// File: RenBase.cpp
// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
#include "streams.h"        // DirectShow base class definitions
#include <mmsystem.h>       // Needed for definition of timeGetTime
#include <limits.h>         // Standard data type limit definitions
#include "measure.h"        // Used for time critical log functions
#pragma warning(disable:4355)
//  Helper function for clamping time differences
int inline TimeDiff(REFERENCE_TIME rt)
    if (rt < - (50 * UNITS)) {
        return -(50 * UNITS);
    } else
    if (rt > 50 * UNITS) {
        return 50 * UNITS;
    } else return (int)rt;
// Implements the CBaseRenderer class
CBaseRenderer::CBaseRenderer(REFCLSID RenderClass, // CLSID for this renderer
                             __in_opt LPCTSTR pName,         // Debug ONLY description
                             __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,       // Aggregated owner object
                             __inout HRESULT *phr) :       // General OLE return code
    m_evComplete(TRUE, phr),
    m_RenderEvent(FALSE, phr),
    m_ThreadSignal(TRUE, phr),
    if (SUCCEEDED(*phr)) {
#ifdef PERF
        m_idBaseStamp = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("BaseRenderer: sample time stamp"));
        m_idBaseRenderTime = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("BaseRenderer: draw time (msec)"));
        m_idBaseAccuracy = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("BaseRenderer: Accuracy (msec)"));
// Delete the dynamically allocated IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking helper
// object. The object is created when somebody queries us. These are standard
// control interfaces for seeking and setting start/stop positions and rates.
// We will probably also have made an input pin based on CRendererInputPin
// that has to be deleted, it's created when an enumerator calls our GetPin
    ASSERT(m_bStreaming == FALSE);
    ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
    // Delete any IMediaPosition implementation
    if (m_pPosition) {
        delete m_pPosition;
        m_pPosition = NULL;
    // Delete any input pin created
    if (m_pInputPin) {
        delete m_pInputPin;
        m_pInputPin = NULL;
    // Release any Quality sink
    ASSERT(m_pQSink == NULL);
// This returns the IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking interfaces
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::GetMediaPositionInterface(REFIID riid, __deref_out void **ppv)
    CAutoLock cObjectCreationLock(&m_ObjectCreationLock);
    if (m_pPosition) {
        return m_pPosition->NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid,ppv);
    CBasePin *pPin = GetPin(0);
    if (NULL == pPin) {
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    // Create implementation of this dynamically since sometimes we may
    // never try and do a seek. The helper object implements a position
    // control interface (IMediaPosition) which in fact simply takes the
    // calls normally from the filter graph and passes them upstream
    m_pPosition = new CRendererPosPassThru(NAME("Renderer CPosPassThru"),
                                           (HRESULT *) &hr,
    if (m_pPosition == NULL) {
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        delete m_pPosition;
        m_pPosition = NULL;
        return E_NOINTERFACE;
    return GetMediaPositionInterface(riid,ppv);
// Overriden to say what interfaces we support and where
STDMETHODIMP CBaseRenderer::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, __deref_out void **ppv)
    // Do we have this interface
    if (riid == IID_IMediaPosition || riid == IID_IMediaSeeking) {
        return GetMediaPositionInterface(riid,ppv);
    } else {
        return CBaseFilter::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid,ppv);
// This is called whenever we change states, we have a manual reset event that
// is signalled whenever we don't won't the source filter thread to wait in us
// (such as in a stopped state) and likewise is not signalled whenever it can
// wait (during paused and running) this function sets or resets the thread
// event. The event is used to stop source filter threads waiting in Receive
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::SourceThreadCanWait(BOOL bCanWait)
    if (bCanWait == TRUE) {
    } else {
    return NOERROR;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Dump the current renderer state to the debug terminal. The hardest part of
// the renderer is the window where we unlock everything to wait for a clock
// to signal it is time to draw or for the application to cancel everything
// by stopping the filter. If we get things wrong we can leave the thread in
// WaitForRenderTime with no way for it to ever get out and we will deadlock
void CBaseRenderer::DisplayRendererState()
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("\nTimed out in WaitForRenderTime")));
    // No way should this be signalled at this point
    BOOL bSignalled = m_ThreadSignal.Check();
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Signal sanity check %d"),bSignalled));
    // Now output the current renderer state variables
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Filter state %d"),m_State));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Abort flag %d"),m_bAbort));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Streaming flag %d"),m_bStreaming));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Clock advise link %d"),m_dwAdvise));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Current media sample %x"),m_pMediaSample));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("EOS signalled %d"),m_bEOS));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("EOS delivered %d"),m_bEOSDelivered));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Repaint status %d"),m_bRepaintStatus));
    // Output the delayed end of stream timer information
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("End of stream timer %x"),m_EndOfStreamTimer));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Deliver time %s"),CDisp((LONGLONG)m_SignalTime)));
    // Should never timeout during a flushing state
    BOOL bFlushing = m_pInputPin->IsFlushing();
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Flushing sanity check %d"),bFlushing));
    // Display the time we were told to start at
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Last run time %s"),CDisp((LONGLONG)m_tStart.m_time)));
    // Have we got a reference clock
    if (m_pClock == NULL) return;
    // Get the current time from the wall clock
    CRefTime CurrentTime,StartTime,EndTime;
    m_pClock->GetTime((REFERENCE_TIME*) &CurrentTime);
    CRefTime Offset = CurrentTime - m_tStart;
    // Display the current time from the clock
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Clock time %s"),CDisp((LONGLONG)CurrentTime.m_time)));
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Time difference %dms"),Offset.Millisecs()));
    // Do we have a sample ready to render
    if (m_pMediaSample == NULL) return;
    m_pMediaSample->GetTime((REFERENCE_TIME*)&StartTime, (REFERENCE_TIME*)&EndTime);
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Next sample stream times (Start %d End %d ms)"),
    // Calculate how long it is until it is due for rendering
    CRefTime Wait = (m_tStart + StartTime) - CurrentTime;
    DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Wait required %d ms"),Wait.Millisecs()));
// Wait until the clock sets the timer event or we're otherwise signalled. We
// set an arbitrary timeout for this wait and if it fires then we display the
// current renderer state on the debugger. It will often fire if the filter's
// left paused in an application however it may also fire during stress tests
// if the synchronisation with application seeks and state changes is faulty
#define RENDER_TIMEOUT 10000
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::WaitForRenderTime()
    HANDLE WaitObjects[] = { m_ThreadSignal, m_RenderEvent };
    // Wait for either the time to arrive or for us to be stopped
    while (Result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
        Result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2,WaitObjects,FALSE,RENDER_TIMEOUT);
#ifdef _DEBUG
        if (Result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) DisplayRendererState();
    // We may have been awoken without the timer firing
    if (Result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
        return VFW_E_STATE_CHANGED;
    return NOERROR;
// Poll waiting for Receive to complete.  This really matters when
// Receive may set the palette and cause window messages
// The problem is that if we don't really wait for a renderer to
// stop processing we can deadlock waiting for a transform which
// is calling the renderer's Receive() method because the transform's
// Stop method doesn't know to process window messages to unblock
// the renderer's Receive processing
void CBaseRenderer::WaitForReceiveToComplete()
    for (;;) {
        if (!m_bInReceive) {
        MSG msg;
        //  Receive all interthread snedmessages
        PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_NULL, WM_NULL, PM_NOREMOVE);
    // If the wakebit for QS_POSTMESSAGE is set, the PeekMessage call
    // above just cleared the changebit which will cause some messaging
    // calls to block (waitMessage, MsgWaitFor...) now.
