 * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses
 * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third
 * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights
 * are granted under this license.
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe
 * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team
 * Copyright (c) 2007, Jonathan Ballard <dzonatas@dzonux.net>
 * Copyright (c) 2007, Callum Lerwick <seg@haxxed.com>
 * Copyright (c) 2017, IntoPIX SA <support@intopix.com>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include <assert.h>
#include "opj_includes.h"
#ifdef __SSE__
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
#ifdef __SSSE3__
#include <tmmintrin.h>
#ifdef __AVX2__
#include <immintrin.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC poison malloc calloc realloc free
/** @defgroup DWT DWT - Implementation of a discrete wavelet transform */
#define OPJ_WS(i) v->mem[(i)*2]
#define OPJ_WD(i) v->mem[(1+(i)*2)]
#ifdef __AVX2__
/** Number of int32 values in a AVX2 register */
#define VREG_INT_COUNT       8
/** Number of int32 values in a SSE2 register */
#define VREG_INT_COUNT       4
/** Number of columns that we can process in parallel in the vertical pass */
/** @name Local data structures */
typedef struct dwt_local {
    OPJ_INT32* mem;
    OPJ_INT32 dn;   /* number of elements in high pass band */
    OPJ_INT32 sn;   /* number of elements in low pass band */
    OPJ_INT32 cas;  /* 0 = start on even coord, 1 = start on odd coord */
} opj_dwt_t;
#define NB_ELTS_V8  8
typedef union {
    OPJ_FLOAT32 f[NB_ELTS_V8];
} opj_v8_t;
typedef struct v8dwt_local {
    opj_v8_t*   wavelet ;
    OPJ_INT32       dn ;  /* number of elements in high pass band */
    OPJ_INT32       sn ;  /* number of elements in low pass band */
    OPJ_INT32       cas ; /* 0 = start on even coord, 1 = start on odd coord */
    OPJ_UINT32      win_l_x0; /* start coord in low pass band */
    OPJ_UINT32      win_l_x1; /* end coord in low pass band */
    OPJ_UINT32      win_h_x0; /* start coord in high pass band */
    OPJ_UINT32      win_h_x1; /* end coord in high pass band */
} opj_v8dwt_t ;
/* From table F.4 from the standard */
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_dwt_alpha =  -1.586134342f;
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_dwt_beta  =  -0.052980118f;
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_dwt_gamma = 0.882911075f;
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_dwt_delta = 0.443506852f;
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_K      = 1.230174105f;
static const OPJ_FLOAT32 opj_invK   = (OPJ_FLOAT32)(1.0 / 1.230174105);
/** @name Local static functions */
Forward lazy transform (horizontal)
static void opj_dwt_deinterleave_h(const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT a,
                                   OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT b,
                                   OPJ_INT32 dn,
                                   OPJ_INT32 sn, OPJ_INT32 cas);
Forward 9-7 wavelet transform in 1-D
static void opj_dwt_encode_1_real(void *a, OPJ_INT32 dn, OPJ_INT32 sn,
                                  OPJ_INT32 cas);
Explicit calculation of the Quantization Stepsizes
static void opj_dwt_encode_stepsize(OPJ_INT32 stepsize, OPJ_INT32 numbps,
                                    opj_stepsize_t *bandno_stepsize);
Inverse wavelet transform in 2-D.
static OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_tile(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
                                    opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec, OPJ_UINT32 i);
static OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_partial_tile(
    opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec,
    OPJ_UINT32 numres);
/* Forward transform, for the vertical pass, processing cols columns */
/* where cols <= NB_ELTS_V8 */
/* Where void* is a OPJ_INT32* for 5x3 and OPJ_FLOAT32* for 9x7 */
typedef void (*opj_encode_and_deinterleave_v_fnptr_type)(
    void *array,
    void *tmp,
    OPJ_UINT32 height,
    OPJ_BOOL even,
    OPJ_UINT32 stride_width,
    OPJ_UINT32 cols);
/* Where void* is a OPJ_INT32* for 5x3 and OPJ_FLOAT32* for 9x7 */
typedef void (*opj_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row_fnptr_type)(
    void *row,
    void *tmp,
    OPJ_UINT32 width,
    OPJ_BOOL even);
static OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_encode_procedure(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
        opj_tcd_tilecomp_t * tilec,
        opj_encode_and_deinterleave_v_fnptr_type p_encode_and_deinterleave_v,
static OPJ_UINT32 opj_dwt_max_resolution(opj_tcd_resolution_t* OPJ_RESTRICT r,
        OPJ_UINT32 i);
/* <summary>                             */
/* Inverse 9-7 wavelet transform in 1-D. */
/* </summary>                            */
#define OPJ_S(i) a[(i)*2]
#define OPJ_D(i) a[(1+(i)*2)]
#define OPJ_S_(i) ((i)<0?OPJ_S(0):((i)>=sn?OPJ_S(sn-1):OPJ_S(i)))
#define OPJ_D_(i) ((i)<0?OPJ_D(0):((i)>=dn?OPJ_D(dn-1):OPJ_D(i)))
/* new */
#define OPJ_SS_(i) ((i)<0?OPJ_S(0):((i)>=dn?OPJ_S(dn-1):OPJ_S(i)))
#define OPJ_DD_(i) ((i)<0?OPJ_D(0):((i)>=sn?OPJ_D(sn-1):OPJ_D(i)))
/* <summary>                                                              */
/* This table contains the norms of the 5-3 wavelets for different bands. */
/* </summary>                                                             */
/* FIXME! the array should really be extended up to 33 resolution levels */
/* See https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/493 */
static const OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_dwt_norms[4][10] = {
    {1.000, 1.500, 2.750, 5.375, 10.68, 21.34, 42.67, 85.33, 170.7, 341.3},
    {1.038, 1.592, 2.919, 5.703, 11.33, 22.64, 45.25, 90.48, 180.9},
    {1.038, 1.592, 2.919, 5.703, 11.33, 22.64, 45.25, 90.48, 180.9},
    {.7186, .9218, 1.586, 3.043, 6.019, 12.01, 24.00, 47.97, 95.93}
/* <summary>                                                              */
/* This table contains the norms of the 9-7 wavelets for different bands. */
/* </summary>                                                             */
/* FIXME! the array should really be extended up to 33 resolution levels */
/* See https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/493 */
static const OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_dwt_norms_real[4][10] = {
    {1.000, 1.965, 4.177, 8.403, 16.90, 33.84, 67.69, 135.3, 270.6, 540.9},
    {2.022, 3.989, 8.355, 17.04, 34.27, 68.63, 137.3, 274.6, 549.0},
    {2.022, 3.989, 8.355, 17.04, 34.27, 68.63, 137.3, 274.6, 549.0},
    {2.080, 3.865, 8.307, 17.18, 34.71, 69.59, 139.3, 278.6, 557.2}
   local functions
/* <summary>                             */
/* Forward lazy transform (horizontal).  */
/* </summary>                            */
static void opj_dwt_deinterleave_h(const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT a,
                                   OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT b,
                                   OPJ_INT32 dn,
                                   OPJ_INT32 sn, OPJ_INT32 cas)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT l_dest = b;
    const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT l_src = a + cas;
    for (i = 0; i < sn; ++i) {
        *l_dest++ = *l_src;
        l_src += 2;
    l_dest = b + sn;
    l_src = a + 1 - cas;
    for (i = 0; i < dn; ++i)  {
        *l_dest++ = *l_src;
        l_src += 2;
/* <summary>                             */
/* Inverse lazy transform (horizontal).  */
/* </summary>                            */
static void opj_dwt_interleave_h(const opj_dwt_t* h, OPJ_INT32 *a)
    const OPJ_INT32 *ai = a;
    OPJ_INT32 *bi = h->mem + h->cas;
    OPJ_INT32  i    = h->sn;
    while (i--) {
        *bi = *(ai++);
        bi += 2;
    ai  = a + h->sn;
    bi  = h->mem + 1 - h->cas;
    i   = h->dn ;
    while (i--) {
        *bi = *(ai++);
        bi += 2;
/* <summary>                             */
/* Inverse lazy transform (vertical).    */
/* </summary>                            */
static void opj_dwt_interleave_v(const opj_dwt_t* v, OPJ_INT32 *a, OPJ_INT32 x)
    const OPJ_INT32 *ai = a;
    OPJ_INT32 *bi = v->mem + v->cas;
    OPJ_INT32  i = v->sn;
    while (i--) {
        *bi = *ai;
        bi += 2;
        ai += x;
    ai = a + (v->sn * (OPJ_SIZE_T)x);
    bi = v->mem + 1 - v->cas;
    i = v->dn ;
    while (i--) {
        *bi = *ai;
        bi += 2;
        ai += x;
/* <summary>                            */
/* Inverse 5-3 wavelet transform in 1-D. */
/* </summary>                           */
static void opj_dwt_decode_1_(OPJ_INT32 *a, OPJ_INT32 dn, OPJ_INT32 sn,
                              OPJ_INT32 cas)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    if (!cas) {
        if ((dn > 0) || (sn > 1)) { /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            for (i = 0; i < sn; i++) {
                OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D_(i - 1) + OPJ_D_(i) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) {
                OPJ_D(i) += (OPJ_S_(i) + OPJ_S_(i + 1)) >> 1;
    } else {
        if (!sn  && dn == 1) {        /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            OPJ_S(0) /= 2;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < sn; i++) {
                OPJ_D(i) -= (OPJ_SS_(i) + OPJ_SS_(i + 1) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) {
                OPJ_S(i) += (OPJ_DD_(i) + OPJ_DD_(i - 1)) >> 1;
static void opj_dwt_decode_1(const opj_dwt_t *v)
    opj_dwt_decode_1_(v->mem, v->dn, v->sn, v->cas);
static void  opj_idwt53_h_cas0(OPJ_INT32* tmp,
                               const OPJ_INT32 sn,
                               const OPJ_INT32 len,
                               OPJ_INT32* tiledp)
    OPJ_INT32 i, j;
    const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp[0];
    const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp[sn];
    /* For documentation purpose: performs lifting in two iterations, */
    /* but without explicit interleaving */
    assert(len > 1);
    /* Even */
    tmp[0] = in_even[0] - ((in_odd[0] + 1) >> 1);
    for (i = 2, j = 0; i <= len - 2; i += 2, j++) {
        tmp[i] = in_even[j + 1] - ((in_odd[j] + in_odd[j + 1] + 2) >> 2);
    if (len & 1) { /* if len is odd */
        tmp[len - 1] = in_even[(len - 1) / 2] - ((in_odd[(len - 2) / 2] + 1) >> 1);
    /* Odd */
    for (i = 1, j = 0; i < len - 1; i += 2, j++) {
        tmp[i] = in_odd[j] + ((tmp[i - 1] + tmp[i + 1]) >> 1);
    if (!(len & 1)) { /* if len is even */
        tmp[len - 1] = in_odd[(len - 1) / 2] + tmp[len - 2];
    OPJ_INT32 d1c, d1n, s1n, s0c, s0n;
    assert(len > 1);
    /* Improved version of the TWO_PASS_VERSION: */
    /* Performs lifting in one single iteration. Saves memory */
    /* accesses and explicit interleaving. */
    s1n = in_even[0];
    d1n = in_odd[0];
    s0n = s1n - ((d1n + 1) >> 1);
    for (i = 0, j = 1; i < (len - 3); i += 2, j++) {
        d1c = d1n;
        s0c = s0n;
        s1n = in_even[j];
        d1n = in_odd[j];
        s0n = s1n - ((d1c + d1n + 2) >> 2);
        tmp[i  ] = s0c;
        tmp[i + 1] = d1c + ((s0c + s0n) >> 1);
    tmp[i] = s0n;
    if (len & 1) {
        tmp[len - 1] = in_even[(len - 1) / 2] - ((d1n + 1) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 2] = d1n + ((s0n + tmp[len - 1]) >> 1);
    } else {
        tmp[len - 1] = d1n + s0n;
    memcpy(tiledp, tmp, (OPJ_UINT32)len * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
static void  opj_idwt53_h_cas1(OPJ_INT32* tmp,
                               const OPJ_INT32 sn,
                               const OPJ_INT32 len,
                               OPJ_INT32* tiledp)
    OPJ_INT32 i, j;
    const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp[sn];
    const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp[0];
