/* SoX Resampler Library      Copyright (c) 2007-16 robs@users.sourceforge.net
 * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1                  See LICENCE for details. */
/* Variable-rate resampling. */
#include <assert.h>
#include "math-wrap.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "internal.h"
#define FIFO_SIZE_T int
#define FIFO_MIN 0x8000
#include "fifo.h"
#include "vr-coefs.h"
#define FADE_LEN_BITS     9
#define PHASE_BITS_D      10
#define PHASE_BITS_U      9
#define PHASES0_D         12
#define POLY_FIR_LEN_D    20
#define PHASES0_U         6
#define POLY_FIR_LEN_U    12
#define MULT32            (65536. * 65536.)
#define PHASES_D          (1 << PHASE_BITS_D)
#define PHASES_U          (1 << PHASE_BITS_U)
#define CONVOLVE \
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
#define HALF_FIR_LEN_2 (iAL(half_fir_coefs) - 1)
#define HALF_FIR_LEN_4 (HALF_FIR_LEN_2 / 2)
#define _ sum += (input[-i] + input[i]) * half_fir_coefs[i], ++i;
static float half_fir(float const * input)
  long i = 1;
  float sum = input[0] * half_fir_coefs[0];
  assert(i == HALF_FIR_LEN_2 + 1);
  return (float)sum;
#undef _
#define _ sum += (input[-i] + input[i]) * half_fir_coefs[2*i], ++i;
static float double_fir0(float const * input)
  int i = 1;
  float sum = input[0] * half_fir_coefs[0];
  assert(i == HALF_FIR_LEN_4 + 1);
  return (float)(sum * 2);
#undef _
#define _ sum += (input[-i] + input[1+i]) * half_fir_coefs[2*i+1], ++i;
static float double_fir1(float const * input)
  int i = 0;
  float sum = 0;
  assert(i == HALF_FIR_LEN_4 + 0);
  return (float)(sum * 2);
#undef _
static float fast_half_fir(float const * input)
  int i = 0;
  float sum = input[0] * .5f;
#define _ sum += (input[-(2*i+1)] + input[2*i+1]) * fast_half_fir_coefs[i], ++i;
  _ _ _ _ _ _
#undef _
  return (float)sum;
#define IIR_FILTER _ _ _ _ _ _ _
#define _ in1=(in1-p->y[i])*iir_coefs[i]+tmp1;tmp1=p->y[i],p->y[i]=in1;++i;\
typedef struct {float x[2], y[AL(iir_coefs)];} half_iir_t;
static float half_iir1(half_iir_t * p, float in0, float in1)
  int i = 0;
  float tmp0, tmp1;
  tmp0 = p->x[0], p->x[0] = in0;
  tmp1 = p->x[1], p->x[1] = in1;
  p->y[i] = in1 = (in1 - p->y[i]) * iir_coefs[i] + tmp1;
  return in1 + in0;
#undef _
static void half_iir(half_iir_t * p, float * obuf, float const * ibuf, int olen)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < olen; obuf[i] = (float)half_iir1(p, ibuf[i*2], ibuf[i*2+1]),++i);
static void half_phase(half_iir_t * p, float * buf, int len)
  float const small_normal = 1/MULT32/MULT32; /* To quash denormals on path 0.*/
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < len; buf[i] = (float)half_iir1(p, buf[i], 0), ++i);
#define _ p->y[i] += small_normal, i += 2;
  i = 0, _ IIR_FILTER
#undef _
#define _ p->y[i] -= small_normal, i += 2;
  i = 0, _ IIR_FILTER
#undef _
#define coef(coef_p, interp_order, fir_len, phase_num, coef_interp_num, \
    fir_coef_num) coef_p[(fir_len) * ((interp_order) + 1) * (phase_num) + \
    ((interp_order) + 1) * (fir_coef_num) + (interp_order - coef_interp_num)]
#define COEF(h,l,i) ((i)<0||(i)>=(l)?0:(h)[(i)>(l)/2?(l)-(i):(i)])
static void prepare_coefs(float * coefs, int n, int phases0, int phases,
    float const * coefs0, double multiplier)
  double k[6];
  int length0 = n * phases0, length = n * phases, K0 = iAL(k)/2 - 1, i, j, pos;
  float * coefs1 = malloc(((size_t)length / 2  + 1) * sizeof(*coefs1));
  float * p = coefs1, f0, f1 = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < iAL(k); k[j] = COEF(coefs0, length0, j - K0), ++j);
  for (pos = i = 0; i < length0 / 2; ++i) {
    double b=(1/24.)*(k[0]+k[4]+6*k[2]-4*(k[1]+k[3])),d=.5*(k[1]+k[3])-k[2]-b;
    double a=(1/120.)*(k[5]-k[2]-9*(9*b+d)+2.5*(k[3]-k[1])-2*(k[4]-k[0]));
    double c=(1/12.)*(k[4]-k[0]-2*(k[3]-k[1])-60*a),e=.5*(k[3]-k[1])-a-c;
    for (; pos / phases == i; pos += phases0) {
      double x = (double)(pos % phases) / phases;
      *p++ = (float)(k[K0] + ((((a*x + b)*x + c)*x + d)*x + e)*x);
    for (j = 0; j < iAL(k) - 1; k[j] = k[j + 1], ++j);
    k[j] = COEF(coefs0, length0, i + iAL(k) / 2 + 1);
  if (!(length & 1))