    // Post a dummy message to set the QS_POSTMESSAGE bit again
        //  Send dummy message
        PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_NULL, 0, 0);
// A filter can have four discrete states, namely Stopped, Running, Paused,
// Intermediate. We are in an intermediate state if we are currently trying
// to pause but haven't yet got the first sample (or if we have been flushed
// in paused state and therefore still have to wait for a sample to arrive)
// This class contains an event called m_evComplete which is signalled when
// the current state is completed and is not signalled when we are waiting to
// complete the last state transition. As mentioned above the only time we
// use this at the moment is when we wait for a media sample in paused state
// If while we are waiting we receive an end of stream notification from the
// source filter then we know no data is imminent so we can reset the event
// This means that when we transition to paused the source filter must call
// end of stream on us or send us an image otherwise we'll hang indefinately
// Simple internal way of getting the real state
FILTER_STATE CBaseRenderer::GetRealState() {
    return m_State;
// The renderer doesn't complete the full transition to paused states until
// it has got one media sample to render. If you ask it for its state while
// it's waiting it will return the state along with VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE
    if (WaitDispatchingMessages(m_evComplete, dwMSecs) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
        *State = m_State;
    *State = m_State;
    return NOERROR;
// If we're pausing and we have no samples we don't complete the transition
// to State_Paused and we return S_FALSE. However if the m_bAbort flag has
// been set then all samples are rejected so there is no point waiting for
// one. If we do have a sample then return NOERROR. We will only ever return
// VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE from GetState after being paused with no sample
// (calling GetState after either being stopped or Run will NOT return this)
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::CompleteStateChange(FILTER_STATE OldState)
    // Allow us to be paused when disconnected
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        return S_OK;
    // Have we run off the end of stream
    if (IsEndOfStream() == TRUE) {
        return S_OK;
    // Make sure we get fresh data after being stopped
    if (HaveCurrentSample() == TRUE) {
        if (OldState != State_Stopped) {
            return S_OK;
    return S_FALSE;
// When we stop the filter the things we do are:-
//      Decommit the allocator being used in the connection
//      Release the source filter if it's waiting in Receive
//      Cancel any advise link we set up with the clock
//      Any end of stream signalled is now obsolete so reset
//      Allow us to be stopped when we are not connected
STDMETHODIMP CBaseRenderer::Stop()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    // Make sure there really is a state change
    if (m_State == State_Stopped) {
        return NOERROR;
    // Is our input pin connected
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        NOTE("Input pin is not connected");
        m_State = State_Stopped;
        return NOERROR;
    // If we are going into a stopped state then we must decommit whatever
    // allocator we are using it so that any source filter waiting in the
    // GetBuffer can be released and unlock themselves for a state change
    if (m_pInputPin->Allocator()) {
    // Cancel any scheduled rendering
    // There should be no outstanding clock advise
    ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
    ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
    ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
    m_bAbort = FALSE;
    return NOERROR;
// When we pause the filter the things we do are:-
//      Commit the allocator being used in the connection
//      Allow a source filter thread to wait in Receive
//      Cancel any clock advise link (we may be running)
//      Possibly complete the state change if we have data
//      Allow us to be paused when we are not connected
STDMETHODIMP CBaseRenderer::Pause()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    FILTER_STATE OldState = m_State;
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE);
    // Make sure there really is a state change
    if (m_State == State_Paused) {
        return CompleteStateChange(State_Paused);
    // Has our input pin been connected
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        NOTE("Input pin is not connected");
        m_State = State_Paused;
        return CompleteStateChange(State_Paused);
    // Pause the base filter class
    HRESULT hr = CBaseFilter::Pause();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        NOTE("Pause failed");
        return hr;
    // Enable EC_REPAINT events again
    // If we are going into a paused state then we must commit whatever
    // allocator we are using it so that any source filter can call the
    // GetBuffer and expect to get a buffer without returning an error
    if (m_pInputPin->Allocator()) {
    // There should be no outstanding advise
    ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
    ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
    ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE);
    // When we come out of a stopped state we must clear any image we were
    // holding onto for frame refreshing. Since renderers see state changes
    // first we can reset ourselves ready to accept the source thread data
    // Paused or running after being stopped causes the current position to
    // be reset so we're not interested in passing end of stream signals
    if (OldState == State_Stopped) {
        m_bAbort = FALSE;
    return CompleteStateChange(OldState);
// When we run the filter the things we do are:-
//      Commit the allocator being used in the connection
//      Allow a source filter thread to wait in Receive
//      Signal the render event just to get us going
//      Start the base class by calling StartStreaming
//      Allow us to be run when we are not connected
//      Signal EC_COMPLETE if we are not connected
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    FILTER_STATE OldState = m_State;
    // Make sure there really is a state change
    if (m_State == State_Running) {
        return NOERROR;
    // Send EC_COMPLETE if we're not connected
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE,S_OK,(LONG_PTR)(IBaseFilter *)this);
        m_State = State_Running;
        return NOERROR;
    // Pause the base filter class
    HRESULT hr = CBaseFilter::Run(StartTime);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        NOTE("Run failed");
        return hr;
    // Allow the source thread to wait
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE);
    // There should be no outstanding advise
    ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
    ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
    ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE);
    // If we are going into a running state then we must commit whatever
    // allocator we are using it so that any source filter can call the
    // GetBuffer and expect to get a buffer without returning an error
    if (m_pInputPin->Allocator()) {
    // When we come out of a stopped state we must clear any image we were
    // holding onto for frame refreshing. Since renderers see state changes
    // first we can reset ourselves ready to accept the source thread data
    // Paused or running after being stopped causes the current position to
    // be reset so we're not interested in passing end of stream signals
    if (OldState == State_Stopped) {
        m_bAbort = FALSE;
    return StartStreaming();
// Return the number of input pins we support
int CBaseRenderer::GetPinCount()
    if (m_pInputPin == NULL) {
        //  Try to create it
    return m_pInputPin != NULL ? 1 : 0;
// We only support one input pin and it is numbered zero
CBasePin *CBaseRenderer::GetPin(int n)
    CAutoLock cObjectCreationLock(&m_ObjectCreationLock);
    // Should only ever be called with zero
    ASSERT(n == 0);
    if (n != 0) {
        return NULL;
    // Create the input pin if not already done so
    if (m_pInputPin == NULL) {
        // hr must be initialized to NOERROR because
        // CRendererInputPin's constructor only changes
        // hr's value if an error occurs.
        HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
        m_pInputPin = new CRendererInputPin(this,&hr,L"In");
        if (NULL == m_pInputPin) {
            return NULL;
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            delete m_pInputPin;
            m_pInputPin = NULL;
            return NULL;
    return m_pInputPin;
// If "In" then return the IPin for our input pin, otherwise NULL and error
STDMETHODIMP CBaseRenderer::FindPin(LPCWSTR Id, __deref_out IPin **ppPin)
    if (0==lstrcmpW(Id,L"In")) {
        *ppPin = GetPin(0);
        if (*ppPin) {
        } else {
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    } else {
        *ppPin = NULL;
        return VFW_E_NOT_FOUND;
    return NOERROR;
// Called when the input pin receives an EndOfStream notification. If we have
// not got a sample, then notify EC_COMPLETE now. If we have samples, then set
// m_bEOS and check for this on completing samples. If we're waiting to pause
// then complete the transition to paused state by setting the state event
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::EndOfStream()
    // Ignore these calls if we are stopped
    if (m_State == State_Stopped) {
        return NOERROR;
    // If we have a sample then wait for it to be rendered
    m_bEOS = TRUE;
    if (m_pMediaSample) {
        return NOERROR;
    // If we are waiting for pause then we are now ready since we cannot now
    // carry on waiting for a sample to arrive since we are being told there
    // won't be any. This sets an event that the GetState function picks up
    // Only signal completion now if we are running otherwise queue it until
    // we do run in StartStreaming. This is used when we seek because a seek
    // causes a pause where early notification of completion is misleading
    if (m_bStreaming) {
    return NOERROR;
// When we are told to flush we should release the source thread
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::BeginFlush()
    // If paused then report state intermediate until we get some data
    if (m_State == State_Paused) {
    //  Wait for Receive to complete
    return NOERROR;
// After flushing the source thread can wait in Receive again
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::EndFlush()
    // Reset the current sample media time
    if (m_pPosition) m_pPosition->ResetMediaTime();
    // There should be no outstanding advise
    ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
    return NOERROR;
// We can now send EC_REPAINTs if so required
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin)
    // The caller should always hold the interface lock because
    // the function uses CBaseFilter::m_State.
    m_bAbort = FALSE;
    if (State_Running == GetRealState()) {
        HRESULT hr = StartStreaming();
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            return hr;
    } else {
    return NOERROR;
// Called when we go paused or running
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::Active()
    return NOERROR;
// Called when we go into a stopped state
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::Inactive()
    if (m_pPosition) {
    //  People who derive from this may want to override this behaviour
    //  to keep hold of the sample in some circumstances
    return NOERROR;
// Tell derived classes about the media type agreed
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::SetMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt)
    return NOERROR;
// When we break the input pin connection we should reset the EOS flags. When
// we are asked for either IMediaPosition or IMediaSeeking we will create a
// CPosPassThru object to handles media time pass through. When we're handed
// samples we store (by calling CPosPassThru::RegisterMediaTime) their media
// times so we can then return a real current position of data being rendered
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::BreakConnect()
    // Do we have a quality management sink
    if (m_pQSink) {
        m_pQSink = NULL;
    // Check we have a valid connection
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        return S_FALSE;
    // Check we are stopped before disconnecting
    if (m_State != State_Stopped && !m_pInputPin->CanReconnectWhenActive()) {
        return VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED;
    m_bAbort = FALSE;
    if (State_Running == m_State) {
    return NOERROR;
// Retrieves the sample times for this samples (note the sample times are
// passed in by reference not value). We return S_FALSE to say schedule this
// sample according to the times on the sample. We also return S_OK in
// which case the object should simply render the sample data immediately
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::GetSampleTimes(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
                                      __out REFERENCE_TIME *pStartTime,
                                      __out REFERENCE_TIME *pEndTime)
    ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0);
    // If the stop time for this sample is before or the same as start time,
    // then just ignore it (release it) and schedule the next one in line
    // Source filters should always fill in the start and end times properly!
    if (SUCCEEDED(pMediaSample->GetTime(pStartTime, pEndTime))) {
        if (*pEndTime < *pStartTime) {
            return VFW_E_START_TIME_AFTER_END;
    } else {
        // no time set in the sample... draw it now?
        return S_OK;
    // Can't synchronise without a clock so we return S_OK which tells the
    // caller that the sample should be rendered immediately without going
    // through the overhead of setting a timer advise link with the clock
    if (m_pClock == NULL) {
        return S_OK;
    return ShouldDrawSampleNow(pMediaSample,pStartTime,pEndTime);
// By default all samples are drawn according to their time stamps so we
// return S_FALSE. Returning S_OK means draw immediately, this is used
// by the derived video renderer class in its quality management.