    /* For documentation purpose: performs lifting in two iterations, */
    /* but without explicit interleaving */
    assert(len > 2);
    /* Odd */
    for (i = 1, j = 0; i < len - 1; i += 2, j++) {
        tmp[i] = in_odd[j] - ((in_even[j] + in_even[j + 1] + 2) >> 2);
    if (!(len & 1)) {
        tmp[len - 1] = in_odd[len / 2 - 1] - ((in_even[len / 2 - 1] + 1) >> 1);
    /* Even */
    tmp[0] = in_even[0] + tmp[1];
    for (i = 2, j = 1; i < len - 1; i += 2, j++) {
        tmp[i] = in_even[j] + ((tmp[i + 1] + tmp[i - 1]) >> 1);
    if (len & 1) {
        tmp[len - 1] = in_even[len / 2] + tmp[len - 2];
    OPJ_INT32 s1, s2, dc, dn;
    assert(len > 2);
    /* Improved version of the TWO_PASS_VERSION: */
    /* Performs lifting in one single iteration. Saves memory */
    /* accesses and explicit interleaving. */
    s1 = in_even[1];
    dc = in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + s1 + 2) >> 2);
    tmp[0] = in_even[0] + dc;
    for (i = 1, j = 1; i < (len - 2 - !(len & 1)); i += 2, j++) {
        s2 = in_even[j + 1];
        dn = in_odd[j] - ((s1 + s2 + 2) >> 2);
        tmp[i  ] = dc;
        tmp[i + 1] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1);
        dc = dn;
        s1 = s2;
    tmp[i] = dc;
    if (!(len & 1)) {
        dn = in_odd[len / 2 - 1] - ((s1 + 1) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 2] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 1] = dn;
    } else {
        tmp[len - 1] = s1 + dc;
    memcpy(tiledp, tmp, (OPJ_UINT32)len * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
#endif /* !defined(STANDARD_SLOW_VERSION) */
/* <summary>                            */
/* Inverse 5-3 wavelet transform in 1-D for one row. */
/* </summary>                           */
/* Performs interleave, inverse wavelet transform and copy back to buffer */
static void opj_idwt53_h(const opj_dwt_t *dwt,
                         OPJ_INT32* tiledp)
    /* For documentation purpose */
    opj_dwt_interleave_h(dwt, tiledp);
    memcpy(tiledp, dwt->mem, (OPJ_UINT32)(dwt->sn + dwt->dn) * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
    const OPJ_INT32 sn = dwt->sn;
    const OPJ_INT32 len = sn + dwt->dn;
    if (dwt->cas == 0) { /* Left-most sample is on even coordinate */
        if (len > 1) {
            opj_idwt53_h_cas0(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp);
        } else {
            /* Unmodified value */
    } else { /* Left-most sample is on odd coordinate */
        if (len == 1) {
            tiledp[0] /= 2;
        } else if (len == 2) {
            OPJ_INT32* out = dwt->mem;
            const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp[sn];
            const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp[0];
            out[1] = in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + 1) >> 1);
            out[0] = in_even[0] + out[1];
            memcpy(tiledp, dwt->mem, (OPJ_UINT32)len * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
        } else if (len > 2) {
            opj_idwt53_h_cas1(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp);
#if (defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__AVX2__)) && !defined(STANDARD_SLOW_VERSION)
/* Conveniency macros to improve the readabilty of the formulas */
#if __AVX2__
#define VREG        __m256i
#define LOAD_CST(x) _mm256_set1_epi32(x)
#define LOAD(x)     _mm256_load_si256((const VREG*)(x))
#define LOADU(x)    _mm256_loadu_si256((const VREG*)(x))
#define STORE(x,y)  _mm256_store_si256((VREG*)(x),(y))
#define STOREU(x,y) _mm256_storeu_si256((VREG*)(x),(y))
#define ADD(x,y)    _mm256_add_epi32((x),(y))
#define SUB(x,y)    _mm256_sub_epi32((x),(y))
#define SAR(x,y)    _mm256_srai_epi32((x),(y))
#define VREG        __m128i
#define LOAD_CST(x) _mm_set1_epi32(x)
#define LOAD(x)     _mm_load_si128((const VREG*)(x))
#define LOADU(x)    _mm_loadu_si128((const VREG*)(x))
#define STORE(x,y)  _mm_store_si128((VREG*)(x),(y))
#define STOREU(x,y) _mm_storeu_si128((VREG*)(x),(y))
#define ADD(x,y)    _mm_add_epi32((x),(y))
#define SUB(x,y)    _mm_sub_epi32((x),(y))
#define SAR(x,y)    _mm_srai_epi32((x),(y))
#define ADD3(x,y,z) ADD(ADD(x,y),z)
void opj_idwt53_v_final_memcpy(OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
                               const OPJ_INT32* tmp,
                               OPJ_INT32 len,
                               OPJ_SIZE_T stride)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        /* A memcpy(&tiledp_col[i * stride + 0],
                    &tmp[PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i + 0],
                    PARALLEL_COLS_53 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32))
           would do but would be a tiny bit slower.
           We can take here advantage of our knowledge of alignment */
        STOREU(&tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)i * stride + 0],
               LOAD(&tmp[PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i + 0]));
        STOREU(&tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)i * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT],
               LOAD(&tmp[PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i + VREG_INT_COUNT]));
/** Vertical inverse 5x3 wavelet transform for 8 columns in SSE2, or
 * 16 in AVX2, when top-most pixel is on even coordinate */
static void opj_idwt53_v_cas0_mcols_SSE2_OR_AVX2(
    OPJ_INT32* tmp,
    const OPJ_INT32 sn,
    const OPJ_INT32 len,
    OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
    const OPJ_SIZE_T stride)
    const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp_col[0];
    const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * stride];
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    OPJ_SIZE_T j;
    VREG d1c_0, d1n_0, s1n_0, s0c_0, s0n_0;
    VREG d1c_1, d1n_1, s1n_1, s0c_1, s0n_1;
    const VREG two = LOAD_CST(2);
    assert(len > 1);
#if __AVX2__
    assert(PARALLEL_COLS_53 == 16);
    assert(VREG_INT_COUNT == 8);
    assert(PARALLEL_COLS_53 == 8);
    assert(VREG_INT_COUNT == 4);
    /* Note: loads of input even/odd values must be done in a unaligned */
    /* fashion. But stores in tmp can be done with aligned store, since */
    /* the temporary buffer is properly aligned */
    assert((OPJ_SIZE_T)tmp % (sizeof(OPJ_INT32) * VREG_INT_COUNT) == 0);
    s1n_0 = LOADU(in_even + 0);
    s1n_1 = LOADU(in_even + VREG_INT_COUNT);
    d1n_0 = LOADU(in_odd);
    d1n_1 = LOADU(in_odd + VREG_INT_COUNT);
    /* s0n = s1n - ((d1n + 1) >> 1); <==> */
    /* s0n = s1n - ((d1n + d1n + 2) >> 2); */
    s0n_0 = SUB(s1n_0, SAR(ADD3(d1n_0, d1n_0, two), 2));
    s0n_1 = SUB(s1n_1, SAR(ADD3(d1n_1, d1n_1, two), 2));
    for (i = 0, j = 1; i < (len - 3); i += 2, j++) {
        d1c_0 = d1n_0;
        s0c_0 = s0n_0;
        d1c_1 = d1n_1;
        s0c_1 = s0n_1;
        s1n_0 = LOADU(in_even + j * stride);
        s1n_1 = LOADU(in_even + j * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT);
        d1n_0 = LOADU(in_odd + j * stride);
        d1n_1 = LOADU(in_odd + j * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT);
        /*s0n = s1n - ((d1c + d1n + 2) >> 2);*/
        s0n_0 = SUB(s1n_0, SAR(ADD3(d1c_0, d1n_0, two), 2));
        s0n_1 = SUB(s1n_1, SAR(ADD3(d1c_1, d1n_1, two), 2));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 0), s0c_0);
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 0) + VREG_INT_COUNT, s0c_1);
        /* d1c + ((s0c + s0n) >> 1) */
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 1) + 0,
              ADD(d1c_0, SAR(ADD(s0c_0, s0n_0), 1)));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(d1c_1, SAR(ADD(s0c_1, s0n_1), 1)));
    STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 0) + 0, s0n_0);
    STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 0) + VREG_INT_COUNT, s0n_1);
    if (len & 1) {
        VREG tmp_len_minus_1;
        s1n_0 = LOADU(in_even + (OPJ_SIZE_T)((len - 1) / 2) * stride);
        /* tmp_len_minus_1 = s1n - ((d1n + 1) >> 1); */
        tmp_len_minus_1 = SUB(s1n_0, SAR(ADD3(d1n_0, d1n_0, two), 2));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1), tmp_len_minus_1);
        /* d1n + ((s0n + tmp_len_minus_1) >> 1) */
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 2),
              ADD(d1n_0, SAR(ADD(s0n_0, tmp_len_minus_1), 1)));
        s1n_1 = LOADU(in_even + (OPJ_SIZE_T)((len - 1) / 2) * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT);
        /* tmp_len_minus_1 = s1n - ((d1n + 1) >> 1); */
        tmp_len_minus_1 = SUB(s1n_1, SAR(ADD3(d1n_1, d1n_1, two), 2));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
        /* d1n + ((s0n + tmp_len_minus_1) >> 1) */
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 2) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(d1n_1, SAR(ADD(s0n_1, tmp_len_minus_1), 1)));
    } else {
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + 0,
              ADD(d1n_0, s0n_0));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(d1n_1, s0n_1));
    opj_idwt53_v_final_memcpy(tiledp_col, tmp, len, stride);
/** Vertical inverse 5x3 wavelet transform for 8 columns in SSE2, or
 * 16 in AVX2, when top-most pixel is on odd coordinate */
static void opj_idwt53_v_cas1_mcols_SSE2_OR_AVX2(
    OPJ_INT32* tmp,
    const OPJ_INT32 sn,
    const OPJ_INT32 len,
    OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
    const OPJ_SIZE_T stride)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    OPJ_SIZE_T j;
    VREG s1_0, s2_0, dc_0, dn_0;
    VREG s1_1, s2_1, dc_1, dn_1;
    const VREG two = LOAD_CST(2);
    const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * stride];
    const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp_col[0];
    assert(len > 2);
#if __AVX2__
    assert(PARALLEL_COLS_53 == 16);
    assert(VREG_INT_COUNT == 8);
    assert(PARALLEL_COLS_53 == 8);
    assert(VREG_INT_COUNT == 4);
    /* Note: loads of input even/odd values must be done in a unaligned */
    /* fashion. But stores in tmp can be done with aligned store, since */
    /* the temporary buffer is properly aligned */
    assert((OPJ_SIZE_T)tmp % (sizeof(OPJ_INT32) * VREG_INT_COUNT) == 0);
    s1_0 = LOADU(in_even + stride);
    /* in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + s1 + 2) >> 2); */
    dc_0 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + 0),
               SAR(ADD3(LOADU(in_even + 0), s1_0, two), 2));
    STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * 0, ADD(LOADU(in_even + 0), dc_0));
    s1_1 = LOADU(in_even + stride + VREG_INT_COUNT);
    /* in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + s1 + 2) >> 2); */
    dc_1 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + VREG_INT_COUNT),
               SAR(ADD3(LOADU(in_even + VREG_INT_COUNT), s1_1, two), 2));
          ADD(LOADU(in_even + VREG_INT_COUNT), dc_1));
    for (i = 1, j = 1; i < (len - 2 - !(len & 1)); i += 2, j++) {
        s2_0 = LOADU(in_even + (j + 1) * stride);
        s2_1 = LOADU(in_even + (j + 1) * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT);
        /* dn = in_odd[j * stride] - ((s1 + s2 + 2) >> 2); */
        dn_0 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + j * stride),
                   SAR(ADD3(s1_0, s2_0, two), 2));
        dn_1 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + j * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT),
                   SAR(ADD3(s1_1, s2_1, two), 2));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i, dc_0);
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i + VREG_INT_COUNT, dc_1);
        /* tmp[i + 1] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1); */
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 1) + 0,
              ADD(s1_0, SAR(ADD(dn_0, dc_0), 1)));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (i + 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(s1_1, SAR(ADD(dn_1, dc_1), 1)));
        dc_0 = dn_0;
        s1_0 = s2_0;