    *p++ = (float)k[K0];
  assert(p - coefs1 == length / 2  + 1);
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) for (j = phases - 1; j >= 0; --j, f1 = f0) {
    pos = (n - 1 - i) * phases + j;
    f0 = COEF(coefs1, length, pos) * (float)multiplier;
    coef(coefs, 1, n, j, 0, i) = (float)f0;
    coef(coefs, 1, n, j, 1, i) = (float)(f1 - f0);
#define _ sum += (b *x + a)*input[i], ++i;
#define a (coef(poly_fir_coefs_d, 1, POLY_FIR_LEN_D, phase, 0,i))
#define b (coef(poly_fir_coefs_d, 1, POLY_FIR_LEN_D, phase, 1,i))
static float poly_fir_coefs_d[POLY_FIR_LEN_D * PHASES_D * 2];
static float poly_fir1_d(float const * input, uint32_t frac)
  int i = 0, phase = (int)(frac >> (32 - PHASE_BITS_D));
  float sum = 0, x = (float)(frac << PHASE_BITS_D) * (float)(1 / MULT32);
  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _
  assert(i == POLY_FIR_LEN_D);
  return (float)sum;
#undef a
#undef b
#define a (coef(poly_fir_coefs_u, 1, POLY_FIR_LEN_U, phase, 0,i))
#define b (coef(poly_fir_coefs_u, 1, POLY_FIR_LEN_U, phase, 1,i))
static float poly_fir_coefs_u[POLY_FIR_LEN_U * PHASES_U * 2];
static float poly_fir1_u(float const * input, uint32_t frac)
  int i = 0, phase = (int)(frac >> (32 - PHASE_BITS_U));
  float sum = 0, x = (float)(frac << PHASE_BITS_U) * (float)(1 / MULT32);
  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _
  assert(i == POLY_FIR_LEN_U);
  return (float)sum;
#undef a
#undef b
#undef _
#define ADD_TO(x,y)           x.all += y.all
#define SUBTRACT_FROM(x,y)    x.all -= y.all
#define FRAC(x)               x.part.frac
#define INT(x)                x.part.integer
typedef struct {
  union {
    int64_t all;
    struct {int32_t integer; uint32_t frac;} part;
    struct {uint32_t frac; int32_t integer;} part;
  } at, step, step_step;
  float const * input;
  int len, stage_num;
  bool is_d; /* true: downsampling at x2 rate; false: upsampling at 1x rate. */
  double step_mult;
} stream_t;
static int poly_fir_d(stream_t * s, float * output, int olen)
  int i;
  float const * input = s->input - POLY_FIR_LEN_D / 2 + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < olen && INT(s->at) < s->len; ++i) {
    output[i] = poly_fir1_d(input + INT(s->at), FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    if (!(INT(s->at) < s->len)) {
      SUBTRACT_FROM(s->at, s->step);
    output[++i] = poly_fir1_d(input + INT(s->at), FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    ADD_TO(s->step, s->step_step);
  return i;
static int poly_fir_fade_d(
    stream_t * s, float const * vol, int step, float * output, int olen)
  int i;
  float const * input = s->input - POLY_FIR_LEN_D / 2 + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < olen && INT(s->at) < s->len; ++i, vol += step) {
    output[i] += *vol * poly_fir1_d(input + INT(s->at), FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    if (!(INT(s->at) < s->len)) {
      SUBTRACT_FROM(s->at, s->step);
    output[++i] += *(vol += step) * poly_fir1_d(input + INT(s->at),FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    ADD_TO(s->step, s->step_step);
  return i;
static int poly_fir_u(stream_t * s, float * output, int olen)
  int i;
  float const * input = s->input - POLY_FIR_LEN_U / 2 + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < olen && INT(s->at) < s->len; ++i) {
    output[i] = poly_fir1_u(input + INT(s->at), FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    ADD_TO(s->step, s->step_step);
  return i;
static int poly_fir_fade_u(
    stream_t * s, float const * vol, int step, float * output, int olen)
  int i;
  float const * input = s->input - POLY_FIR_LEN_U / 2 + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < olen && INT(s->at) < s->len; i += 2, vol += step) {
    output[i] += *vol * poly_fir1_u(input + INT(s->at), FRAC(s->at));
    ADD_TO(s->at, s->step);
    ADD_TO(s->step, s->step_step);
  return i;
#define shiftr(x,by) ((by) < 0? (x) << (-(by)) : (x) >> (by))
#define shiftl(x,by) shiftr(x,-(by))
#define stage_occupancy(s) (fifo_occupancy(&(s)->fifo) - 4*HALF_FIR_LEN_2)
#define stage_read_p(s) ((float *)fifo_read_ptr(&(s)->fifo) + 2*HALF_FIR_LEN_2)