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::ShouldDrawSampleNow(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
                                           __out REFERENCE_TIME *ptrStart,
                                           __out REFERENCE_TIME *ptrEnd)
    return S_FALSE;
// We must always reset the current advise time to zero after a timer fires
// because there are several possible ways which lead us not to do any more
// scheduling such as the pending image being cleared after state changes
void CBaseRenderer::SignalTimerFired()
    m_dwAdvise = 0;
// Cancel any notification currently scheduled. This is called by the owning
// window object when it is told to stop streaming. If there is no timer link
// outstanding then calling this is benign otherwise we go ahead and cancel
// We must always reset the render event as the quality management code can
// signal immediate rendering by setting the event without setting an advise
// link. If we're subsequently stopped and run the first attempt to setup an
// advise link with the reference clock will find the event still signalled
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::CancelNotification()
    ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0 || m_pClock);
    DWORD_PTR dwAdvise = m_dwAdvise;
    // Have we a live advise link
    if (m_dwAdvise) {
        ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0);
    // Clear the event and return our status
    return (dwAdvise ? S_OK : S_FALSE);
// Responsible for setting up one shot advise links with the clock
// Return FALSE if the sample is to be dropped (not drawn at all)
// Return TRUE if the sample is to be drawn and in this case also
// arrange for m_RenderEvent to be set at the appropriate time
BOOL CBaseRenderer::ScheduleSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    REFERENCE_TIME StartSample, EndSample;
    // Is someone pulling our leg
    if (pMediaSample == NULL) {
        return FALSE;
    // Get the next sample due up for rendering.  If there aren't any ready
    // then GetNextSampleTimes returns an error.  If there is one to be done
    // then it succeeds and yields the sample times. If it is due now then
    // it returns S_OK other if it's to be done when due it returns S_FALSE
    HRESULT hr = GetSampleTimes(pMediaSample, &StartSample, &EndSample);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return FALSE;
    // If we don't have a reference clock then we cannot set up the advise
    // time so we simply set the event indicating an image to render. This
    // will cause us to run flat out without any timing or synchronisation
    if (hr == S_OK) {
        EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent((HANDLE) m_RenderEvent));
        return TRUE;
    ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0);
    ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
    // We do have a valid reference clock interface so we can ask it to
    // set an event when the image comes due for rendering. We pass in
    // the reference time we were told to start at and also the current
    // stream time which is the offset from the start reference time
    hr = m_pClock->AdviseTime(
            (REFERENCE_TIME) m_tStart,          // Start run time
            StartSample,                        // Stream time
            (HEVENT)(HANDLE) m_RenderEvent,     // Render notification
            &m_dwAdvise);                       // Advise cookie
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        return TRUE;
    // We could not schedule the next sample for rendering despite the fact
    // we have a valid sample here. This is a fair indication that either
    // the system clock is wrong or the time stamp for the sample is duff
    ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0);
    return FALSE;
// This is called when a sample comes due for rendering. We pass the sample
// on to the derived class. After rendering we will initialise the timer for
// the next sample, NOTE signal that the last one fired first, if we don't
// do this it thinks there is still one outstanding that hasn't completed
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::Render(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    // If the media sample is NULL then we will have been notified by the
    // clock that another sample is ready but in the mean time someone has
    // stopped us streaming which causes the next sample to be released
    if (pMediaSample == NULL) {
        return S_FALSE;
    // If we have stopped streaming then don't render any more samples, the
    // thread that got in and locked us and then reset this flag does not
    // clear the pending sample as we can use it to refresh any output device
    if (m_bStreaming == FALSE) {
        return S_FALSE;
    // Time how long the rendering takes
    return NOERROR;
// Checks if there is a sample waiting at the renderer
BOOL CBaseRenderer::HaveCurrentSample()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    return (m_pMediaSample == NULL ? FALSE : TRUE);
// Returns the current sample waiting at the video renderer. We AddRef the
// sample before returning so that should it come due for rendering the
// person who called this method will hold the remaining reference count
// that will stop the sample being added back onto the allocator free list
IMediaSample *CBaseRenderer::GetCurrentSample()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    if (m_pMediaSample) {
    return m_pMediaSample;
// Called when the source delivers us a sample. We go through a few checks to
// make sure the sample can be rendered. If we are running (streaming) then we
// have the sample scheduled with the reference clock, if we are not streaming
// then we have received an sample in paused mode so we can complete any state
// transition. On leaving this function everything will be unlocked so an app
// thread may get in and change our state to stopped (for example) in which
// case it will also signal the thread event so that our wait call is stopped
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::PrepareReceive(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    CAutoLock cInterfaceLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    m_bInReceive = TRUE;
    // Check our flushing and filter state
    // This function must hold the interface lock because it calls 
    // CBaseInputPin::Receive() and CBaseInputPin::Receive() uses
    // CBasePin::m_bRunTimeError.
    HRESULT hr = m_pInputPin->CBaseInputPin::Receive(pMediaSample);
    if (hr != NOERROR) {
        m_bInReceive = FALSE;
        return E_FAIL;
    // Has the type changed on a media sample. We do all rendering
    // synchronously on the source thread, which has a side effect
    // that only one buffer is ever outstanding. Therefore when we
    // have Receive called we can go ahead and change the format
    // Since the format change can cause a SendMessage we just don't
    // lock
    if (m_pInputPin->SampleProps()->pMediaType) {
        hr = m_pInputPin->SetMediaType(
                (CMediaType *)m_pInputPin->SampleProps()->pMediaType);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            m_bInReceive = FALSE;
            return hr;
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    ASSERT(IsActive() == TRUE);
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE);
    ASSERT(m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == TRUE);
    ASSERT(m_pMediaSample == NULL);
    // Return an error if we already have a sample waiting for rendering
    // source pins must serialise the Receive calls - we also check that
    // no data is being sent after the source signalled an end of stream
    if (m_pMediaSample || m_bEOS || m_bAbort) {
        m_bInReceive = FALSE;
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
    // Store the media times from this sample
    if (m_pPosition) m_pPosition->RegisterMediaTime(pMediaSample);
    // Schedule the next sample if we are streaming
    if ((m_bStreaming == TRUE) && (ScheduleSample(pMediaSample) == FALSE)) {
        ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
        ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
        m_bInReceive = FALSE;
        return VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED;
    // Store the sample end time for EC_COMPLETE handling
    m_SignalTime = m_pInputPin->SampleProps()->tStop;
    // BEWARE we sometimes keep the sample even after returning the thread to
    // the source filter such as when we go into a stopped state (we keep it
    // to refresh the device with) so we must AddRef it to keep it safely. If
    // we start flushing the source thread is released and any sample waiting
    // will be released otherwise GetBuffer may never return (see BeginFlush)
    m_pMediaSample = pMediaSample;
    if (m_bStreaming == FALSE) {
    return NOERROR;
// Called by the source filter when we have a sample to render. Under normal
// circumstances we set an advise link with the clock, wait for the time to
// arrive and then render the data using the PURE virtual DoRenderSample that
// the derived class will have overriden. After rendering the sample we may
// also signal EOS if it was the last one sent before EndOfStream was called
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::Receive(IMediaSample *pSample)
    // It may return VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED code to say don't bother
    HRESULT hr = PrepareReceive(pSample);
    ASSERT(m_bInReceive == SUCCEEDED(hr));
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        if (hr == VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED) {
            return NOERROR;
        return hr;
    // We realize the palette in "PrepareRender()" so we have to give away the
    // filter lock here.
    if (m_State == State_Paused) {
        // no need to use InterlockedExchange
        m_bInReceive = FALSE;
            // We must hold both these locks
            CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
            if (m_State == State_Stopped)
                return NOERROR;
            m_bInReceive = TRUE;
            CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    // Having set an advise link with the clock we sit and wait. We may be
    // awoken by the clock firing or by a state change. The rendering call
    // will lock the critical section and check we can still render the data
    hr = WaitForRenderTime();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        m_bInReceive = FALSE;
        return NOERROR;
    //  Set this here and poll it until we work out the locking correctly
    //  It can't be right that the streaming stuff grabs the interface
    //  lock - after all we want to be able to wait for this stuff
    //  to complete
    m_bInReceive = FALSE;
    // We must hold both these locks
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    // since we gave away the filter wide lock, the sate of the filter could
    // have chnaged to Stopped
    if (m_State == State_Stopped)
        return NOERROR;
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    // Deal with this sample
    return NOERROR;
// This is called when we stop or are inactivated to clear the pending sample
// We release the media sample interface so that they can be allocated to the
// source filter again, unless of course we are changing state to inactive in
// which case GetBuffer will return an error. We must also reset the current
// media sample to NULL so that we know we do not currently have an image
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::ClearPendingSample()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    if (m_pMediaSample) {
        m_pMediaSample = NULL;
    return NOERROR;
// Used to signal end of stream according to the sample end time
void CALLBACK EndOfStreamTimer(UINT uID,        // Timer identifier
                               UINT uMsg,       // Not currently used
                               DWORD_PTR dwUser,// User information
                               DWORD_PTR dw1,   // Windows reserved
                               DWORD_PTR dw2)   // is also reserved
    CBaseRenderer *pRenderer = (CBaseRenderer *) dwUser;
    NOTE1("EndOfStreamTimer called (%d)",uID);
//  Do the timer callback work
void CBaseRenderer::TimerCallback()
    //  Lock for synchronization (but don't hold this lock when calling
    //  timeKillEvent)
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    // See if we should signal end of stream now
    if (m_EndOfStreamTimer) {
        m_EndOfStreamTimer = 0;
// If we are at the end of the stream signal the filter graph but do not set
// the state flag back to FALSE. Once we drop off the end of the stream we
// leave the flag set (until a subsequent ResetEndOfStream). Each sample we
// get delivered will update m_SignalTime to be the last sample's end time.