        dc_1 = dn_1;
        s1_1 = s2_1;
    STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i, dc_0);
    STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * i + VREG_INT_COUNT, dc_1);
    if (!(len & 1)) {
        /*dn = in_odd[(len / 2 - 1) * stride] - ((s1 + 1) >> 1); */
        dn_0 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + (OPJ_SIZE_T)(len / 2 - 1) * stride),
                   SAR(ADD3(s1_0, s1_0, two), 2));
        dn_1 = SUB(LOADU(in_odd + (OPJ_SIZE_T)(len / 2 - 1) * stride + VREG_INT_COUNT),
                   SAR(ADD3(s1_1, s1_1, two), 2));
        /* tmp[len - 2] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1); */
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 2) + 0,
              ADD(s1_0, SAR(ADD(dn_0, dc_0), 1)));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 2) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(s1_1, SAR(ADD(dn_1, dc_1), 1)));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + 0, dn_0);
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT, dn_1);
    } else {
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + 0, ADD(s1_0, dc_0));
        STORE(tmp + PARALLEL_COLS_53 * (len - 1) + VREG_INT_COUNT,
              ADD(s1_1, dc_1));
    opj_idwt53_v_final_memcpy(tiledp_col, tmp, len, stride);
#undef VREG
#undef LOAD_CST
#undef LOADU
#undef LOAD
#undef STORE
#undef STOREU
#undef ADD
#undef ADD3
#undef SUB
#undef SAR
#endif /* (defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__AVX2__)) && !defined(STANDARD_SLOW_VERSION) */
/** Vertical inverse 5x3 wavelet transform for one column, when top-most
 * pixel is on even coordinate */
static void opj_idwt3_v_cas0(OPJ_INT32* tmp,
                             const OPJ_INT32 sn,
                             const OPJ_INT32 len,
                             OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
                             const OPJ_SIZE_T stride)
    OPJ_INT32 i, j;
    OPJ_INT32 d1c, d1n, s1n, s0c, s0n;
    assert(len > 1);
    /* Performs lifting in one single iteration. Saves memory */
    /* accesses and explicit interleaving. */
    s1n = tiledp_col[0];
    d1n = tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * stride];
    s0n = s1n - ((d1n + 1) >> 1);
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (len - 3); i += 2, j++) {
        d1c = d1n;
        s0c = s0n;
        s1n = tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)(j + 1) * stride];
        d1n = tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)(sn + j + 1) * stride];
        s0n = s1n - ((d1c + d1n + 2) >> 2);
        tmp[i  ] = s0c;
        tmp[i + 1] = d1c + ((s0c + s0n) >> 1);
    tmp[i] = s0n;
    if (len & 1) {
        tmp[len - 1] =
            tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)((len - 1) / 2) * stride] -
            ((d1n + 1) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 2] = d1n + ((s0n + tmp[len - 1]) >> 1);
    } else {
        tmp[len - 1] = d1n + s0n;
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)i * stride] = tmp[i];
/** Vertical inverse 5x3 wavelet transform for one column, when top-most
 * pixel is on odd coordinate */
static void opj_idwt3_v_cas1(OPJ_INT32* tmp,
                             const OPJ_INT32 sn,
                             const OPJ_INT32 len,
                             OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
                             const OPJ_SIZE_T stride)
    OPJ_INT32 i, j;
    OPJ_INT32 s1, s2, dc, dn;
    const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * stride];
    const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp_col[0];
    assert(len > 2);
    /* Performs lifting in one single iteration. Saves memory */
    /* accesses and explicit interleaving. */
    s1 = in_even[stride];
    dc = in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + s1 + 2) >> 2);
    tmp[0] = in_even[0] + dc;
    for (i = 1, j = 1; i < (len - 2 - !(len & 1)); i += 2, j++) {
        s2 = in_even[(OPJ_SIZE_T)(j + 1) * stride];
        dn = in_odd[(OPJ_SIZE_T)j * stride] - ((s1 + s2 + 2) >> 2);
        tmp[i  ] = dc;
        tmp[i + 1] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1);
        dc = dn;
        s1 = s2;
    tmp[i] = dc;
    if (!(len & 1)) {
        dn = in_odd[(OPJ_SIZE_T)(len / 2 - 1) * stride] - ((s1 + 1) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 2] = s1 + ((dn + dc) >> 1);
        tmp[len - 1] = dn;
    } else {
        tmp[len - 1] = s1 + dc;
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)i * stride] = tmp[i];
#endif /* !defined(STANDARD_SLOW_VERSION) */
/* <summary>                            */
/* Inverse vertical 5-3 wavelet transform in 1-D for several columns. */
/* </summary>                           */
/* Performs interleave, inverse wavelet transform and copy back to buffer */
static void opj_idwt53_v(const opj_dwt_t *dwt,
                         OPJ_INT32* tiledp_col,
                         OPJ_SIZE_T stride,
                         OPJ_INT32 nb_cols)
    /* For documentation purpose */
    OPJ_INT32 k, c;
    for (c = 0; c < nb_cols; c ++) {
        opj_dwt_interleave_v(dwt, tiledp_col + c, stride);
        for (k = 0; k < dwt->sn + dwt->dn; ++k) {
            tiledp_col[c + k * stride] = dwt->mem[k];
    const OPJ_INT32 sn = dwt->sn;
    const OPJ_INT32 len = sn + dwt->dn;
    if (dwt->cas == 0) {
        /* If len == 1, unmodified value */
#if (defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__AVX2__))
        if (len > 1 && nb_cols == PARALLEL_COLS_53) {
            /* Same as below general case, except that thanks to SSE2/AVX2 */
            /* we can efficiently process 8/16 columns in parallel */
            opj_idwt53_v_cas0_mcols_SSE2_OR_AVX2(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp_col, stride);
        if (len > 1) {
            OPJ_INT32 c;
            for (c = 0; c < nb_cols; c++, tiledp_col++) {
                opj_idwt3_v_cas0(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp_col, stride);
    } else {
        if (len == 1) {
            OPJ_INT32 c;
            for (c = 0; c < nb_cols; c++, tiledp_col++) {
                tiledp_col[0] /= 2;
        if (len == 2) {
            OPJ_INT32 c;
            OPJ_INT32* out = dwt->mem;
            for (c = 0; c < nb_cols; c++, tiledp_col++) {
                OPJ_INT32 i;
                const OPJ_INT32* in_even = &tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * stride];
                const OPJ_INT32* in_odd = &tiledp_col[0];
                out[1] = in_odd[0] - ((in_even[0] + 1) >> 1);
                out[0] = in_even[0] + out[1];
                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                    tiledp_col[(OPJ_SIZE_T)i * stride] = out[i];
#if (defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__AVX2__))
        if (len > 2 && nb_cols == PARALLEL_COLS_53) {
            /* Same as below general case, except that thanks to SSE2/AVX2 */
            /* we can efficiently process 8/16 columns in parallel */
            opj_idwt53_v_cas1_mcols_SSE2_OR_AVX2(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp_col, stride);
        if (len > 2) {
            OPJ_INT32 c;
            for (c = 0; c < nb_cols; c++, tiledp_col++) {
                opj_idwt3_v_cas1(dwt->mem, sn, len, tiledp_col, stride);
#if 0
static void opj_dwt_encode_step1(OPJ_FLOAT32* fw,
                                 OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                 const OPJ_FLOAT32 c)
    OPJ_UINT32 i = 0;
    for (; i < end; ++i) {
        fw[0] *= c;
        fw += 2;
static void opj_dwt_encode_step1_combined(OPJ_FLOAT32* fw,
        OPJ_UINT32 iters_c1,
        OPJ_UINT32 iters_c2,
        const OPJ_FLOAT32 c1,
        const OPJ_FLOAT32 c2)
    OPJ_UINT32 i = 0;
    const OPJ_UINT32 iters_common =  opj_uint_min(iters_c1, iters_c2);
    assert((((OPJ_SIZE_T)fw) & 0xf) == 0);
    assert(opj_int_abs((OPJ_INT32)iters_c1 - (OPJ_INT32)iters_c2) <= 1);
    for (; i + 3 < iters_common; i += 4) {
#ifdef __SSE__
        const __m128 vcst = _mm_set_ps(c2, c1, c2, c1);
        *(__m128*)fw = _mm_mul_ps(*(__m128*)fw, vcst);
        *(__m128*)(fw + 4) = _mm_mul_ps(*(__m128*)(fw + 4), vcst);
        fw[0] *= c1;
        fw[1] *= c2;
        fw[2] *= c1;
        fw[3] *= c2;
        fw[4] *= c1;
        fw[5] *= c2;
        fw[6] *= c1;
        fw[7] *= c2;
        fw += 8;
    for (; i < iters_common; i++) {
        fw[0] *= c1;
        fw[1] *= c2;
        fw += 2;
    if (i < iters_c1) {
        fw[0] *= c1;
    } else if (i < iters_c2) {
        fw[1] *= c2;
static void opj_dwt_encode_step2(OPJ_FLOAT32* fl, OPJ_FLOAT32* fw,
                                 OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                 OPJ_UINT32 m,
                                 OPJ_FLOAT32 c)
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    OPJ_UINT32 imax = opj_uint_min(end, m);
    if (imax > 0) {
        fw[-1] += (fl[0] + fw[0]) * c;
        fw += 2;
        i = 1;
        for (; i + 3 < imax; i += 4) {
            fw[-1] += (fw[-2] + fw[0]) * c;
            fw[1] += (fw[0] + fw[2]) * c;
            fw[3] += (fw[2] + fw[4]) * c;
            fw[5] += (fw[4] + fw[6]) * c;
            fw += 8;
        for (; i < imax; ++i) {
            fw[-1] += (fw[-2] + fw[0]) * c;
            fw += 2;
    if (m < end) {
        assert(m + 1 == end);
        fw[-1] += (2 * fw[-2]) * c;
static void opj_dwt_encode_1_real(void *aIn, OPJ_INT32 dn, OPJ_INT32 sn,
                                  OPJ_INT32 cas)
    OPJ_FLOAT32* w = (OPJ_FLOAT32*)aIn;
    OPJ_INT32 a, b;
    assert(dn + sn > 1);
    if (cas == 0) {
        a = 0;
        b = 1;
    } else {
        a = 1;
        b = 0;
    opj_dwt_encode_step2(w + a, w + b + 1,
                         (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dn, sn - b),
    opj_dwt_encode_step2(w + b, w + a + 1,
                         (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(sn, dn - a),
    opj_dwt_encode_step2(w + a, w + b + 1,
                         (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dn, sn - b),
    opj_dwt_encode_step2(w + b, w + a + 1,
                         (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(sn, dn - a),
#if 0
    opj_dwt_encode_step1(w + b, (OPJ_UINT32)dn,
    opj_dwt_encode_step1(w + a, (OPJ_UINT32)sn,
    if (a == 0) {
    } else {
static void opj_dwt_encode_stepsize(OPJ_INT32 stepsize, OPJ_INT32 numbps,
                                    opj_stepsize_t *bandno_stepsize)
    OPJ_INT32 p, n;
    p = opj_int_floorlog2(stepsize) - 13;
    n = 11 - opj_int_floorlog2(stepsize);
    bandno_stepsize->mant = (n < 0 ? stepsize >> -n : stepsize << n) & 0x7ff;
    bandno_stepsize->expn = numbps - p;
   DWT interface
/** Process one line for the horizontal pass of the 5x3 forward transform */
void opj_dwt_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row(void* rowIn,
        void* tmpIn,
        OPJ_UINT32 width,
        OPJ_BOOL even)
    OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT row = (OPJ_INT32*)rowIn;
    OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tmp = (OPJ_INT32*)tmpIn;
    const OPJ_INT32 sn = (OPJ_INT32)((width + (even ? 1 : 0)) >> 1);
    const OPJ_INT32 dn = (OPJ_INT32)(width - (OPJ_UINT32)sn);
    if (even) {
        if (width > 1) {
            OPJ_INT32 i;
            for (i = 0; i < sn - 1; i++) {
                tmp[sn + i] = row[2 * i + 1] - ((row[(i) * 2] + row[(i + 1) * 2]) >> 1);
            if ((width % 2) == 0) {
                tmp[sn + i] = row[2 * i + 1] - row[(i) * 2];
            row[0] += (tmp[sn] + tmp[sn] + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = 1; i < dn; i++) {
                row[i] = row[2 * i] + ((tmp[sn + (i - 1)] + tmp[sn + i] + 2) >> 2);
            if ((width % 2) == 1) {
                row[i] = row[2 * i] + ((tmp[sn + (i - 1)] + tmp[sn + (i - 1)] + 2) >> 2);
