take into account
// that the rectangle is used up to, but not including, the right column and
// bottom row of pixels, see the Win32 documentation on RECT for more details
HRESULT CBaseControlVideo::CheckTargetRect(__in RECT *pTargetRect)
    // Check the pointer is valid
    if (pTargetRect == NULL) {
        return E_POINTER;
    // These overflow the WIDTH and HEIGHT checks
    if (pTargetRect->left > pTargetRect->right ||
            pTargetRect->top > pTargetRect->bottom) {
                return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Check the rectangle has valid coordinates
    if (WIDTH(pTargetRect) <= 0 || HEIGHT(pTargetRect) <= 0) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    ASSERT(IsRectEmpty(pTargetRect) == FALSE);
    return NOERROR;

V303 The function 'GetWindowLong' is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'GetWindowLongPtr' function.

V303 The function 'SetWindowLong' is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'SetWindowLongPtr' function.

V303 The function 'GetWindowLong' is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'GetWindowLongPtr' function.

V303 The function 'GetWindowLong' is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'GetWindowLongPtr' function.

V303 The function 'SetWindowLong' is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'SetWindowLongPtr' function.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'bVisible != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'IsWindowVisible(m_hwnd) != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'IsIconic(m_hwnd) != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'IsZoomed(m_hwnd) != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'Mode != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bAutoShow != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bCursorHidden != FALSE'.