#define stage_preload(s) memset(fifo_reserve(&(s)->fifo, (s)->preload), \
    0, sizeof(float) * (size_t)(s)->preload);
typedef struct {
  fifo_t fifo;
  double step_mult;
  int is_fast, x_fade_len, preload;
} stage_t;
typedef struct {
  int num_stages0, num_stages, flushing;
  int fade_len, slew_len, xfade, stage_inc, switch_stage_num;
  double new_io_ratio, default_io_ratio;
  stage_t * stages;
  fifo_t output_fifo;
  half_iir_t halfer;
  stream_t current, fadeout; /* Current/fade-in, fadeout streams. */
} rate_t;
static float fade_coefs[(2 << FADE_LEN_BITS) + 1];
static void vr_init(rate_t * p, double default_io_ratio, int num_stages, double mult)
  int i;
  assert(num_stages >= 0);
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  p->num_stages0 = num_stages;
  p->num_stages = num_stages = max(num_stages, 1);
  p->stages = (stage_t *)calloc((unsigned)num_stages + 1, sizeof(*p->stages)) + 1;
  for (i = -1; i < p->num_stages; ++i) {
    stage_t * s = &p->stages[i];
    fifo_create(&s->fifo, sizeof(float));
    s->step_mult = 2 * MULT32 / shiftl(2, i);
    s->preload = i < 0? 0 : i == 0? 2 * HALF_FIR_LEN_2 : 3 * HALF_FIR_LEN_2 / 2;
    s->is_fast = true;
    lsx_debug("%-3i preload=%i", i, s->preload);
  fifo_create(&p->output_fifo, sizeof(float));
  p->default_io_ratio = default_io_ratio;
  if (fade_coefs[0]==0) {
    for (i = 0; i < iAL(fade_coefs); ++i)
      fade_coefs[i] = (float)(.5 * (1 + cos(M_PI * i / (AL(fade_coefs) - 1))));
    prepare_coefs(poly_fir_coefs_u, POLY_FIR_LEN_U, PHASES0_U, PHASES_U, coefs0_u, mult);
    prepare_coefs(poly_fir_coefs_d, POLY_FIR_LEN_D, PHASES0_D, PHASES_D, coefs0_d, mult *.5);
static void enter_new_stage(rate_t * p, int occupancy0)
  p->current.len = shiftr(occupancy0, p->current.stage_num);
  p->current.input = stage_read_p(&p->stages[p->current.stage_num]);
  p->current.step_mult = p->stages[p->current.stage_num].step_mult;
  p->current.is_d = p->current.stage_num >= 0;
  if (p->current.is_d)
    p->current.step_mult *= .5;
static void set_step(stream_t * p, double io_ratio)
  p->step.all = (int64_t)(io_ratio * p->step_mult + .5);
static bool set_step_step(stream_t * p, double io_ratio, int slew_len)
  int64_t dif;
  int difi;
  stream_t tmp = *p;
  set_step(&tmp, io_ratio);
  dif = tmp.step.all - p->step.all;
  dif = dif < 0? dif - (slew_len >> 1) : dif + (slew_len >> 1);
  difi = (int)dif;   /* Try to avoid int64_t div. */
  p->step_step.all = difi == dif? difi / slew_len : dif / slew_len;
  return p->step_step.all != 0;
static void vr_set_io_ratio(rate_t * p, double io_ratio, size_t slew_len)
  assert(io_ratio > 0);
  if (slew_len) {
    if (!set_step_step(&p->current, io_ratio, p->slew_len = (int)slew_len))
      p->slew_len = 0, p->new_io_ratio = 0, p->fadeout.step_step.all = 0;
    else {
      p->new_io_ratio = io_ratio;
      if (p->fade_len)
        set_step_step(&p->fadeout, io_ratio, p->slew_len);
  else {
    if (p->default_io_ratio!=0) { /* Then this is the first call to this fn. */
      int octave = (int)floor(log(io_ratio) / M_LN2);
      p->current.stage_num = octave < 0? -1 : min(octave, p->num_stages0-1);
      enter_new_stage(p, 0);
    else if (p->fade_len)
      set_step(&p->fadeout, io_ratio);
    set_step(&p->current, io_ratio);
    if (p->default_io_ratio!=0) FRAC(p->current.at) = FRAC(p->current.step) >> 1;
    p->default_io_ratio = 0;
static bool do_input_stage(rate_t * p, int stage_num, int sign, int min_stage_num)
  int i = 0;
  float * dest;
  stage_t * s = &p->stages[stage_num];
  stage_t * s1 = &p->stages[stage_num - sign];
  float const * src = (float *)fifo_read_ptr(&s1->fifo) + HALF_FIR_LEN_2;
  int len = shiftr(fifo_occupancy(&s1->fifo) - HALF_FIR_LEN_2 * 2, sign);
  int already_done = fifo_occupancy(&s->fifo) - s->preload;
  if ((len -= already_done) <= 0)
    return false;
  src += shiftl(already_done, sign);
  dest = fifo_reserve(&s->fifo, len);
  if (stage_num < 0) for (; i < len; ++src)
    dest[i++] = double_fir0(src), dest[i++] = double_fir1(src);
  else {
    bool should_be_fast = p->stage_inc;