// We must wait this long before signalling end of stream to the filtergraph
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::SendEndOfStream()
    if (m_bEOS == FALSE || m_bEOSDelivered || m_EndOfStreamTimer) {
        return NOERROR;
    // If there is no clock then signal immediately
    if (m_pClock == NULL) {
        return NotifyEndOfStream();
    // How long into the future is the delivery time
    REFERENCE_TIME Signal = m_tStart + m_SignalTime;
    REFERENCE_TIME CurrentTime;
    LONG Delay = LONG((Signal - CurrentTime) / 10000);
    // Dump the timing information to the debugger
    NOTE1("Delay until end of stream delivery %d",Delay);
    NOTE1("Current %s",(LPCTSTR)CDisp((LONGLONG)CurrentTime));
    NOTE1("Signal %s",(LPCTSTR)CDisp((LONGLONG)Signal));
    // Wait for the delivery time to arrive
        return NotifyEndOfStream();
    // Signal a timer callback on another worker thread
    m_EndOfStreamTimer = CompatibleTimeSetEvent((UINT) Delay, // Period of timer
                                      TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION,     // Timer resolution
                                      EndOfStreamTimer,       // Callback function
                                      DWORD_PTR(this),        // Used information
                                      TIME_ONESHOT);          // Type of callback
    if (m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0) {
        return NotifyEndOfStream();
    return NOERROR;
// Signals EC_COMPLETE to the filtergraph manager
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::NotifyEndOfStream()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    ASSERT(m_bEOSDelivered == FALSE);
    ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
    // Has the filter changed state
    if (m_bStreaming == FALSE) {
        ASSERT(m_EndOfStreamTimer == 0);
        return NOERROR;
    // Reset the end of stream timer
    m_EndOfStreamTimer = 0;
    // If we've been using the IMediaPosition interface, set it's start
    // and end media "times" to the stop position by hand.  This ensures
    // that we actually get to the end, even if the MPEG guestimate has
    // been bad or if the quality management dropped the last few frames
    if (m_pPosition) m_pPosition->EOS();
    m_bEOSDelivered = TRUE;
    NOTE("Sending EC_COMPLETE...");
    return NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE,S_OK,(LONG_PTR)(IBaseFilter *)this);
// Reset the end of stream flag, this is typically called when we transfer to
// stopped states since that resets the current position back to the start so
// we will receive more samples or another EndOfStream if there aren't any. We
// keep two separate flags one to say we have run off the end of the stream
// (this is the m_bEOS flag) and another to say we have delivered EC_COMPLETE
// to the filter graph. We need the latter otherwise we can end up sending an
// EC_COMPLETE every time the source changes state and calls our EndOfStream
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::ResetEndOfStream()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    m_bEOS = FALSE;
    m_bEOSDelivered = FALSE;
    m_SignalTime = 0;
    return NOERROR;
// Kills any outstanding end of stream timer
void CBaseRenderer::ResetEndOfStreamTimer()
    if (m_EndOfStreamTimer) {
        m_EndOfStreamTimer = 0;
// This is called when we start running so that we can schedule any pending
// image we have with the clock and display any timing information. If we
// don't have any sample but we have queued an EOS flag then we send it. If
// we do have a sample then we wait until that has been rendered before we
// signal the filter graph otherwise we may change state before it's done
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::StartStreaming()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    if (m_bStreaming == TRUE) {
        return NOERROR;
    // Reset the streaming times ready for running
    m_bStreaming = TRUE;
    // There should be no outstanding advise
    ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_RenderEvent,0));
    ASSERT(CancelNotification() == S_FALSE);
    // If we have an EOS and no data then deliver it now
    if (m_pMediaSample == NULL) {
        return SendEndOfStream();
    // Have the data rendered
    if (!ScheduleSample(m_pMediaSample))
    return NOERROR;
// This is called when we stop streaming so that we can set our internal flag
// indicating we are not now to schedule any more samples arriving. The state
// change methods in the filter implementation take care of cancelling any
// clock advise link we have set up and clearing any pending sample we have
HRESULT CBaseRenderer::StopStreaming()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_RendererLock);
    m_bEOSDelivered = FALSE;
    if (m_bStreaming == TRUE) {
        m_bStreaming = FALSE;
    return NOERROR;
// We have a boolean flag that is reset when we have signalled EC_REPAINT to
// the filter graph. We set this when we receive an image so that should any
// conditions arise again we can send another one. By having a flag we ensure
// we don't flood the filter graph with redundant calls. We do not set the
// event when we receive an EndOfStream call since there is no point in us
// sending further EC_REPAINTs. In particular the AutoShowWindow method and
// the DirectDraw object use this method to control the window repainting
void CBaseRenderer::SetRepaintStatus(BOOL bRepaint)
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    m_bRepaintStatus = bRepaint;
// Pass the window handle to the upstream filter
void CBaseRenderer::SendNotifyWindow(IPin *pPin,HWND hwnd)
    IMediaEventSink *pSink;
    // Does the pin support IMediaEventSink
    HRESULT hr = pPin->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventSink,(void **)&pSink);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Signal an EC_REPAINT to the filter graph. This can be used to have data
// sent to us. For example when a video window is first displayed it may
// not have an image to display, at which point it signals EC_REPAINT. The
// filtergraph will either pause the graph if stopped or if already paused
// it will call put_CurrentPosition of the current position. Setting the
// current position to itself has the stream flushed and the image resent
#define RLOG(_x_) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,1,TEXT(_x_)));
void CBaseRenderer::SendRepaint()
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    // We should not send repaint notifications when...
    //    - An end of stream has been notified
    //    - Our input pin is being flushed
    //    - The input pin is not connected
    //    - We have aborted a video playback
    //    - There is a repaint already sent
    if (m_bAbort == FALSE) {
        if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == TRUE) {
            if (m_pInputPin->IsFlushing() == FALSE) {
                if (IsEndOfStream() == FALSE) {
                    if (m_bRepaintStatus == TRUE) {
                        IPin *pPin = (IPin *) m_pInputPin;
                        NotifyEvent(EC_REPAINT,(LONG_PTR) pPin,0);
                        RLOG("Sending repaint");
// When a video window detects a display change (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message) it
// can send an EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED event code along with the renderer pin. The
// filtergraph will stop everyone and reconnect our input pin. As we're then
// reconnected we can accept the media type that matches the new display mode
// since we may no longer be able to draw the current image type efficiently
BOOL CBaseRenderer::OnDisplayChange()
    // Ignore if we are not connected yet
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_RendererLock);
    if (m_pInputPin->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    RLOG("Notification of EC_DISPLAY_CHANGE");
    // Pass our input pin as parameter on the event
    IPin *pPin = (IPin *) m_pInputPin;
    NotifyEvent(EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED,(LONG_PTR) pPin,0);
    return TRUE;
// Called just before we start drawing.
// Store the current time in m_trRenderStart to allow the rendering time to be
// logged.  Log the time stamp of the sample and how late it is (neg is early)
void CBaseRenderer::OnRenderStart(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
#ifdef PERF
    REFERENCE_TIME trStart, trEnd;
    pMediaSample->GetTime(&trStart, &trEnd);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idBaseStamp, (int)trStart);     // dump low order 32 bits
    MSR_INTEGER(0, (int)m_trRenderStart);
    REFERENCE_TIME trStream;
    trStream = m_trRenderStart-m_tStart;     // convert reftime to stream time
    const int trLate = (int)(trStream - trStart);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idBaseAccuracy, trLate/10000);  // dump in mSec
} // OnRenderStart
// Called directly after drawing an image.
// calculate the time spent drawing and log it.
void CBaseRenderer::OnRenderEnd(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
#ifdef PERF
    int t = (int)((trNow - m_trRenderStart)/10000);   // convert UNITS->msec
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idBaseRenderTime, t);
} // OnRenderEnd
// Constructor must be passed the base renderer object
CRendererInputPin::CRendererInputPin(__inout CBaseRenderer *pRenderer,
                                     __inout HRESULT *phr,
                                     __in_opt LPCWSTR pPinName) :
    CBaseInputPin(NAME("Renderer pin"),
                  (HRESULT *) phr,
    m_pRenderer = pRenderer;
// Signals end of data stream on the input pin
STDMETHODIMP CRendererInputPin::EndOfStream()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_pRenderer->m_InterfaceLock);
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_pRenderer->m_RendererLock);
    // Make sure we're streaming ok
    HRESULT hr = CheckStreaming();
    if (hr != NOERROR) {
        return hr;
    // Pass it onto the renderer
    hr = m_pRenderer->EndOfStream();
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        hr = CBaseInputPin::EndOfStream();
    return hr;
// Signals start of flushing on the input pin - we do the final reset end of
// stream with the renderer lock unlocked but with the interface lock locked
// We must do this because we call timeKillEvent, our timer callback method
// has to take the renderer lock to serialise our state. Therefore holding a
// renderer lock when calling timeKillEvent could cause a deadlock condition
STDMETHODIMP CRendererInputPin::BeginFlush()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_pRenderer->m_InterfaceLock);
        CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_pRenderer->m_RendererLock);
    return m_pRenderer->ResetEndOfStream();
// Signals end of flushing on the input pin
STDMETHODIMP CRendererInputPin::EndFlush()
    CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_pRenderer->m_InterfaceLock);
    CAutoLock cSampleLock(&m_pRenderer->m_RendererLock);
    HRESULT hr = m_pRenderer->EndFlush();
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        hr = CBaseInputPin::EndFlush();
    return hr;
// Pass the sample straight through to the renderer object
STDMETHODIMP CRendererInputPin::Receive(IMediaSample *pSample)
    HRESULT hr = m_pRenderer->Receive(pSample);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        // A deadlock could occur if the caller holds the renderer lock and
        // attempts to acquire the interface lock.
            // The interface lock must be held when the filter is calling
            // IsStopped() or IsFlushing().  The interface lock must also
            // be held because the function uses m_bRunTimeError.
            CAutoLock cRendererLock(&m_pRenderer->m_InterfaceLock);
            // We do not report errors which occur while the filter is stopping,
            // flushing or if the m_bAbort flag is set .  Errors are expected to 
            // occur during these operations and the streaming thread correctly 
            // handles the errors.  
            if (!IsStopped() && !IsFlushing() && !m_pRenderer->m_bAbort && !m_bRunTimeError) {
                // EC_ERRORABORT's first parameter is the error which caused
                // the event and its' last parameter is 0.  See the Direct
                // Show SDK documentation for more information.