            memcpy(row + sn, tmp + sn, (OPJ_SIZE_T)dn * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
    } else {
        if (width == 1) {
            row[0] *= 2;
        } else {
            OPJ_INT32 i;
            tmp[sn + 0] = row[0] - row[1];
            for (i = 1; i < sn; i++) {
                tmp[sn + i] = row[2 * i] - ((row[2 * i + 1] + row[2 * (i - 1) + 1]) >> 1);
            if ((width % 2) == 1) {
                tmp[sn + i] = row[2 * i] - row[2 * (i - 1) + 1];
            for (i = 0; i < dn - 1; i++) {
                row[i] = row[2 * i + 1] + ((tmp[sn + i] + tmp[sn + i + 1] + 2) >> 2);
            if ((width % 2) == 0) {
                row[i] = row[2 * i + 1] + ((tmp[sn + i] + tmp[sn + i] + 2) >> 2);
            memcpy(row + sn, tmp + sn, (OPJ_SIZE_T)dn * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
/** Process one line for the horizontal pass of the 9x7 forward transform */
void opj_dwt_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row_real(void* rowIn,
        void* tmpIn,
        OPJ_UINT32 width,
        OPJ_BOOL even)
    OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT row = (OPJ_FLOAT32*)rowIn;
    OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tmp = (OPJ_FLOAT32*)tmpIn;
    const OPJ_INT32 sn = (OPJ_INT32)((width + (even ? 1 : 0)) >> 1);
    const OPJ_INT32 dn = (OPJ_INT32)(width - (OPJ_UINT32)sn);
    if (width == 1) {
    memcpy(tmp, row, width * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
    opj_dwt_encode_1_real(tmp, dn, sn, even ? 0 : 1);
    opj_dwt_deinterleave_h((OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT)tmp,
                           (OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT)row,
                           dn, sn, even ? 0 : 1);
typedef struct {
    opj_dwt_t h;
    OPJ_UINT32 rw; /* Width of the resolution to process */
    OPJ_UINT32 w; /* Width of tiledp */
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp;
    OPJ_UINT32 min_j;
    OPJ_UINT32 max_j;
    opj_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row_fnptr_type p_function;
} opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t;
static void opj_dwt_encode_h_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t* job;
    job = (opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t*)user_data;
    for (j = job->min_j; j < job->max_j; j++) {
        OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT aj = job->tiledp + j * job->w;
        (*job->p_function)(aj, job->h.mem, job->rw,
                           job->h.cas == 0 ? OPJ_TRUE : OPJ_FALSE);
typedef struct {
    opj_dwt_t v;
    OPJ_UINT32 rh;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp;
    OPJ_UINT32 min_j;
    OPJ_UINT32 max_j;
    opj_encode_and_deinterleave_v_fnptr_type p_encode_and_deinterleave_v;
} opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t;
static void opj_dwt_encode_v_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t* job;
    job = (opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t*)user_data;
    for (j = job->min_j; j + NB_ELTS_V8 - 1 < job->max_j; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
        (*job->p_encode_and_deinterleave_v)(job->tiledp + j,
                                            job->v.cas == 0,
    if (j < job->max_j) {
        (*job->p_encode_and_deinterleave_v)(job->tiledp + j,
                                            job->v.cas == 0,
                                            job->max_j - j);
/** Fetch up to cols <= NB_ELTS_V8 for each line, and put them in tmpOut */
/* that has a NB_ELTS_V8 interleave factor. */
static void opj_dwt_fetch_cols_vertical_pass(const void *arrayIn,
        void *tmpOut,
        OPJ_UINT32 height,
        OPJ_UINT32 stride_width,
        OPJ_UINT32 cols)
    const OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT array = (const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT)arrayIn;
    if (cols == NB_ELTS_V8) {
        OPJ_UINT32 k;
        for (k = 0; k < height; ++k) {
            memcpy(tmp + NB_ELTS_V8 * k,
                   array + k * stride_width,
                   NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
    } else {
        OPJ_UINT32 k;
        for (k = 0; k < height; ++k) {
            OPJ_UINT32 c;
            for (c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
                tmp[NB_ELTS_V8 * k + c] = array[c + k * stride_width];
            for (; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                tmp[NB_ELTS_V8 * k + c] = 0;
/* Deinterleave result of forward transform, where cols <= NB_ELTS_V8 */
/* and src contains NB_ELTS_V8 consecutive values for up to NB_ELTS_V8 */
/* columns. */
static INLINE void opj_dwt_deinterleave_v_cols(
    const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT src,
    OPJ_INT32 dn,
    OPJ_INT32 sn,
    OPJ_UINT32 stride_width,
    OPJ_INT32 cas,
    OPJ_UINT32 cols)
    OPJ_INT32 k;
    OPJ_INT32 i = sn;
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT l_dest = dst;
    const OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT l_src = src + cas * NB_ELTS_V8;
    OPJ_UINT32 c;
    for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
        while (i--) {
            if (cols == NB_ELTS_V8) {
                memcpy(l_dest, l_src, NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
            } else {
                c = 0;
                switch (cols) {
                case 7:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                case 6:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                case 5:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                case 4:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                case 3:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                case 2:
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
                    c++; /* fallthru */
                    l_dest[c] = l_src[c];
            l_dest += stride_width;
            l_src += 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
        l_dest = dst + (OPJ_SIZE_T)sn * (OPJ_SIZE_T)stride_width;
        l_src = src + (1 - cas) * NB_ELTS_V8;
        i = dn;
/* Forward 5-3 transform, for the vertical pass, processing cols columns */
/* where cols <= NB_ELTS_V8 */
static void opj_dwt_encode_and_deinterleave_v(
    void *arrayIn,
    void *tmpIn,
    OPJ_UINT32 height,
    OPJ_BOOL even,
    OPJ_UINT32 stride_width,
    OPJ_UINT32 cols)
    OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT array = (OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT)arrayIn;
    const OPJ_UINT32 sn = (height + (even ? 1 : 0)) >> 1;
    const OPJ_UINT32 dn = height - sn;
    opj_dwt_fetch_cols_vertical_pass(arrayIn, tmpIn, height, stride_width, cols);
#define OPJ_Sc(i) tmp[(i)*2* NB_ELTS_V8 + c]
#define OPJ_Dc(i) tmp[((1+(i)*2))* NB_ELTS_V8 + c]
#ifdef __SSE2__
    if (height == 1) {
        if (!even) {
            OPJ_UINT32 c;
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                tmp[c] *= 2;
    } else if (even) {
        OPJ_UINT32 c;
        OPJ_UINT32 i;
        i = 0;
        if (i + 1 < sn) {
            __m128i xmm_Si_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + 4 * 0);
            __m128i xmm_Si_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + 4 * 1);
            for (; i + 1 < sn; i++) {
                __m128i xmm_Sip1_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                       (i + 1) * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Sip1_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                       (i + 1) * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                __m128i xmm_Di_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Di_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                xmm_Di_0 = _mm_sub_epi32(xmm_Di_0,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_0, xmm_Sip1_0), 1));
                xmm_Di_1 = _mm_sub_epi32(xmm_Di_1,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_1, xmm_Sip1_1), 1));
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0) =  xmm_Di_0;
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1) =  xmm_Di_1;
                xmm_Si_0 = xmm_Sip1_0;
                xmm_Si_1 = xmm_Sip1_1;
        if (((height) % 2) == 0) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Dc(i) -= OPJ_Sc(i);
        for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
            OPJ_Sc(0) += (OPJ_Dc(0) + OPJ_Dc(0) + 2) >> 2;
        i = 1;
        if (i < dn) {
            __m128i xmm_Dim1_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + (1 +
                                                   (i - 1) * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
            __m128i xmm_Dim1_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + (1 +
                                                   (i - 1) * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
            const __m128i xmm_two = _mm_set1_epi32(2);
            for (; i < dn; i++) {
                __m128i xmm_Di_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Di_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                __m128i xmm_Si_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Si_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                xmm_Si_0 = _mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_0,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Dim1_0, xmm_Di_0), xmm_two), 2));
                xmm_Si_1 = _mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_1,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Dim1_1, xmm_Di_1), xmm_two), 2));
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0) = xmm_Si_0;
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1) = xmm_Si_1;
                xmm_Dim1_0 = xmm_Di_0;
                xmm_Dim1_1 = xmm_Di_1;
        if (((height) % 2) == 1) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Sc(i) += (OPJ_Dc(i - 1) + OPJ_Dc(i - 1) + 2) >> 2;
    } else {
        OPJ_UINT32 c;
        OPJ_UINT32 i;
        for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
            OPJ_Sc(0) -= OPJ_Dc(0);
        i = 1;
        if (i < sn) {
            __m128i xmm_Dim1_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + (1 +
                                                   (i - 1) * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
            __m128i xmm_Dim1_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp + (1 +
                                                   (i - 1) * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
            for (; i < sn; i++) {
                __m128i xmm_Di_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Di_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                __m128i xmm_Si_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Si_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                xmm_Si_0 = _mm_sub_epi32(xmm_Si_0,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Di_0, xmm_Dim1_0), 1));
                xmm_Si_1 = _mm_sub_epi32(xmm_Si_1,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Di_1, xmm_Dim1_1), 1));
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0) = xmm_Si_0;
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1) = xmm_Si_1;
                xmm_Dim1_0 = xmm_Di_0;
                xmm_Dim1_1 = xmm_Di_1;
        if (((height) % 2) == 1) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Sc(i) -= OPJ_Dc(i - 1);
        i = 0;
        if (i + 1 < dn) {
            __m128i xmm_Si_0 = *((const __m128i*)(tmp + 4 * 0));
            __m128i xmm_Si_1 = *((const __m128i*)(tmp + 4 * 1));
            const __m128i xmm_two = _mm_set1_epi32(2);
            for (; i + 1 < dn; i++) {