    if (!s->x_fade_len && stage_num == p->switch_stage_num) {
      p->switch_stage_num = 0;
      if (s->is_fast != should_be_fast) {
        s->x_fade_len = 1 << FADE_LEN_BITS, s->is_fast = should_be_fast, ++p->xfade;
        lsx_debug("xfade level %i, inc?=%i", stage_num, p->stage_inc);
    if (s->x_fade_len) {
      float const * vol1 = fade_coefs + (s->x_fade_len << 1);
      float const * vol2 = fade_coefs + (((1 << FADE_LEN_BITS) - s->x_fade_len) << 1);
      int n = min(len, s->x_fade_len);
      /*lsx_debug("xfade level %i, inc?=%i len=%i n=%i", stage_num, p->stage_inc, s->x_fade_len, n);*/
      if (should_be_fast)
        for (; i < n; vol2 += 2, vol1 -= 2, src += 2)
          dest[i++] = *vol1 * fast_half_fir(src) + *vol2 * half_fir(src);
      else for (; i < n; vol2 += 2, vol1 -= 2, src += 2)
        dest[i++] = *vol2 * fast_half_fir(src) + *vol1 * half_fir(src);
      s->x_fade_len -= n;
      p->xfade -= !s->x_fade_len;
    if (stage_num < min_stage_num)
      for (; i < len; dest[i++] = fast_half_fir(src), src += 2);
    else for (; i < len; dest[i++] = half_fir(src), src += 2);
  if (p->flushing > 0)
  return true;
static int vr_process(rate_t * p, int olen0)
  assert(p->num_stages > 0);
  if (p->default_io_ratio!=0)
    vr_set_io_ratio(p, p->default_io_ratio, 0);
    float * output = fifo_reserve(&p->output_fifo, olen0);
    int j, odone0 = 0, min_stage_num = p->current.stage_num;
    int occupancy0, max_stage_num = min_stage_num;
    if (p->fade_len) {
      min_stage_num = min(min_stage_num, p->fadeout.stage_num);
      max_stage_num = max(max_stage_num, p->fadeout.stage_num);
    for (j = min(min_stage_num, 0); j <= max_stage_num; ++j)
      if (j && !do_input_stage(p, j, j < 0? -1 : 1, min_stage_num))
    if (p->flushing > 0)
      p->flushing = -1;
    occupancy0 = shiftl(max(0,stage_occupancy(&p->stages[max_stage_num])), max_stage_num);
    p->current.len = shiftr(occupancy0, p->current.stage_num);
    p->current.input = stage_read_p(&p->stages[p->current.stage_num]);
    if (p->fade_len) {
      p->fadeout.len = shiftr(occupancy0, p->fadeout.stage_num);
      p->fadeout.input = stage_read_p(&p->stages[p->fadeout.stage_num]);
    while (odone0 < olen0) {
      int odone, odone2, olen = olen0 - odone0, stage_dif = 0, shift;
      float buf[64 << 1];
      olen = min(olen, (int)(AL(buf) >> 1));
      if (p->slew_len)
        olen = min(olen, p->slew_len);
      else if (p->new_io_ratio!=0) {
        set_step(&p->current, p->new_io_ratio);
        set_step(&p->fadeout, p->new_io_ratio);
        p->fadeout.step_step.all = p->current.step_step.all = 0;
        p->new_io_ratio = 0;
      if (!p->flushing && !p->fade_len && !p->xfade) {
        if (p->current.is_d) {
          if (INT(p->current.step) && FRAC(p->current.step))
            stage_dif = 1, ++max_stage_num;
          else if (!INT(p->current.step) && FRAC(p->current.step) < (1u << 31))
            stage_dif = -1, --min_stage_num;
        } else if (INT(p->current.step) > 1 && FRAC(p->current.step))
          stage_dif = 1, ++max_stage_num;
      if (stage_dif) {
        int n = p->current.stage_num + stage_dif;
        if (n >= p->num_stages)
        else {
          p->stage_inc = stage_dif > 0;
          p->fadeout = p->current;
          p->current.stage_num += stage_dif;
          if (!p->stage_inc)
          p->switch_stage_num = p->current.stage_num;
          if ((p->current.stage_num < 0 && stage_dif < 0) ||
              (p->current.stage_num > 0 && stage_dif > 0)) {
            stage_t * s = &p->stages[p->current.stage_num];
            s->is_fast = false;
            do_input_stage(p, p->current.stage_num, stage_dif, p->current.stage_num);
          if (p->current.stage_num > 0 && stage_dif < 0) {
            int idone = INT(p->current.at);
            stage_t * s = &p->stages[p->current.stage_num];
            fifo_trim_to(&s->fifo, 2 * HALF_FIR_LEN_2 + idone + (POLY_FIR_LEN_D >> 1));
            do_input_stage(p, p->current.stage_num, 1, p->current.stage_num);
          enter_new_stage(p, occupancy0);
          shift = -stage_dif;