                    CAutoLock alRendererLock(&m_pRenderer->m_RendererLock);
                    if (m_pRenderer->IsStreaming() && !m_pRenderer->IsEndOfStreamDelivered()) {
                m_bRunTimeError = TRUE;
    return hr;
// Called when the input pin is disconnected
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::BreakConnect()
    HRESULT hr = m_pRenderer->BreakConnect();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return CBaseInputPin::BreakConnect();
// Called when the input pin is connected
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin)
    HRESULT hr = m_pRenderer->CompleteConnect(pReceivePin);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return CBaseInputPin::CompleteConnect(pReceivePin);
// Give the pin id of our one and only pin
STDMETHODIMP CRendererInputPin::QueryId(__deref_out LPWSTR *Id)
    const WCHAR szIn[] = L"In";
    *Id = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(szIn));
    if (*Id == NULL) {
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    CopyMemory(*Id, szIn, sizeof(szIn));
    return NOERROR;
// Will the filter accept this media type
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt)
    return m_pRenderer->CheckMediaType(pmt);
// Called when we go paused or running
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::Active()
    return m_pRenderer->Active();
// Called when we go into a stopped state
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::Inactive()
    // The caller must hold the interface lock because 
    // this function uses m_bRunTimeError.
    m_bRunTimeError = FALSE;
    return m_pRenderer->Inactive();
// Tell derived classes about the media type agreed
HRESULT CRendererInputPin::SetMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt)
    HRESULT hr = CBaseInputPin::SetMediaType(pmt);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;
    return m_pRenderer->SetMediaType(pmt);
// We do not keep an event object to use when setting up a timer link with
// the clock but are given a pointer to one by the owning object through the
// SetNotificationObject method - this must be initialised before starting
// We can override the default quality management process to have it always
// draw late frames, this is currently done by having the following registry
// key (actually an INI key) called DrawLateFrames set to 1 (default is 0)
const TCHAR AMQUALITY[] = TEXT("ActiveMovie");
const TCHAR DRAWLATEFRAMES[] = TEXT("DrawLateFrames");
      REFCLSID RenderClass, // CLSID for this renderer
      __in_opt LPCTSTR pName,         // Debug ONLY description
      __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,       // Aggregated owner object
      __inout HRESULT *phr) :       // General OLE return code
#ifdef PERF
    m_idTimeStamp       = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Frame time stamp"));
    m_idEarliness       = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Earliness fudge"));
    m_idTarget          = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Target (mSec)"));
    m_idSchLateTime     = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("mSec late when scheduled"));
    m_idDecision        = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Scheduler decision code"));
    m_idQualityRate     = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Quality rate sent"));
    m_idQualityTime     = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Quality time sent"));
    m_idWaitReal        = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Render wait"));
    // m_idWait            = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("wait time recorded (msec)"));
    m_idFrameAccuracy   = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Frame accuracy (msecs)"));
    m_bDrawLateFrames = GetProfileInt(AMQUALITY, DRAWLATEFRAMES, FALSE);
    //m_idSendQuality      = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Processing Quality message"));
    m_idRenderAvg       = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Render draw time Avg"));
    m_idFrameAvg        = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("FrameAvg"));
    m_idWaitAvg         = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("WaitAvg"));
    m_idDuration        = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Duration"));
    m_idThrottle        = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Audio-video throttle wait"));
    // m_idDebug           = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Debug stuff"));
#endif // PERF
} // Constructor
// Destructor is just a placeholder
    ASSERT(m_dwAdvise == 0);
// The timing functions in this class are called by the window object and by
// the renderer's allocator.
// The windows object calls timing functions as it receives media sample
// images for drawing using GDI.
// The allocator calls timing functions when it starts passing DCI/DirectDraw
// surfaces which are not rendered in the same way; The decompressor writes
// directly to the surface with no separate rendering, so those code paths
// call direct into us.  Since we only ever hand out DCI/DirectDraw surfaces
// when we have allocated one and only one image we know there cannot be any
// conflict between the two.
// We use timeGetTime to return the timing counts we use (since it's relative
// performance we are interested in rather than absolute compared to a clock)
// The window object sets the accuracy of the system clock (normally 1ms) by
// calling timeBeginPeriod/timeEndPeriod when it changes streaming states
// Reset all times controlling streaming.
// Set them so that
// 1. Frames will not initially be dropped
// 2. The first frame will definitely be drawn (achieved by saying that there
//    has not ben a frame drawn for a long time).
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::ResetStreamingTimes()
    m_trLastDraw = -1000;     // set up as first frame since ages (1 sec) ago
    m_tStreamingStart = timeGetTime();
    m_trRenderAvg = 0;
    m_trFrameAvg = -1;        // -1000 fps == "unset"
    m_trDuration = 0;         // 0 - strange value
    m_trRenderLast = 0;
    m_trWaitAvg = 0;
    m_tRenderStart = 0;
    m_cFramesDrawn = 0;
    m_cFramesDropped = 0;
    m_iTotAcc = 0;
    m_iSumSqAcc = 0;
    m_iSumSqFrameTime = 0;
    m_trFrame = 0;          // hygeine - not really needed
    m_trLate = 0;           // hygeine - not really needed
    m_iSumFrameTime = 0;
    m_nNormal = 0;
    m_trEarliness = 0;
    m_trTarget = -300000;  // 30mSec early
    m_trThrottle = 0;
    m_trRememberStampForPerf = 0;
#ifdef PERF
    m_trRememberFrameForPerf = 0;
    return NOERROR;
} // ResetStreamingTimes
// Reset all times controlling streaming. Note that we're now streaming. We
// don't need to set the rendering event to have the source filter released
// as it is done during the Run processing. When we are run we immediately
// release the source filter thread and draw any image waiting (that image
// may already have been drawn once as a poster frame while we were paused)
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::OnStartStreaming()
    return NOERROR;
} // OnStartStreaming
// Called at end of streaming.  Fixes times for property page report
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::OnStopStreaming()
    m_tStreamingStart = timeGetTime()-m_tStreamingStart;
    return NOERROR;
} // OnStopStreaming
// Called when we start waiting for a rendering event.
// Used to update times spent waiting and not waiting.
void CBaseVideoRenderer::OnWaitStart()
} // OnWaitStart
// Called when we are awoken from the wait in the window OR by our allocator
// when it is hanging around until the next sample is due for rendering on a
// DCI/DirectDraw surface. We add the wait time into our rolling average.
// We grab the interface lock so that we're serialised with the application
// thread going through the run code - which in due course ends up calling
// ResetStreaming times - possibly as we run through this section of code
void CBaseVideoRenderer::OnWaitEnd()
#ifdef PERF
    // for a perf build we want to know just exactly how late we REALLY are.
    // even if this means that we have to look at the clock again.
    REFERENCE_TIME trRealStream;     // the real time now expressed as stream time.
#if 0
    m_pClock->GetTime(&trRealStream); // Calling clock here causes W95 deadlock!
    // We will be discarding overflows like mad here!
    // This is wrong really because timeGetTime() can wrap but it's
    // only for PERF
    REFERENCE_TIME tr = timeGetTime()*10000;
    trRealStream = tr + m_llTimeOffset;
    trRealStream -= m_tStart;     // convert to stream time (this is a reftime)
    if (m_trRememberStampForPerf==0) {
        // This is probably the poster frame at the start, and it is not scheduled
        // in the usual way at all.  Just count it.  The rememberstamp gets set
        // in ShouldDrawSampleNow, so this does invalid frame recording until we
        // actually start playing.
        PreparePerformanceData(0, 0);
    } else {
        int trLate = (int)(trRealStream - m_trRememberStampForPerf);
        int trFrame = (int)(tr - m_trRememberFrameForPerf);
        PreparePerformanceData(trLate, trFrame);
    m_trRememberFrameForPerf = tr;
#endif //PERF
} // OnWaitEnd
// Put data on one side that describes the lateness of the current frame.
// We don't yet know whether it will actually be drawn.  In direct draw mode,
// this decision is up to the filter upstream, and it could change its mind.
// The rules say that if it did draw it must call Receive().  One way or
// another we eventually get into either OnRenderStart or OnDirectRender and
// these both call RecordFrameLateness to update the statistics.
void CBaseVideoRenderer::PreparePerformanceData(int trLate, int trFrame)
    m_trLate = trLate;
    m_trFrame = trFrame;
} // PreparePerformanceData
// update the statistics:
// m_iTotAcc, m_iSumSqAcc, m_iSumSqFrameTime, m_iSumFrameTime, m_cFramesDrawn
// Note that because the properties page reports using these variables,
// 1. We need to be inside a critical section
// 2. They must all be updated together.  Updating the sums here and the count
// elsewhere can result in imaginary jitter (i.e. attempts to find square roots
// of negative numbers) in the property page code.
void CBaseVideoRenderer::RecordFrameLateness(int trLate, int trFrame)
    // Record how timely we are.
    int tLate = trLate/10000;
    // Best estimate of moment of appearing on the screen is average of
    // start and end draw times.  Here we have only the end time.  This may
    // tend to show us as spuriously late by up to 1/2 frame rate achieved.
    // Decoder probably monitors draw time.  We don't bother.
    MSR_INTEGER( m_idFrameAccuracy, tLate );
    // This is a kludge - we can get frames that are very late
    // especially (at start-up) and they invalidate the statistics.
    // So ignore things that are more than 1 sec off.
    if (tLate>1000 || tLate<-1000) {
        if (m_cFramesDrawn<=1) {
            tLate = 0;
        } else if (tLate>0) {
            tLate = 1000;
        } else {
            tLate = -1000;
    // The very first frame often has a invalid time, so don't
    // count it into the statistics.   (???)
    if (m_cFramesDrawn>1) {
        m_iTotAcc += tLate;
        m_iSumSqAcc += (tLate*tLate);
    // calculate inter-frame time.  Doesn't make sense for first frame
    // second frame suffers from invalid first frame stamp.
    if (m_cFramesDrawn>2) {
        int tFrame = trFrame/10000;    // convert to mSec else it overflows
        // This is a kludge.  It can overflow anyway (a pause can cause
        // a very long inter-frame time) and it overflows at 2**31/10**7
        // or about 215 seconds i.e. 3min 35sec
        if (tFrame>1000||tFrame<0) tFrame = 1000;
        m_iSumSqFrameTime += tFrame*tFrame;
        m_iSumFrameTime += tFrame;
} // RecordFrameLateness
void CBaseVideoRenderer::ThrottleWait()
    if (m_trThrottle>0) {
        int iThrottle = m_trThrottle/10000;    // convert to mSec
        MSR_INTEGER( m_idThrottle, iThrottle);
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 0, TEXT("Throttle %d ms"), iThrottle));
    } else {
} // ThrottleWait
// Whenever a frame is rendered it goes though either OnRenderStart
// or OnDirectRender.  Data that are generated during ShouldDrawSample
// are added to the statistics by calling RecordFrameLateness from both
// these two places.