                __m128i xmm_Sip1_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                       (i + 1) * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Sip1_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                       (i + 1) * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                __m128i xmm_Di_0 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0);
                __m128i xmm_Di_1 = *(const __m128i*)(tmp +
                                                     (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1);
                xmm_Di_0 = _mm_add_epi32(xmm_Di_0,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_0, xmm_Sip1_0), xmm_two), 2));
                xmm_Di_1 = _mm_add_epi32(xmm_Di_1,
                                         _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(xmm_Si_1, xmm_Sip1_1), xmm_two), 2));
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 0) = xmm_Di_0;
                *(__m128i*)(tmp + (1 + i * 2) * NB_ELTS_V8 + 4 * 1) = xmm_Di_1;
                xmm_Si_0 = xmm_Sip1_0;
                xmm_Si_1 = xmm_Sip1_1;
        if (((height) % 2) == 0) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Dc(i) += (OPJ_Sc(i) + OPJ_Sc(i) + 2) >> 2;
    if (even) {
        OPJ_UINT32 c;
        if (height > 1) {
            OPJ_UINT32 i;
            for (i = 0; i + 1 < sn; i++) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Dc(i) -= (OPJ_Sc(i) + OPJ_Sc(i + 1)) >> 1;
            if (((height) % 2) == 0) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Dc(i) -= OPJ_Sc(i);
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Sc(0) += (OPJ_Dc(0) + OPJ_Dc(0) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = 1; i < dn; i++) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Sc(i) += (OPJ_Dc(i - 1) + OPJ_Dc(i) + 2) >> 2;
            if (((height) % 2) == 1) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Sc(i) += (OPJ_Dc(i - 1) + OPJ_Dc(i - 1) + 2) >> 2;
    } else {
        OPJ_UINT32 c;
        if (height == 1) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Sc(0) *= 2;
        } else {
            OPJ_UINT32 i;
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                OPJ_Sc(0) -= OPJ_Dc(0);
            for (i = 1; i < sn; i++) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Sc(i) -= (OPJ_Dc(i) + OPJ_Dc(i - 1)) >> 1;
            if (((height) % 2) == 1) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Sc(i) -= OPJ_Dc(i - 1);
            for (i = 0; i + 1 < dn; i++) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Dc(i) += (OPJ_Sc(i) + OPJ_Sc(i + 1) + 2) >> 2;
            if (((height) % 2) == 0) {
                for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                    OPJ_Dc(i) += (OPJ_Sc(i) + OPJ_Sc(i) + 2) >> 2;
    if (cols == NB_ELTS_V8) {
        opj_dwt_deinterleave_v_cols(tmp, array, (OPJ_INT32)dn, (OPJ_INT32)sn,
                                    stride_width, even ? 0 : 1, NB_ELTS_V8);
    } else {
        opj_dwt_deinterleave_v_cols(tmp, array, (OPJ_INT32)dn, (OPJ_INT32)sn,
                                    stride_width, even ? 0 : 1, cols);
static void opj_v8dwt_encode_step1(OPJ_FLOAT32* fw,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                   const OPJ_FLOAT32 cst)
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
#ifdef __SSE__
    __m128* vw = (__m128*) fw;
    const __m128 vcst = _mm_set1_ps(cst);
    for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
        vw[0] = _mm_mul_ps(vw[0], vcst);
        vw[1] = _mm_mul_ps(vw[1], vcst);
        vw += 2 * (NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32) / sizeof(__m128));
    OPJ_UINT32 c;
    for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
        for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
            fw[i * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] *= cst;
static void opj_v8dwt_encode_step2(OPJ_FLOAT32* fl, OPJ_FLOAT32* fw,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 m,
                                   OPJ_FLOAT32 cst)
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    OPJ_UINT32 imax = opj_uint_min(end, m);
#ifdef __SSE__
    __m128* vw = (__m128*) fw;
    __m128 vcst = _mm_set1_ps(cst);
    if (imax > 0) {
        __m128* vl = (__m128*) fl;
        vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vl[0], vw[0]), vcst));
        vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vl[1], vw[1]), vcst));
        vw += 2 * (NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32) / sizeof(__m128));
        i = 1;
        for (; i < imax; ++i) {
            vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vw[-4], vw[0]), vcst));
            vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vw[-3], vw[1]), vcst));
            vw += 2 * (NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32) / sizeof(__m128));
    if (m < end) {
        assert(m + 1 == end);
        vcst = _mm_add_ps(vcst, vcst);
        vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(vw[-4], vcst));
        vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(vw[-3], vcst));
    OPJ_INT32 c;
    if (imax > 0) {
        for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
            fw[-1 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] += (fl[0 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] + fw[0 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c]) *
        fw += 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
        i = 1;
        for (; i < imax; ++i) {
            for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
                fw[-1 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] += (fw[-2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] + fw[0 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c]) *
            fw += 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
    if (m < end) {
        assert(m + 1 == end);
        for (c = 0; c < NB_ELTS_V8; c++) {
            fw[-1 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c] += (2 * fw[-2 * NB_ELTS_V8 + c]) * cst;
/* Forward 9-7 transform, for the vertical pass, processing cols columns */
/* where cols <= NB_ELTS_V8 */
static void opj_dwt_encode_and_deinterleave_v_real(
    void *arrayIn,
    void *tmpIn,
    OPJ_UINT32 height,
    OPJ_BOOL even,
    OPJ_UINT32 stride_width,
    OPJ_UINT32 cols)
    const OPJ_INT32 sn = (OPJ_INT32)((height + (even ? 1 : 0)) >> 1);
    const OPJ_INT32 dn = (OPJ_INT32)(height - (OPJ_UINT32)sn);
    OPJ_INT32 a, b;
    if (height == 1) {
    opj_dwt_fetch_cols_vertical_pass(arrayIn, tmpIn, height, stride_width, cols);
    if (even) {
        a = 0;
        b = 1;
    } else {
        a = 1;
        b = 0;
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step2(tmp + a * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           tmp + (b + 1) * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dn, sn - b),
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step2(tmp + b * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           tmp + (a + 1) * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(sn, dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step2(tmp + a * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           tmp + (b + 1) * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dn, sn - b),
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step2(tmp + b * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           tmp + (a + 1) * NB_ELTS_V8,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(sn, dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step1(tmp + b * NB_ELTS_V8, (OPJ_UINT32)dn,
    opj_v8dwt_encode_step1(tmp + a * NB_ELTS_V8, (OPJ_UINT32)sn,
    if (cols == NB_ELTS_V8) {
                                    (OPJ_INT32)dn, (OPJ_INT32)sn,
                                    stride_width, even ? 0 : 1, NB_ELTS_V8);
    } else {
                                    (OPJ_INT32)dn, (OPJ_INT32)sn,
                                    stride_width, even ? 0 : 1, cols);
/* <summary>                            */
/* Forward 5-3 wavelet transform in 2-D. */
/* </summary>                           */
static INLINE OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_encode_procedure(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
        opj_tcd_tilecomp_t * tilec,
        opj_encode_and_deinterleave_v_fnptr_type p_encode_and_deinterleave_v,
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    OPJ_INT32 *bj = 00;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_INT32 l;
    OPJ_SIZE_T l_data_size;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t * l_cur_res = 0;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t * l_last_res = 0;
    const int num_threads = opj_thread_pool_get_thread_count(tp);
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp = tilec->data;
    w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tilec->x1 - tilec->x0);
    l = (OPJ_INT32)tilec->numresolutions - 1;
    l_cur_res = tilec->resolutions + l;
    l_last_res = l_cur_res - 1;
    l_data_size = opj_dwt_max_resolution(tilec->resolutions, tilec->numresolutions);
    /* overflow check */
    if (l_data_size > (SIZE_MAX / (NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32)))) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    l_data_size *= NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32);
    bj = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(l_data_size);
    /* l_data_size is equal to 0 when numresolutions == 1 but bj is not used */
    /* in that case, so do not error out */
    if (l_data_size != 0 && ! bj) {
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    i = l;
    while (i--) {
        OPJ_UINT32 j;
        OPJ_UINT32 rw;           /* width of the resolution level computed   */
        OPJ_UINT32 rh;           /* height of the resolution level computed  */
        rw1;      /* width of the resolution level once lower than computed one                                       */
        rh1;      /* height of the resolution level once lower than computed one                                      */
        OPJ_INT32 cas_col;  /* 0 = non inversion on horizontal filtering 1 = inversion between low-pass and high-pass filtering */
        OPJ_INT32 cas_row;  /* 0 = non inversion on vertical filtering 1 = inversion between low-pass and high-pass filtering   */
        OPJ_INT32 dn, sn;
        rw  = (OPJ_UINT32)(l_cur_res->x1 - l_cur_res->x0);
        rh  = (OPJ_UINT32)(l_cur_res->y1 - l_cur_res->y0);
        rw1 = (OPJ_UINT32)(l_last_res->x1 - l_last_res->x0);
        rh1 = (OPJ_UINT32)(l_last_res->y1 - l_last_res->y0);
        cas_row = l_cur_res->x0 & 1;
        cas_col = l_cur_res->y0 & 1;
        sn = (OPJ_INT32)rh1;
        dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rh - rh1);
        /* Perform vertical pass */
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rw < 2 * NB_ELTS_V8) {
            for (j = 0; j + NB_ELTS_V8 - 1 < rw; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
                p_encode_and_deinterleave_v(tiledp + j,
                                            cas_col == 0,
            if (j < rw) {
                p_encode_and_deinterleave_v(tiledp + j,
                                            cas_col == 0,
                                            rw - j);
        }  else {
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = (OPJ_UINT32)num_threads;
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if (rw < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rw;
            step_j = ((rw / num_jobs) / NB_ELTS_V8) * NB_ELTS_V8;
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt_encode_v_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->v.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(l_data_size);
                if (!job->v.mem) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->v.dn = dn;
                job->v.sn = sn;
                job->v.cas = cas_col;
                job->rh = rh;
                job->w = w;
                job->tiledp = tiledp;