#define lshift(x,by) (x)=(by)>0?(x)<<(by):(x)>>-(by)
          lshift(p->current.at.all, shift);
          shift += p->fadeout.is_d - p->current.is_d;
          lshift(p->current.step.all, shift);
          lshift(p->current.step_step.all, shift);
          p->fade_len = AL(fade_coefs) - 1;
          lsx_debug("switch from stage %i to %i, x2 from %i to %i", p->fadeout.stage_num, p->current.stage_num, p->fadeout.is_d, p->current.is_d);
      if (p->fade_len) {
        float const * vol1 = fade_coefs + p->fade_len;
        float const * vol2 = fade_coefs + (iAL(fade_coefs) - 1 - p->fade_len);
        int olen2 = (olen = min(olen, p->fade_len >> 1)) << 1;
        /* x2 is more fine-grained so may fail to produce a pair of samples
         * where x1 would not (the x1 second sample is a zero so is always
         * available).  So do x2 first, then feed odone to the second one. */
        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf) * (size_t)olen2);
        if (p->current.is_d && p->fadeout.is_d) {
          odone  = poly_fir_fade_d(&p->current, vol1,-1, buf, olen2);
          odone2 = poly_fir_fade_d(&p->fadeout, vol2, 1, buf, odone);
        } else if (p->current.is_d) {
          odone  = poly_fir_fade_d(&p->current, vol1,-1, buf, olen2);
          odone2 = poly_fir_fade_u(&p->fadeout, vol2, 2, buf, odone);
        } else {
          odone  = poly_fir_fade_d(&p->fadeout, vol2, 1, buf, olen2);
          odone2 = poly_fir_fade_u(&p->current, vol1,-2, buf, odone);
        assert(odone == odone2);
        p->fade_len -= odone;
        if (!p->fade_len) {
          if (p->stage_inc)
            p->switch_stage_num = min_stage_num++;
        half_iir(&p->halfer, &output[odone0], buf, odone >>= 1);
      else if (p->current.is_d) {
        odone = poly_fir_d(&p->current, buf, olen << 1) >> 1;
        half_iir(&p->halfer, &output[odone0], buf, odone);
      else {
        odone = poly_fir_u(&p->current, &output[odone0], olen);
        if (p->num_stages0)
          half_phase(&p->halfer, &output[odone0], odone);
      odone0 += odone;
      if (p->slew_len)
        p->slew_len -= odone;
      if (odone != olen)
        break; /* Need more input. */
    } {
      int from = max(0, max_stage_num), to = min(0, min_stage_num);
      int i, idone = shiftr(INT(p->current.at), from - p->current.stage_num);
      INT(p->current.at) -= shiftl(idone, from - p->current.stage_num);
      if (p->fade_len)
        INT(p->fadeout.at) -= shiftl(idone, from - p->fadeout.stage_num);
      for (i = from; i >= to; --i, idone <<= 1)
        fifo_read(&p->stages[i].fifo, idone, NULL);
    fifo_trim_by(&p->output_fifo, olen0 - odone0);
    return odone0;
static float * vr_input(rate_t * p, float const * input, size_t n)
  return fifo_write(&p->stages[0].fifo, (int)n, input);
static float const * vr_output(rate_t * p, float * output, size_t * n)
  fifo_t * fifo = &p->output_fifo;
  if (1 || !p->num_stages0)
    return fifo_read(fifo, (int)(*n = min(*n, (size_t)fifo_occupancy(fifo))), output);
  else { /* Ignore this complication for now. */
    int const IIR_DELAY = 2;
    float * ptr = fifo_read_ptr(fifo);
    int olen = min((int)*n, max(0, fifo_occupancy(fifo) - IIR_DELAY));
    *n = (size_t)olen;
    if (output)
      memcpy(output, ptr + IIR_DELAY, *n * sizeof(*output));
    fifo_read(fifo, olen, NULL);
    return ptr + IIR_DELAY;
static void vr_flush(rate_t * p)
  if (!p->flushing) {
static void vr_close(rate_t * p)
  int i;
  for (i = -1; i < p->num_stages; ++i) {
    stage_t * s = &p->stages[i];
  free(p->stages - 1);
static double vr_delay(rate_t * p)
  return 100; /* TODO */
static void vr_sizes(size_t * shared, size_t * channel)
  *shared = 0;
  *channel = sizeof(rate_t);
static char const * vr_create(void * channel, void * shared,double max_io_ratio,
    void * q_spec, void * r_spec, double scale)
  double x = max_io_ratio;
  int n;
  for (n = 0; x > 1; x *= .5, ++n);
  vr_init(channel, max_io_ratio, n, scale);
  return 0;
  (void)shared, (void)q_spec, (void)r_spec;
static char const * vr_id(void)
  return "vr32";
typedef void (* fn_t)(void);
fn_t _soxr_vr32_cb[] = {