// Called in place of OnRenderStart..OnRenderEnd
// When a DirectDraw image is drawn
void CBaseVideoRenderer::OnDirectRender(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    m_trRenderAvg = 0;
    m_trRenderLast = 5000000;  // If we mode switch, we do NOT want this
                               // to inhibit the new average getting going!
                               // so we set it to half a second
    // MSR_INTEGER(m_idRenderAvg, m_trRenderAvg/10000);
    RecordFrameLateness(m_trLate, m_trFrame);
} // OnDirectRender
// Called just before we start drawing.  All we do is to get the current clock
// time (from the system) and return.  We have to store the start render time
// in a member variable because it isn't used until we complete the drawing
// The rest is just performance logging.
void CBaseVideoRenderer::OnRenderStart(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    RecordFrameLateness(m_trLate, m_trFrame);
    m_tRenderStart = timeGetTime();
} // OnRenderStart
// Called directly after drawing an image.  We calculate the time spent in the
// drawing code and if this doesn't appear to have any odd looking spikes in
// it then we add it to the current average draw time.  Measurement spikes may
// occur if the drawing thread is interrupted and switched to somewhere else.
void CBaseVideoRenderer::OnRenderEnd(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    // The renderer time can vary erratically if we are interrupted so we do
    // some smoothing to help get more sensible figures out but even that is
    // not enough as figures can go 9,10,9,9,83,9 and we must disregard 83
    int tr = (timeGetTime() - m_tRenderStart)*10000;   // convert mSec->UNITS
    if (tr < m_trRenderAvg*2 || tr < 2 * m_trRenderLast) {
        // DO_MOVING_AVG(m_trRenderAvg, tr);
        m_trRenderAvg = (tr + (AVGPERIOD-1)*m_trRenderAvg)/AVGPERIOD;
    m_trRenderLast = tr;
} // OnRenderEnd
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::SetSink( IQualityControl * piqc)
    m_pQSink = piqc;
    return NOERROR;
} // SetSink
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::Notify( IBaseFilter * pSelf, Quality q)
    // NOTE:  We are NOT getting any locks here.  We could be called
    // asynchronously and possibly even on a time critical thread of
    // someone else's - so we do the minumum.  We only set one state
    // variable (an integer) and if that happens to be in the middle
    // of another thread reading it they will just get either the new
    // or the old value.  Locking would achieve no more than this.
    // It might be nice to check that we are being called from m_pGraph, but
    // it turns out to be a millisecond or so per throw!
    // This is heuristics, these numbers are aimed at being "what works"
    // rather than anything based on some theory.
    // We use a hyperbola because it's easy to calculate and it includes
    // a panic button asymptote (which we push off just to the left)
    // The throttling fits the following table (roughly)
    // Proportion   Throttle (msec)
    //     >=1000         0
    //        900         3
    //        800         7
    //        700        11
    //        600        17
    //        500        25
    //        400        35
    //        300        50
    //        200        72
    //        125       100
    //        100       112
    //         50       146
    //          0       200
    // (some evidence that we could go for a sharper kink - e.g. no throttling
    // until below the 750 mark - might give fractionally more frames on a
    // P60-ish machine).  The easy way to get these coefficients is to use
    // Renbase.xls follow the instructions therein using excel solver.
    if (q.Proportion>=1000) { m_trThrottle = 0; }
    else {
        // The DWORD is to make quite sure I get unsigned arithmetic
        // as the constant is between 2**31 and 2**32
        m_trThrottle = -330000 + (388880000/(q.Proportion+167));
    return NOERROR;
} // Notify
// Send a message to indicate what our supplier should do about quality.
// Theory:
// What a supplier wants to know is "is the frame I'm working on NOW
// going to be late?".
// F1 is the frame at the supplier (as above)
// Tf1 is the due time for F1
// T1 is the time at that point (NOW!)
// Tr1 is the time that f1 WILL actually be rendered
// L1 is the latency of the graph for frame F1 = Tr1-T1
// D1 (for delay) is how late F1 will be beyond its due time i.e.
// D1 = (Tr1-Tf1) which is what the supplier really wants to know.
// Unfortunately Tr1 is in the future and is unknown, so is L1
// We could estimate L1 by its value for a previous frame,
// L0 = Tr0-T0 and work off
// D1' = ((T1+L0)-Tf1) = (T1 + (Tr0-T0) -Tf1)
// Rearranging terms:
// D1' = (T1-T0) + (Tr0-Tf1)
//       adding (Tf0-Tf0) and rearranging again:
//     = (T1-T0) + (Tr0-Tf0) + (Tf0-Tf1)
//     = (T1-T0) - (Tf1-Tf0) + (Tr0-Tf0)
// But (Tr0-Tf0) is just D0 - how late frame zero was, and this is the
// Late field in the quality message that we send.
// The other two terms just state what correction should be applied before
// using the lateness of F0 to predict the lateness of F1.
// (T1-T0) says how much time has actually passed (we have lost this much)
// (Tf1-Tf0) says how much time should have passed if we were keeping pace
// (we have gained this much).
// Suppliers should therefore work off:
//    Quality.Late + (T1-T0)  - (Tf1-Tf0)
// and see if this is "acceptably late" or even early (i.e. negative).
// They get T1 and T0 by polling the clock, they get Tf1 and Tf0 from
// the time stamps in the frames.  They get Quality.Late from us.
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::SendQuality(REFERENCE_TIME trLate,
                                        REFERENCE_TIME trRealStream)
    Quality q;
    HRESULT hr;
    // If we are the main user of time, then report this as Flood/Dry.
    // If our suppliers are, then report it as Famine/Glut.
    // We need to take action, but avoid hunting.  Hunting is caused by
    // 1. Taking too much action too soon and overshooting
    // 2. Taking too long to react (so averaging can CAUSE hunting).
    // The reason why we use trLate as well as Wait is to reduce hunting;
    // if the wait time is coming down and about to go into the red, we do
    // NOT want to rely on some average which is only telling is that it used
    // to be OK once.
    q.TimeStamp = (REFERENCE_TIME)trRealStream;
    if (m_trFrameAvg<0) {
        q.Type = Famine;      // guess
    // Is the greater part of the time taken bltting or something else
    else if (m_trFrameAvg > 2*m_trRenderAvg) {
        q.Type = Famine;                        // mainly other
    } else {
        q.Type = Flood;                         // mainly bltting
    q.Proportion = 1000;               // default
    if (m_trFrameAvg<0) {
        // leave it alone - we don't know enough
    else if ( trLate> 0 ) {
        // try to catch up over the next second
        // We could be Really, REALLY late, but rendering all the frames
        // anyway, just because it's so cheap.
        q.Proportion = 1000 - (int)((trLate)/(UNITS/1000));
        if (q.Proportion<500) {
           q.Proportion = 500;      // don't go daft. (could've been negative!)
        } else {
    } else if (  m_trWaitAvg>20000
              && trLate<-20000
        // Go cautiously faster - aim at 2mSec wait.
        if (m_trWaitAvg>=m_trFrameAvg) {
            // This can happen because of some fudges.
            // The waitAvg is how long we originally planned to wait
            // The frameAvg is more honest.
            // It means that we are spending a LOT of time waiting
            q.Proportion = 2000;    // double.
        } else {
            if (m_trFrameAvg+20000 > m_trWaitAvg) {
                    = 1000 * (m_trFrameAvg / (m_trFrameAvg + 20000 - m_trWaitAvg));
            } else {
                // We're apparently spending more than the whole frame time waiting.
                // Assume that the averages are slightly out of kilter, but that we
                // are indeed doing a lot of waiting.  (This leg probably never
                // happens, but the code avoids any potential divide by zero).
                q.Proportion = 2000;
        if (q.Proportion>2000) {
            q.Proportion = 2000;    // don't go crazy.
    // Tell the supplier how late frames are when they get rendered
    // That's how late we are now.
    // If we are in directdraw mode then the guy upstream can see the drawing
    // times and we'll just report on the start time.  He can figure out any
    // offset to apply.  If we are in DIB Section mode then we will apply an
    // extra offset which is half of our drawing time.  This is usually small
    // but can sometimes be the dominant effect.  For this we will use the
    // average drawing time rather than the last frame.  If the last frame took
    // a long time to draw and made us late, that's already in the lateness
    // figure.  We should not add it in again unless we expect the next frame
    // to be the same.  We don't, we expect the average to be a better shot.
    // In direct draw mode the RenderAvg will be zero.
    q.Late = trLate + m_trRenderAvg/2;
    // log what we're doing
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idQualityRate, q.Proportion);
    MSR_INTEGER( m_idQualityTime, (int)q.Late / 10000 );
    // A specific sink interface may be set through IPin
    if (m_pQSink==NULL) {
        // Get our input pin's peer.  We send quality management messages
        // to any nominated receiver of these things (set in the IPin
        // interface), or else to our source filter.