                job->min_j = j * step_j;
                job->max_j = (j + 1 == num_jobs) ? rw : (j + 1) * step_j;
                job->p_encode_and_deinterleave_v = p_encode_and_deinterleave_v;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt_encode_v_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
        sn = (OPJ_INT32)rw1;
        dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rw - rw1);
        /* Perform horizontal pass */
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rh <= 1) {
            for (j = 0; j < rh; j++) {
                OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT aj = tiledp + j * w;
                (*p_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row)(aj, bj, rw,
                                                       cas_row == 0 ? OPJ_TRUE : OPJ_FALSE);
        }  else {
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = (OPJ_UINT32)num_threads;
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if (rh < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rh;
            step_j = (rh / num_jobs);
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt_encode_h_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->h.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(l_data_size);
                if (!job->h.mem) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->h.dn = dn;
                job->h.sn = sn;
                job->h.cas = cas_row;
                job->rw = rw;
                job->w = w;
                job->tiledp = tiledp;
                job->min_j = j * step_j;
                job->max_j = (j + 1U) * step_j; /* this can overflow */
                if (j == (num_jobs - 1U)) {  /* this will take care of the overflow */
                    job->max_j = rh;
                job->p_function = p_encode_and_deinterleave_h_one_row;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt_encode_h_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
        l_cur_res = l_last_res;
    return OPJ_TRUE;
/* Forward 5-3 wavelet transform in 2-D. */
/* </summary>                           */
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_encode(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd,
                        opj_tcd_tilecomp_t * tilec)
    return opj_dwt_encode_procedure(p_tcd->thread_pool, tilec,
/* <summary>                            */
/* Inverse 5-3 wavelet transform in 2-D. */
/* </summary>                           */
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec,
                        OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    if (p_tcd->whole_tile_decoding) {
        return opj_dwt_decode_tile(p_tcd->thread_pool, tilec, numres);
    } else {
        return opj_dwt_decode_partial_tile(tilec, numres);
/* <summary>                */
/* Get norm of 5-3 wavelet. */
/* </summary>               */
OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_dwt_getnorm(OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient)
    /* FIXME ! This is just a band-aid to avoid a buffer overflow */
    /* but the array should really be extended up to 33 resolution levels */
    /* See https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/493 */
    if (orient == 0 && level >= 10) {
        level = 9;
    } else if (orient > 0 && level >= 9) {
        level = 8;
    return opj_dwt_norms[orient][level];
/* <summary>                             */
/* Forward 9-7 wavelet transform in 2-D. */
/* </summary>                            */
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_encode_real(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd,
                             opj_tcd_tilecomp_t * tilec)
    return opj_dwt_encode_procedure(p_tcd->thread_pool, tilec,
/* <summary>                */
/* Get norm of 9-7 wavelet. */
/* </summary>               */
OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_dwt_getnorm_real(OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient)
    /* FIXME ! This is just a band-aid to avoid a buffer overflow */
    /* but the array should really be extended up to 33 resolution levels */
    /* See https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/493 */
    if (orient == 0 && level >= 10) {
        level = 9;
    } else if (orient > 0 && level >= 9) {
        level = 8;
    return opj_dwt_norms_real[orient][level];
void opj_dwt_calc_explicit_stepsizes(opj_tccp_t * tccp, OPJ_UINT32 prec)
    OPJ_UINT32 numbands, bandno;
    numbands = 3 * tccp->numresolutions - 2;
    for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) {
        OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize;
        OPJ_UINT32 resno, level, orient, gain;
        resno = (bandno == 0) ? 0 : ((bandno - 1) / 3 + 1);
        orient = (bandno == 0) ? 0 : ((bandno - 1) % 3 + 1);
        level = tccp->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
        gain = (tccp->qmfbid == 0) ? 0 : ((orient == 0) ? 0 : (((orient == 1) ||
                                          (orient == 2)) ? 1 : 2));
        if (tccp->qntsty == J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT) {
            stepsize = 1.0;
        } else {
            OPJ_FLOAT64 norm = opj_dwt_getnorm_real(level, orient);
            stepsize = (1 << (gain)) / norm;
        opj_dwt_encode_stepsize((OPJ_INT32) floor(stepsize * 8192.0),
                                (OPJ_INT32)(prec + gain), &tccp->stepsizes[bandno]);
/* <summary>                             */
/* Determine maximum computed resolution level for inverse wavelet transform */
/* </summary>                            */
static OPJ_UINT32 opj_dwt_max_resolution(opj_tcd_resolution_t* OPJ_RESTRICT r,
        OPJ_UINT32 i)
    OPJ_UINT32 mr   = 0;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    while (--i) {
        if (mr < (w = (OPJ_UINT32)(r->x1 - r->x0))) {
            mr = w ;
        if (mr < (w = (OPJ_UINT32)(r->y1 - r->y0))) {
            mr = w ;
    return mr ;
typedef struct {
    opj_dwt_t h;
    OPJ_UINT32 rw;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp;
    OPJ_UINT32 min_j;
    OPJ_UINT32 max_j;
} opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t;
static void opj_dwt_decode_h_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t* job;
    job = (opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t*)user_data;
    for (j = job->min_j; j < job->max_j; j++) {
        opj_idwt53_h(&job->h, &job->tiledp[j * job->w]);
typedef struct {
    opj_dwt_t v;
    OPJ_UINT32 rh;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp;
    OPJ_UINT32 min_j;
    OPJ_UINT32 max_j;
} opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t;
static void opj_dwt_decode_v_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t* job;
    job = (opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t*)user_data;
    for (j = job->min_j; j + PARALLEL_COLS_53 <= job->max_j;
            j += PARALLEL_COLS_53) {
        opj_idwt53_v(&job->v, &job->tiledp[j], (OPJ_SIZE_T)job->w,
    if (j < job->max_j)
        opj_idwt53_v(&job->v, &job->tiledp[j], (OPJ_SIZE_T)job->w,
                     (OPJ_INT32)(job->max_j - j));
/* <summary>                            */
/* Inverse wavelet transform in 2-D.    */
/* </summary>                           */
static OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_tile(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
                                    opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec, OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    opj_dwt_t h;
    opj_dwt_t v;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr = tilec->resolutions;
    OPJ_UINT32 rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 -
                                 tr->x0);  /* width of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 -
                                 tr->y0);  /* height of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions -
                                                               1].x1 -
                                tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions - 1].x0);
    OPJ_SIZE_T h_mem_size;
    int num_threads;
    if (numres == 1U) {
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    num_threads = opj_thread_pool_get_thread_count(tp);
    h_mem_size = opj_dwt_max_resolution(tr, numres);
    /* overflow check */
    if (h_mem_size > (SIZE_MAX / PARALLEL_COLS_53 / sizeof(OPJ_INT32))) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    /* We need PARALLEL_COLS_53 times the height of the array, */
    /* since for the vertical pass */
    /* we process PARALLEL_COLS_53 columns at a time */
    h_mem_size *= PARALLEL_COLS_53 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32);
    h.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(h_mem_size);
    if (! h.mem) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    v.mem = h.mem;
    while (--numres) {
        OPJ_INT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp = tilec->data;
        OPJ_UINT32 j;
        h.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rw;
        v.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rh;
        rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 - tr->x0);
        rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 - tr->y0);
        h.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rw - (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn);
        h.cas = tr->x0 % 2;
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rh <= 1) {
            for (j = 0; j < rh; ++j) {
                opj_idwt53_h(&h, &tiledp[(OPJ_SIZE_T)j * w]);
        } else {
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = (OPJ_UINT32)num_threads;
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if (rh < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rh;
            step_j = (rh / num_jobs);
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt_decode_h_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    /* It would be nice to fallback to single thread case, but */
                    /* unfortunately some jobs may be launched and have modified */
                    /* tiledp, so it is not practical to recover from that error */
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->h = h;
                job->rw = rw;
                job->w = w;
                job->tiledp = tiledp;
                job->min_j = j * step_j;
                job->max_j = (j + 1U) * step_j; /* this can overflow */
                if (j == (num_jobs - 1U)) {  /* this will take care of the overflow */
                    job->max_j = rh;
                job->h.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(h_mem_size);
                if (!job->h.mem) {
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt_decode_h_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
        v.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rh - (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn);
        v.cas = tr->y0 % 2;
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rw <= 1) {
            for (j = 0; j + PARALLEL_COLS_53 <= rw;
                    j += PARALLEL_COLS_53) {
                opj_idwt53_v(&v, &tiledp[j], (OPJ_SIZE_T)w, PARALLEL_COLS_53);
            if (j < rw) {
                opj_idwt53_v(&v, &tiledp[j], (OPJ_SIZE_T)w, (OPJ_INT32)(rw - j));
        } else {
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = (OPJ_UINT32)num_threads;
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if (rw < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rw;
            step_j = (rw / num_jobs);
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt_decode_v_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    /* It would be nice to fallback to single thread case, but */
                    /* unfortunately some jobs may be launched and have modified */