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator.

V613 Strange pointer arithmetic with 'calloc'.

V781 The value of the 'i' variable is checked after it was used. Perhaps there is a mistake in program logic. Check lines: 303, 306.

V781 The value of the 'p->current.stage_num' variable is checked after it was used. Perhaps there is a mistake in program logic. Check lines: 325, 328.

V781 The value of the 'stage_num' variable is checked after it was used. Perhaps there is a mistake in program logic. Check lines: 381, 391.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'coefs1'. Check lines: 148, 127.

V547 Expression 's->at.part.integer < s->len' is always true.

V547 Expression 's->at.part.integer < s->len' is always true.

V769 The 'p' pointer in the 'p ++' expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used. Check lines: 137, 127.

V769 The pointer in the expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.

V779 Unreachable code detected. It is possible that an error is present.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'len -= already_done' is used inside condition.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'dest'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'output'.

V547 Expression is always true.

V547 Expression is always true.

V547 Expression is always true.

V547 Expression 'i == 20' is always true.

V547 Expression 'i == 12' is always true.

V550 An odd precise comparison: fade_coefs[0] == 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: p->default_io_ratio != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: p->default_io_ratio != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: p->default_io_ratio != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: p->new_io_ratio != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V769 The 'coefs1' pointer in the 'p - coefs1' expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used. Check lines: 144, 127.

V769 The pointer in the expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.

V769 The pointer in the expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.

V769 The pointer in the expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.

V769 The pointer in the expression could be nullptr. In such case, resulting value will be senseless and it should not be used.