        IQualityControl *pQC = NULL;
        IPin *pOutputPin = m_pInputPin->GetConnected();
        ASSERT(pOutputPin != NULL);
        // And get an AddRef'd quality control interface
        hr = pOutputPin->QueryInterface(IID_IQualityControl,(void**) &pQC);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            m_pQSink = pQC;
    if (m_pQSink) {
        return m_pQSink->Notify(this,q);
    return S_FALSE;
} // SendQuality
// We are called with a valid IMediaSample image to decide whether this is to
// be drawn or not.  There must be a reference clock in operation.
// Return S_OK if it is to be drawn Now (as soon as possible)
// Return S_FALSE if it is to be drawn when it's due
// Return an error if we want to drop it
// m_nNormal=-1 indicates that we dropped the previous frame and so this
// one should be drawn early.  Respect it and update it.
// Use current stream time plus a number of heuristics (detailed below)
// to make the decision
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::ShouldDrawSampleNow(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
                                                __inout REFERENCE_TIME *ptrStart,
                                                __inout REFERENCE_TIME *ptrEnd)
    // Don't call us unless there's a clock interface to synchronise with
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idTimeStamp, (int)((*ptrStart)>>32));   // high order 32 bits
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idTimeStamp, (int)(*ptrStart));         // low order 32 bits
    // We lose a bit of time depending on the monitor type waiting for the next
    // screen refresh.  On average this might be about 8mSec - so it will be
    // later than we think when the picture appears.  To compensate a bit
    // we bias the media samples by -8mSec i.e. 80000 UNITs.
    // We don't ever make a stream time negative (call it paranoia)
    if (*ptrStart>=80000) {
        *ptrStart -= 80000;
        *ptrEnd -= 80000;       // bias stop to to retain valid frame duration
    // Cache the time stamp now.  We will want to compare what we did with what
    // we started with (after making the monitor allowance).
    m_trRememberStampForPerf = *ptrStart;
    // Get reference times (current and late)
    REFERENCE_TIME trRealStream;     // the real time now expressed as stream time.
#ifdef PERF
    // While the reference clock is expensive:
    // Remember the offset from timeGetTime and use that.
    // This overflows all over the place, but when we subtract to get
    // differences the overflows all cancel out.
    m_llTimeOffset = trRealStream-timeGetTime()*10000;
    trRealStream -= m_tStart;     // convert to stream time (this is a reftime)
    // We have to wory about two versions of "lateness".  The truth, which we
    // try to work out here and the one measured against m_trTarget which
    // includes long term feedback.  We report statistics against the truth
    // but for operational decisions we work to the target.
    // We use TimeDiff to make sure we get an integer because we
    // may actually be late (or more likely early if there is a big time
    // gap) by a very long time.
    const int trTrueLate = TimeDiff(trRealStream - *ptrStart);
    const int trLate = trTrueLate;
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idSchLateTime, trTrueLate/10000);
    // Send quality control messages upstream, measured against target
    HRESULT hr = SendQuality(trLate, trRealStream);
    // Note: the filter upstream is allowed to this FAIL meaning "you do it".
    m_bSupplierHandlingQuality = (hr==S_OK);
    // Decision time!  Do we drop, draw when ready or draw immediately?
    const int trDuration = (int)(*ptrEnd - *ptrStart);
        // We need to see if the frame rate of the file has just changed.
        // This would make comparing our previous frame rate with the current
        // frame rate inefficent.  Hang on a moment though.  I've seen files
        // where the frames vary between 33 and 34 mSec so as to average
        // 30fps.  A minor variation like that won't hurt us.
        int t = m_trDuration/32;
        if (  trDuration > m_trDuration+t
           || trDuration < m_trDuration-t
           ) {
            // There's a major variation.  Reset the average frame rate to
            // exactly the current rate to disable decision 9002 for this frame,
            // and remember the new rate.
            m_trFrameAvg = trDuration;
            m_trDuration = trDuration;
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idEarliness, m_trEarliness/10000);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idRenderAvg, m_trRenderAvg/10000);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idFrameAvg, m_trFrameAvg/10000);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idWaitAvg, m_trWaitAvg/10000);
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idDuration, trDuration/10000);
#ifdef PERF
    if (S_OK==pMediaSample->IsDiscontinuity()) {
        MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 9000);
    // Control the graceful slide back from slow to fast machine mode.
    // After a frame drop accept an early frame and set the earliness to here
    // If this frame is already later than the earliness then slide it to here
    // otherwise do the standard slide (reduce by about 12% per frame).
    // Note: earliness is normally NEGATIVE
    BOOL bJustDroppedFrame
        = (  m_bSupplierHandlingQuality
          //  Can't use the pin sample properties because we might
          //  not be in Receive when we call this
          && (S_OK == pMediaSample->IsDiscontinuity())          // he just dropped one
       || (m_nNormal==-1);                          // we just dropped one
    // Set m_trEarliness (slide back from slow to fast machine mode)
    if (trLate>0) {
        m_trEarliness = 0;   // we are no longer in fast machine mode at all!
    } else if (  (trLate>=m_trEarliness) || bJustDroppedFrame) {
        m_trEarliness = trLate;  // Things have slipped of their own accord
    } else {
        m_trEarliness = m_trEarliness - m_trEarliness/8;  // graceful slide
    // prepare the new wait average - but don't pollute the old one until
    // we have finished with it.
    int trWaitAvg;
        // We never mix in a negative wait.  This causes us to believe in fast machines
        // slightly more.
        int trL = trLate<0 ? -trLate : 0;
        trWaitAvg = (trL + m_trWaitAvg*(AVGPERIOD-1))/AVGPERIOD;
    int trFrame;
        REFERENCE_TIME tr = trRealStream - m_trLastDraw; // Cd be large - 4 min pause!
        if (tr>10000000) {
            tr = 10000000;   // 1 second - arbitrarily.
        trFrame = int(tr);
    // We will DRAW this frame IF...
    if (
          // ...the time we are spending drawing is a small fraction of the total
          // observed inter-frame time so that dropping it won't help much.
          (3*m_trRenderAvg <= m_trFrameAvg)
         // ...or our supplier is NOT handling things and the next frame would
         // be less timely than this one or our supplier CLAIMS to be handling
         // things, and is now less than a full FOUR frames late.
       || ( m_bSupplierHandlingQuality
          ? (trLate <= trDuration*4)
          : (trLate+trLate < trDuration)
          // ...or we are on average waiting for over eight milliseconds then
          // this may be just a glitch.  Draw it and we'll hope to catch up.
       || (m_trWaitAvg > 80000)
          // ...or we haven't drawn an image for over a second.  We will update
          // the display, which stops the video looking hung.
          // Do this regardless of how late this media sample is.
       || ((trRealStream - m_trLastDraw) > UNITS)
    ) {
        HRESULT Result;
        // We are going to play this frame.  We may want to play it early.
        // We will play it early if we think we are in slow machine mode.
        // If we think we are NOT in slow machine mode, we will still play
        // it early by m_trEarliness as this controls the graceful slide back.
        // and in addition we aim at being m_trTarget late rather than "on time".
        BOOL bPlayASAP = FALSE;
        // we will play it AT ONCE (slow machine mode) if...
            // ...we are playing catch-up
        if ( bJustDroppedFrame) {
            bPlayASAP = TRUE;
            MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 9001);
            // ...or if we are running below the true frame rate
            // exact comparisons are glitchy, for these measurements,
            // so add an extra 5% or so
        else if (  (m_trFrameAvg > trDuration + trDuration/16)
                   // It's possible to get into a state where we are losing ground, but
                   // are a very long way ahead.  To avoid this or recover from it
                   // we refuse to play early by more than 10 frames.
                && (trLate > - trDuration*10)
            bPlayASAP = TRUE;
            MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 9002);
#if 0
            // ...or if we have been late and are less than one frame early
        else if (  (trLate + trDuration > 0)
                && (m_trWaitAvg<=20000)
                ) {
            bPlayASAP = TRUE;
            MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 9003);
        // We will NOT play it at once if we are grossly early.  On very slow frame
        // rate movies - e.g. clock.avi - it is not a good idea to leap ahead just
        // because we got starved (for instance by the net) and dropped one frame
        // some time or other.  If we are more than 900mSec early, then wait.
        if (trLate<-9000000) {
            bPlayASAP = FALSE;
        if (bPlayASAP) {
            m_nNormal = 0;
            MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 0);
            // When we are here, we are in slow-machine mode.  trLate may well
            // oscillate between negative and positive when the supplier is
            // dropping frames to keep sync.  We should not let that mislead
            // us into thinking that we have as much as zero spare time!
            // We just update with a zero wait.
            m_trWaitAvg = (m_trWaitAvg*(AVGPERIOD-1))/AVGPERIOD;
            // Assume that we draw it immediately.  Update inter-frame stats
            m_trFrameAvg = (trFrame + m_trFrameAvg*(AVGPERIOD-1))/AVGPERIOD;
#ifndef PERF
            // If this is NOT a perf build, then report what we know so far
            // without looking at the clock any more.  This assumes that we
            // actually wait for exactly the time we hope to.  It also reports
            // how close we get to the manipulated time stamps that we now have
            // rather than the ones we originally started with.  It will
            // therefore be a little optimistic.  However it's fast.
            PreparePerformanceData(trTrueLate, trFrame);
            m_trLastDraw = trRealStream;
            if (m_trEarliness > trLate) {
                m_trEarliness = trLate;  // if we are actually early, this is neg
            Result = S_OK;                   // Draw it now
        } else {
            // Set the average frame rate to EXACTLY the ideal rate.