                    /* tiledp, so it is not practical to recover from that error */
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->v = v;
                job->rh = rh;
                job->w = w;
                job->tiledp = tiledp;
                job->min_j = j * step_j;
                job->max_j = (j + 1U) * step_j; /* this can overflow */
                if (j == (num_jobs - 1U)) {  /* this will take care of the overflow */
                    job->max_j = rw;
                job->v.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(h_mem_size);
                if (!job->v.mem) {
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt_decode_v_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
    return OPJ_TRUE;
static void opj_dwt_interleave_partial_h(OPJ_INT32 *dest,
        OPJ_INT32 cas,
        opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa,
        OPJ_UINT32 sa_line,
        OPJ_UINT32 sn,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_l_x0,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_l_x1,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_h_x0,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_h_x1)
    OPJ_BOOL ret;
    ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                      win_l_x0, sa_line,
                                      win_l_x1, sa_line + 1,
                                      dest + cas + 2 * win_l_x0,
                                      2, 0, OPJ_TRUE);
    ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                      sn + win_h_x0, sa_line,
                                      sn + win_h_x1, sa_line + 1,
                                      dest + 1 - cas + 2 * win_h_x0,
                                      2, 0, OPJ_TRUE);
static void opj_dwt_interleave_partial_v(OPJ_INT32 *dest,
        OPJ_INT32 cas,
        opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa,
        OPJ_UINT32 sa_col,
        OPJ_UINT32 nb_cols,
        OPJ_UINT32 sn,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_l_y0,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_l_y1,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_h_y0,
        OPJ_UINT32 win_h_y1)
    OPJ_BOOL ret;
    ret  = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                       sa_col, win_l_y0,
                                       sa_col + nb_cols, win_l_y1,
                                       dest + cas * 4 + 2 * 4 * win_l_y0,
                                       1, 2 * 4, OPJ_TRUE);
    ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                      sa_col, sn + win_h_y0,
                                      sa_col + nb_cols, sn + win_h_y1,
                                      dest + (1 - cas) * 4 + 2 * 4 * win_h_y0,
                                      1, 2 * 4, OPJ_TRUE);
static void opj_dwt_decode_partial_1(OPJ_INT32 *a, OPJ_INT32 dn, OPJ_INT32 sn,
                                     OPJ_INT32 cas,
                                     OPJ_INT32 win_l_x0,
                                     OPJ_INT32 win_l_x1,
                                     OPJ_INT32 win_h_x0,
                                     OPJ_INT32 win_h_x1)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    if (!cas) {
        if ((dn > 0) || (sn > 1)) { /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            /* Naive version is :
            for (i = win_l_x0; i < i_max; i++) {
                OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D_(i - 1) + OPJ_D_(i) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = win_h_x0; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                OPJ_D(i) += (OPJ_S_(i) + OPJ_S_(i + 1)) >> 1;
            but the compiler doesn't manage to unroll it to avoid bound
            checking in OPJ_S_ and OPJ_D_ macros
            i = win_l_x0;
            if (i < win_l_x1) {
                OPJ_INT32 i_max;
                /* Left-most case */
                OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D_(i - 1) + OPJ_D_(i) + 2) >> 2;
                i ++;
                i_max = win_l_x1;
                if (i_max > dn) {
                    i_max = dn;
                for (; i < i_max; i++) {
                    /* No bound checking */
                    OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D(i - 1) + OPJ_D(i) + 2) >> 2;
                for (; i < win_l_x1; i++) {
                    /* Right-most case */
                    OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D_(i - 1) + OPJ_D_(i) + 2) >> 2;
            i = win_h_x0;
            if (i < win_h_x1) {
                OPJ_INT32 i_max = win_h_x1;
                if (i_max >= sn) {
                    i_max = sn - 1;
                for (; i < i_max; i++) {
                    /* No bound checking */
                    OPJ_D(i) += (OPJ_S(i) + OPJ_S(i + 1)) >> 1;
                for (; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                    /* Right-most case */
                    OPJ_D(i) += (OPJ_S_(i) + OPJ_S_(i + 1)) >> 1;
    } else {
        if (!sn  && dn == 1) {        /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            OPJ_S(0) /= 2;
        } else {
            for (i = win_l_x0; i < win_l_x1; i++) {
                OPJ_D(i) -= (OPJ_SS_(i) + OPJ_SS_(i + 1) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = win_h_x0; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                OPJ_S(i) += (OPJ_DD_(i) + OPJ_DD_(i - 1)) >> 1;
#define OPJ_S_off(i,off) a[(OPJ_UINT32)(i)*2*4+off]
#define OPJ_D_off(i,off) a[(1+(OPJ_UINT32)(i)*2)*4+off]
#define OPJ_S__off(i,off) ((i)<0?OPJ_S_off(0,off):((i)>=sn?OPJ_S_off(sn-1,off):OPJ_S_off(i,off)))
#define OPJ_D__off(i,off) ((i)<0?OPJ_D_off(0,off):((i)>=dn?OPJ_D_off(dn-1,off):OPJ_D_off(i,off)))
#define OPJ_SS__off(i,off) ((i)<0?OPJ_S_off(0,off):((i)>=dn?OPJ_S_off(dn-1,off):OPJ_S_off(i,off)))
#define OPJ_DD__off(i,off) ((i)<0?OPJ_D_off(0,off):((i)>=sn?OPJ_D_off(sn-1,off):OPJ_D_off(i,off)))
static void opj_dwt_decode_partial_1_parallel(OPJ_INT32 *a,
        OPJ_UINT32 nb_cols,
        OPJ_INT32 dn, OPJ_INT32 sn,
        OPJ_INT32 cas,
        OPJ_INT32 win_l_x0,
        OPJ_INT32 win_l_x1,
        OPJ_INT32 win_h_x0,
        OPJ_INT32 win_h_x1)
    OPJ_INT32 i;
    OPJ_UINT32 off;
    if (!cas) {
        if ((dn > 0) || (sn > 1)) { /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            /* Naive version is :
            for (i = win_l_x0; i < i_max; i++) {
                OPJ_S(i) -= (OPJ_D_(i - 1) + OPJ_D_(i) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = win_h_x0; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                OPJ_D(i) += (OPJ_S_(i) + OPJ_S_(i + 1)) >> 1;
            but the compiler doesn't manage to unroll it to avoid bound
            checking in OPJ_S_ and OPJ_D_ macros
            i = win_l_x0;
            if (i < win_l_x1) {
                OPJ_INT32 i_max;
                /* Left-most case */
                for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                    OPJ_S_off(i, off) -= (OPJ_D__off(i - 1, off) + OPJ_D__off(i, off) + 2) >> 2;
                i ++;
                i_max = win_l_x1;
                if (i_max > dn) {
                    i_max = dn;
#ifdef __SSE2__
                if (i + 1 < i_max) {
                    const __m128i two = _mm_set1_epi32(2);
                    __m128i Dm1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + 4 + (i - 1) * 8));
                    for (; i + 1 < i_max; i += 2) {
                        /* No bound checking */
                        __m128i S = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + i * 8));
                        __m128i D = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + 4 + i * 8));
                        __m128i S1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + (i + 1) * 8));
                        __m128i D1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + 4 + (i + 1) * 8));
                        S = _mm_sub_epi32(S,
                                          _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(Dm1, D), two), 2));
                        S1 = _mm_sub_epi32(S1,
                                           _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(D, D1), two), 2));
                        _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(a + i * 8), S);
                        _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(a + (i + 1) * 8), S1);
                        Dm1 = D1;
                for (; i < i_max; i++) {
                    /* No bound checking */
                    for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                        OPJ_S_off(i, off) -= (OPJ_D_off(i - 1, off) + OPJ_D_off(i, off) + 2) >> 2;
                for (; i < win_l_x1; i++) {
                    /* Right-most case */
                    for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                        OPJ_S_off(i, off) -= (OPJ_D__off(i - 1, off) + OPJ_D__off(i, off) + 2) >> 2;
            i = win_h_x0;
            if (i < win_h_x1) {
                OPJ_INT32 i_max = win_h_x1;
                if (i_max >= sn) {
                    i_max = sn - 1;
#ifdef __SSE2__
                if (i + 1 < i_max) {
                    __m128i S =  _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + i * 8));
                    for (; i + 1 < i_max; i += 2) {
                        /* No bound checking */
                        __m128i D = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + 4 + i * 8));
                        __m128i S1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + (i + 1) * 8));
                        __m128i D1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + 4 + (i + 1) * 8));
                        __m128i S2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)(a + (i + 2) * 8));
                        D = _mm_add_epi32(D, _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(S, S1), 1));
                        D1 = _mm_add_epi32(D1, _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(S1, S2), 1));
                        _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(a + 4 + i * 8), D);
                        _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(a + 4 + (i + 1) * 8), D1);
                        S = S2;
                for (; i < i_max; i++) {
                    /* No bound checking */
                    for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                        OPJ_D_off(i, off) += (OPJ_S_off(i, off) + OPJ_S_off(i + 1, off)) >> 1;
                for (; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                    /* Right-most case */
                    for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                        OPJ_D_off(i, off) += (OPJ_S__off(i, off) + OPJ_S__off(i + 1, off)) >> 1;
    } else {
        if (!sn  && dn == 1) {        /* NEW :  CASE ONE ELEMENT */
            for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                OPJ_S_off(0, off) /= 2;
        } else {
            for (i = win_l_x0; i < win_l_x1; i++) {
                for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                    OPJ_D_off(i, off) -= (OPJ_SS__off(i, off) + OPJ_SS__off(i + 1, off) + 2) >> 2;
            for (i = win_h_x0; i < win_h_x1; i++) {
                for (off = 0; off < 4; off++) {
                    OPJ_S_off(i, off) += (OPJ_DD__off(i, off) + OPJ_DD__off(i - 1, off)) >> 1;
static void opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec,
        OPJ_UINT32 resno,
        OPJ_UINT32 bandno,
        OPJ_UINT32 tcx0,
        OPJ_UINT32 tcy0,
        OPJ_UINT32 tcx1,
        OPJ_UINT32 tcy1,
        OPJ_UINT32* tbx0,
        OPJ_UINT32* tby0,
        OPJ_UINT32* tbx1,
        OPJ_UINT32* tby1)
    /* Compute number of decomposition for this band. See table F-1 */
    OPJ_UINT32 nb = (resno == 0) ?