            // If we are exiting slow-machine mode then we will have caught up
            // and be running ahead, so as we slide back to exact timing we will
            // have a longer than usual gap at this point.  If we record this
            // real gap then we'll think that we're running slow and go back
            // into slow-machine mode and vever get it straight.
            m_trFrameAvg = trDuration;
            MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 1);
            // Play it early by m_trEarliness and by m_trTarget
                int trE = m_trEarliness;
                if (trE < -m_trFrameAvg) {
                    trE = -m_trFrameAvg;
                *ptrStart += trE;           // N.B. earliness is negative
            int Delay = -trTrueLate;
            Result = Delay<=0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE;     // OK = draw now, FALSE = wait
            m_trWaitAvg = trWaitAvg;
            // Predict when it will actually be drawn and update frame stats
            if (Result==S_FALSE) {   // We are going to wait
                trFrame = TimeDiff(*ptrStart-m_trLastDraw);
                m_trLastDraw = *ptrStart;
            } else {
                // trFrame is already = trRealStream-m_trLastDraw;
                m_trLastDraw = trRealStream;
#ifndef PERF
            int iAccuracy;
            if (Delay>0) {
                // Report lateness based on when we intend to play it
                iAccuracy = TimeDiff(*ptrStart-m_trRememberStampForPerf);
            } else {
                // Report lateness based on playing it *now*.
                iAccuracy = trTrueLate;     // trRealStream-RememberStampForPerf;
            PreparePerformanceData(iAccuracy, trFrame);
        return Result;
    // We are going to drop this frame!
    // Of course in DirectDraw mode the guy upstream may draw it anyway.
    // This will probably give a large negative wack to the wait avg.
    m_trWaitAvg = trWaitAvg;
#ifdef PERF
    // Respect registry setting - debug only!
    if (m_bDrawLateFrames) {
       return S_OK;                        // draw it when it's ready
    }                                      // even though it's late.
    // We are going to drop this frame so draw the next one early
    // n.b. if the supplier is doing direct draw then he may draw it anyway
    // but he's doing something funny to arrive here in that case.
    MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 2);
    m_nNormal = -1;
    return E_FAIL;                         // drop it
} // ShouldDrawSampleNow
// NOTE we're called by both the window thread and the source filter thread
// so we have to be protected by a critical section (locked before called)
// Also, when the window thread gets signalled to render an image, it always
// does so regardless of how late it is. All the degradation is done when we
// are scheduling the next sample to be drawn. Hence when we start an advise
// link to draw a sample, that sample's time will always become the last one
// drawn - unless of course we stop streaming in which case we cancel links
BOOL CBaseVideoRenderer::ScheduleSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample)
    // We override ShouldDrawSampleNow to add quality management
    BOOL bDrawImage = CBaseRenderer::ScheduleSample(pMediaSample);
    if (bDrawImage == FALSE) {
	return FALSE;
    // m_cFramesDrawn must NOT be updated here.  It has to be updated
    // in RecordFrameLateness at the same time as the other statistics.
    return TRUE;
// Implementation of IQualProp interface needed to support the property page
// This is how the property page gets the data out of the scheduler. We are
// passed into the constructor the owning object in the COM sense, this will
// either be the video renderer or an external IUnknown if we're aggregated.
// We initialise our CUnknown base class with this interface pointer. Then
// all we have to do is to override NonDelegatingQueryInterface to expose
// our IQualProp interface. The AddRef and Release are handled automatically
// by the base class and will be passed on to the appropriate outer object
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_FramesDroppedInRenderer(__out int *pcFramesDropped)
    CAutoLock cVideoLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    *pcFramesDropped = m_cFramesDropped;
    return NOERROR;
} // get_FramesDroppedInRenderer
// Set *pcFramesDrawn to the number of frames drawn since
// streaming started.
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_FramesDrawn( int *pcFramesDrawn)
    CAutoLock cVideoLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    *pcFramesDrawn = m_cFramesDrawn;
    return NOERROR;
} // get_FramesDrawn
// Set iAvgFrameRate to the frames per hundred secs since
// streaming started.  0 otherwise.
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_AvgFrameRate( int *piAvgFrameRate)
    CAutoLock cVideoLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    int t;
    if (m_bStreaming) {
        t = timeGetTime()-m_tStreamingStart;
    } else {
        t = m_tStreamingStart;
    if (t<=0) {
        *piAvgFrameRate = 0;
        ASSERT(m_cFramesDrawn == 0);
    } else {
        // i is frames per hundred seconds
        *piAvgFrameRate = MulDiv(100000, m_cFramesDrawn, t);
    return NOERROR;
} // get_AvgFrameRate
// Set *piAvg to the average sync offset since streaming started
// in mSec.  The sync offset is the time in mSec between when the frame
// should have been drawn and when the frame was actually drawn.
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_AvgSyncOffset(__out int *piAvg)
    CAutoLock cVideoLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    if (NULL==m_pClock) {
        *piAvg = 0;
        return NOERROR;
    // Note that we didn't gather the stats on the first frame
    // so we use m_cFramesDrawn-1 here
    if (m_cFramesDrawn<=1) {
        *piAvg = 0;
    } else {
        *piAvg = (int)(m_iTotAcc / (m_cFramesDrawn-1));
    return NOERROR;
} // get_AvgSyncOffset
// To avoid dragging in the maths library - a cheap
// approximate integer square root.
// We do this by getting a starting guess which is between 1
// and 2 times too large, followed by THREE iterations of
// Newton Raphson.  (That will give accuracy to the nearest mSec
// for the range in question - roughly 0..1000)
// It would be faster to use a linear interpolation and ONE NR, but
// who cares.  If anyone does - the best linear interpolation is
// to approximates sqrt(x) by
// y = x * (sqrt(2)-1) + 1 - 1/sqrt(2) + 1/(8*(sqrt(2)-1))
// 0r y = x*0.41421 + 0.59467
// This minimises the maximal error in the range in question.
// (error is about +0.008883 and then one NR will give error .0000something
// (Of course these are integers, so you can't just multiply by 0.41421
// you'd have to do some sort of MulDiv).
// Anyone wanna check my maths?  (This is only for a property display!)
int isqrt(int x)
    int s = 1;
    // Make s an initial guess for sqrt(x)
    if (x > 0x40000000) {
       s = 0x8000;     // prevent any conceivable closed loop
    } else {
        while (s*s<x) {    // loop cannot possible go more than 31 times
            s = 2*s;       // normally it goes about 6 times
        // Three NR iterations.
        if (x==0) {
           s= 0; // Wouldn't it be tragic to divide by zero whenever our
                 // accuracy was perfect!
        } else {
            s = (s*s+x)/(2*s);
            if (s>=0) s = (s*s+x)/(2*s);
            if (s>=0) s = (s*s+x)/(2*s);
    return s;
//  Do estimates for standard deviations for per-frame
//  statistics
HRESULT CBaseVideoRenderer::GetStdDev(
    int nSamples,
    __out int *piResult,
    LONGLONG llSumSq,
    CAutoLock cVideoLock(&m_InterfaceLock);
    if (NULL==m_pClock) {
        *piResult = 0;
        return NOERROR;
    // If S is the Sum of the Squares of observations and
    //    T the Total (i.e. sum) of the observations and there were
    //    N observations, then an estimate of the standard deviation is
    //      sqrt( (S - T**2/N) / (N-1) )
    if (nSamples<=1) {
        *piResult = 0;
    } else {
        LONGLONG x;
        // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
        // So we need 2 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-1
        // so we use m_cFramesDrawn-1 here
        x = llSumSq - llMulDiv(iTot, iTot, nSamples, 0);
        x = x / (nSamples-1);
        *piResult = isqrt((LONG)x);
    return NOERROR;
// Set *piDev to the standard deviation in mSec of the sync offset
// of each frame since streaming started.
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_DevSyncOffset(__out int *piDev)
    // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
    // So we need 2 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-1
    return GetStdDev(m_cFramesDrawn - 1,
} // get_DevSyncOffset
// Set *piJitter to the standard deviation in mSec of the inter-frame time
// of frames since streaming started.
STDMETHODIMP CBaseVideoRenderer::get_Jitter(__out int *piJitter)
    // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
    // So second frame gives invalid inter-frame time
    // So we need 3 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-2
    return GetStdDev(m_cFramesDrawn - 2,
} // get_Jitter
// Overidden to return our IQualProp interface
CBaseVideoRenderer::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,__deref_out VOID **ppv)
    // We return IQualProp and delegate everything else
    if (riid == IID_IQualProp) {
        return GetInterface( (IQualProp *)this, ppv);
    } else if (riid == IID_IQualityControl) {
        return GetInterface( (IQualityControl *)this, ppv);
    return CBaseRenderer::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid,ppv);
// Override JoinFilterGraph so that, just before leaving
// the graph we can send an EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED event
CBaseVideoRenderer::JoinFilterGraph(__inout_opt IFilterGraph *pGraph, __in_opt LPCWSTR pName)
    // Since we send EC_ACTIVATE, we also need to ensure
    // we send EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED or the resource manager may be
    // holding us as a focus object
    if (!pGraph && m_pGraph) {
        // We were in a graph and now we're not
        // Do this properly in case we are aggregated
        IBaseFilter* pFilter = this;
        NotifyEvent(EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED, (LPARAM) pFilter, 0);
    return CBaseFilter::JoinFilterGraph(pGraph, pName);
// This removes a large number of level 4 warnings from the
// Microsoft compiler which in this case are not very useful
#pragma warning(disable: 4514)

V510 The 'DbgLogInfo' function is not expected to receive class-type variable as fourth actual argument.

V510 The 'DbgLogInfo' function is not expected to receive class-type variable as fourth actual argument.

V510 The 'DbgLogInfo' function is not expected to receive class-type variable as fourth actual argument.

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'm_pPosition' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'm_pInputPin' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'm_pClock'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'bCanWait != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'IsEndOfStream() != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'HaveCurrentSample() != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'IsActive() != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_pInputPin->IsConnected() != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bStreaming != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bStreaming != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bStreaming != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_pInputPin->IsConnected() != FALSE'.

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'm_bRepaintStatus != FALSE'.

V813 Decreased performance. The 'q' argument should probably be rendered as a constant reference.