                    tilec->numresolutions - 1 :
                    tilec->numresolutions - resno;
    /* Map above tile-based coordinates to sub-band-based coordinates per */
    /* equation B-15 of the standard */
    OPJ_UINT32 x0b = bandno & 1;
    OPJ_UINT32 y0b = bandno >> 1;
    if (tbx0) {
        *tbx0 = (nb == 0) ? tcx0 :
                (tcx0 <= (1U << (nb - 1)) * x0b) ? 0 :
                opj_uint_ceildivpow2(tcx0 - (1U << (nb - 1)) * x0b, nb);
    if (tby0) {
        *tby0 = (nb == 0) ? tcy0 :
                (tcy0 <= (1U << (nb - 1)) * y0b) ? 0 :
                opj_uint_ceildivpow2(tcy0 - (1U << (nb - 1)) * y0b, nb);
    if (tbx1) {
        *tbx1 = (nb == 0) ? tcx1 :
                (tcx1 <= (1U << (nb - 1)) * x0b) ? 0 :
                opj_uint_ceildivpow2(tcx1 - (1U << (nb - 1)) * x0b, nb);
    if (tby1) {
        *tby1 = (nb == 0) ? tcy1 :
                (tcy1 <= (1U << (nb - 1)) * y0b) ? 0 :
                opj_uint_ceildivpow2(tcy1 - (1U << (nb - 1)) * y0b, nb);
static void opj_dwt_segment_grow(OPJ_UINT32 filter_width,
                                 OPJ_UINT32 max_size,
                                 OPJ_UINT32* start,
                                 OPJ_UINT32* end)
    *start = opj_uint_subs(*start, filter_width);
    *end = opj_uint_adds(*end, filter_width);
    *end = opj_uint_min(*end, max_size);
static opj_sparse_array_int32_t* opj_dwt_init_sparse_array(
    opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec,
    OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr_max = &(tilec->resolutions[numres - 1]);
    OPJ_UINT32 w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr_max->x1 - tr_max->x0);
    OPJ_UINT32 h = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr_max->y1 - tr_max->y0);
    OPJ_UINT32 resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;
    opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa = opj_sparse_array_int32_create(
                                       w, h, opj_uint_min(w, 64), opj_uint_min(h, 64));
    if (sa == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    for (resno = 0; resno < numres; ++resno) {
        opj_tcd_resolution_t* res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
        for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) {
            opj_tcd_band_t* band = &res->bands[bandno];
            for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) {
                opj_tcd_precinct_t* precinct = &band->precincts[precno];
                for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < precinct->cw * precinct->ch; ++cblkno) {
                    opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &precinct->cblks.dec[cblkno];
                    if (cblk->decoded_data != NULL) {
                        OPJ_UINT32 x = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x0 - band->x0);
                        OPJ_UINT32 y = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y0 - band->y0);
                        OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x1 - cblk->x0);
                        OPJ_UINT32 cblk_h = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y1 - cblk->y0);
                        if (band->bandno & 1) {
                            opj_tcd_resolution_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1];
                            x += (OPJ_UINT32)(pres->x1 - pres->x0);
                        if (band->bandno & 2) {
                            opj_tcd_resolution_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1];
                            y += (OPJ_UINT32)(pres->y1 - pres->y0);
                        if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa, x, y,
                                                          x + cblk_w, y + cblk_h,
                                                          1, cblk_w, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                            return NULL;
    return sa;
static OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_partial_tile(
    opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec,
    OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa;
    opj_dwt_t h;
    opj_dwt_t v;
    OPJ_UINT32 resno;
    /* This value matches the maximum left/right extension given in tables */
    /* F.2 and F.3 of the standard. */
    const OPJ_UINT32 filter_width = 2U;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr = tilec->resolutions;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr_max = &(tilec->resolutions[numres - 1]);
    OPJ_UINT32 rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 -
                                 tr->x0);  /* width of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 -
                                 tr->y0);  /* height of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_SIZE_T h_mem_size;
    /* Compute the intersection of the area of interest, expressed in tile coordinates */
    /* with the tile coordinates */
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcx0 = tilec->win_x0;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcy0 = tilec->win_y0;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcx1 = tilec->win_x1;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcy1 = tilec->win_y1;
    if (tr_max->x0 == tr_max->x1 || tr_max->y0 == tr_max->y1) {
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    sa = opj_dwt_init_sparse_array(tilec, numres);
    if (sa == NULL) {
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    if (numres == 1U) {
        OPJ_BOOL ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                       tr_max->win_x0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       tr_max->win_x1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       1, tr_max->win_x1 - tr_max->win_x0,
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    h_mem_size = opj_dwt_max_resolution(tr, numres);
    /* overflow check */
    /* in vertical pass, we process 4 columns at a time */
    if (h_mem_size > (SIZE_MAX / (4 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32)))) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    h_mem_size *= 4 * sizeof(OPJ_INT32);
    h.mem = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_32_malloc(h_mem_size);
    if (! h.mem) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    v.mem = h.mem;
    for (resno = 1; resno < numres; resno ++) {
        OPJ_UINT32 i, j;
        /* Window of interest subband-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 win_ll_x0, win_ll_y0, win_ll_x1, win_ll_y1;
        OPJ_UINT32 win_hl_x0, win_hl_x1;
        OPJ_UINT32 win_lh_y0, win_lh_y1;
        /* Window of interest tile-resolution-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 win_tr_x0, win_tr_x1, win_tr_y0, win_tr_y1;
        /* Tile-resolution subband-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 tr_ll_x0, tr_ll_y0, tr_hl_x0, tr_lh_y0;
        h.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rw;
        v.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rh;
        rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 - tr->x0);
        rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 - tr->y0);
        h.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rw - (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn);
        h.cas = tr->x0 % 2;
        v.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rh - (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn);
        v.cas = tr->y0 % 2;
        /* Get the subband coordinates for the window of interest */
        /* LL band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 0,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     &win_ll_x0, &win_ll_y0,
                                     &win_ll_x1, &win_ll_y1);
        /* HL band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 1,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     &win_hl_x0, NULL, &win_hl_x1, NULL);
        /* LH band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 2,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     NULL, &win_lh_y0, NULL, &win_lh_y1);
        /* Beware: band index for non-LL0 resolution are 0=HL, 1=LH and 2=HH */
        tr_ll_x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[1].x0;
        tr_ll_y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[0].y0;
        tr_hl_x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[0].x0;
        tr_lh_y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[1].y0;
        /* Subtract the origin of the bands for this tile, to the subwindow */
        /* of interest band coordinates, so as to get them relative to the */
        /* tile */
        win_ll_x0 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_x0, tr_ll_x0);
        win_ll_y0 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_y0, tr_ll_y0);
        win_ll_x1 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_x1, tr_ll_x0);
        win_ll_y1 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_y1, tr_ll_y0);
        win_hl_x0 = opj_uint_subs(win_hl_x0, tr_hl_x0);
        win_hl_x1 = opj_uint_subs(win_hl_x1, tr_hl_x0);
        win_lh_y0 = opj_uint_subs(win_lh_y0, tr_lh_y0);
        win_lh_y1 = opj_uint_subs(win_lh_y1, tr_lh_y0);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn, &win_ll_x0, &win_ll_x1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)h.dn, &win_hl_x0, &win_hl_x1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn, &win_ll_y0, &win_ll_y1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)v.dn, &win_lh_y0, &win_lh_y1);
        /* Compute the tile-resolution-based coordinates for the window of interest */
        if (h.cas == 0) {
            win_tr_x0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_ll_x0, 2 * win_hl_x0 + 1);
            win_tr_x1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_ll_x1, 2 * win_hl_x1 + 1), rw);
        } else {
            win_tr_x0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_hl_x0, 2 * win_ll_x0 + 1);
            win_tr_x1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_hl_x1, 2 * win_ll_x1 + 1), rw);
        if (v.cas == 0) {
            win_tr_y0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_ll_y0, 2 * win_lh_y0 + 1);
            win_tr_y1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_ll_y1, 2 * win_lh_y1 + 1), rh);
        } else {
            win_tr_y0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_lh_y0, 2 * win_ll_y0 + 1);
            win_tr_y1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_lh_y1, 2 * win_ll_y1 + 1), rh);
        for (j = 0; j < rh; ++j) {
            if ((j >= win_ll_y0 && j < win_ll_y1) ||
                    (j >= win_lh_y0 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn && j < win_lh_y1 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn)) {
                /* Avoids dwt.c:1584:44 (in opj_dwt_decode_partial_1): runtime error: */
                /* signed integer overflow: -1094795586 + -1094795586 cannot be represented in type 'int' */
                /* on opj_decompress -i  ../../openjpeg/MAPA.jp2 -o out.tif -d 0,0,256,256 */
                /* This is less extreme than memsetting the whole buffer to 0 */
                /* although we could potentially do better with better handling of edge conditions */
                if (win_tr_x1 >= 1 && win_tr_x1 < rw) {
                    h.mem[win_tr_x1 - 1] = 0;
                if (win_tr_x1 < rw) {
                    h.mem[win_tr_x1] = 0;
                opj_dwt_decode_partial_1(h.mem, h.dn, h.sn, h.cas,
                if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa,
                                                  win_tr_x0, j,
                                                  win_tr_x1, j + 1,
                                                  h.mem + win_tr_x0,
                                                  1, 0, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
        for (i = win_tr_x0; i < win_tr_x1;) {
            OPJ_UINT32 nb_cols = opj_uint_min(4U, win_tr_x1 - i);
            opj_dwt_decode_partial_1_parallel(v.mem, nb_cols, v.dn, v.sn, v.cas,
            if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa,
                                              i, win_tr_y0,
                                              i + nb_cols, win_tr_y1,
                                              v.mem + 4 * win_tr_y0,
                                              1, 4, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                return OPJ_FALSE;
            i += nb_cols;
        OPJ_BOOL ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                       tr_max->win_x0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       tr_max->win_x1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       1, tr_max->win_x1 - tr_max->win_x0,
    return OPJ_TRUE;
static void opj_v8dwt_interleave_h(opj_v8dwt_t* OPJ_RESTRICT dwt,
                                   OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT a,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 width,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 remaining_height)
    OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT bi = (OPJ_FLOAT32*)(dwt->wavelet + dwt->cas);
    OPJ_UINT32 i, k;
    OPJ_UINT32 x0 = dwt->win_l_x0;
    OPJ_UINT32 x1 = dwt->win_l_x1;
    for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
        if (remaining_height >= NB_ELTS_V8 && ((OPJ_SIZE_T) a & 0x0f) == 0 &&
                ((OPJ_SIZE_T) bi & 0x0f) == 0) {
            /* Fast code path */
            for (i = x0; i < x1; ++i) {
                OPJ_UINT32 j = i;
                OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT dst = bi + i * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
                dst[0] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[1] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[2] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[3] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[4] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[5] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[6] = a[j];
                j += width;
                dst[7] = a[j];
        } else {
            /* Slow code path */
            for (i = x0; i < x1; ++i) {
                OPJ_UINT32 j = i;
                OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT dst = bi + i * 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
                dst[0] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 1) {
                dst[1] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 2) {
                dst[2] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 3) {
                dst[3] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 4) {
                dst[4] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 5) {
                dst[5] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 6) {
                dst[6] = a[j];
                j += width;
                if (remaining_height == 7) {
                dst[7] = a[j];
        bi = (OPJ_FLOAT32*)(dwt->wavelet + 1 - dwt->cas);
        a += dwt->sn;
        x0 = dwt->win_h_x0;
        x1 = dwt->win_h_x1;
static void opj_v8dwt_interleave_partial_h(opj_v8dwt_t* dwt,
        opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa,
        OPJ_UINT32 sa_line,
        OPJ_UINT32 remaining_height)
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    for (i = 0; i < remaining_height; i++) {
        OPJ_BOOL ret;
        ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                          dwt->win_l_x0, sa_line + i,
                                          dwt->win_l_x1, sa_line + i + 1,
                                          /* Nasty cast from float* to int32* */
                                          (OPJ_INT32*)(dwt->wavelet + dwt->cas + 2 * dwt->win_l_x0) + i,
                                          2 * NB_ELTS_V8, 0, OPJ_TRUE);
        ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                          (OPJ_UINT32)dwt->sn + dwt->win_h_x0, sa_line + i,
                                          (OPJ_UINT32)dwt->sn + dwt->win_h_x1, sa_line + i + 1,
                                          /* Nasty cast from float* to int32* */
                                          (OPJ_INT32*)(dwt->wavelet + 1 - dwt->cas + 2 * dwt->win_h_x0) + i,
                                          2 * NB_ELTS_V8, 0, OPJ_TRUE);
static INLINE void opj_v8dwt_interleave_v(opj_v8dwt_t* OPJ_RESTRICT dwt,
        OPJ_UINT32 width,
        OPJ_UINT32 nb_elts_read)
    opj_v8_t* OPJ_RESTRICT bi = dwt->wavelet + dwt->cas;
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    for (i = dwt->win_l_x0; i < dwt->win_l_x1; ++i) {
        memcpy(&bi[i * 2], &a[i * (OPJ_SIZE_T)width],
               (OPJ_SIZE_T)nb_elts_read * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
    a += (OPJ_UINT32)dwt->sn * (OPJ_SIZE_T)width;
    bi = dwt->wavelet + 1 - dwt->cas;
    for (i = dwt->win_h_x0; i < dwt->win_h_x1; ++i) {
        memcpy(&bi[i * 2], &a[i * (OPJ_SIZE_T)width],
               (OPJ_SIZE_T)nb_elts_read * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
static void opj_v8dwt_interleave_partial_v(opj_v8dwt_t* OPJ_RESTRICT dwt,
        opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa,
        OPJ_UINT32 sa_col,
        OPJ_UINT32 nb_elts_read)
    OPJ_BOOL ret;
    ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                      sa_col, dwt->win_l_x0,
                                      sa_col + nb_elts_read, dwt->win_l_x1,
                                      (OPJ_INT32*)(dwt->wavelet + dwt->cas + 2 * dwt->win_l_x0),
                                      1, 2 * NB_ELTS_V8, OPJ_TRUE);
    ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                                      sa_col, (OPJ_UINT32)dwt->sn + dwt->win_h_x0,
                                      sa_col + nb_elts_read, (OPJ_UINT32)dwt->sn + dwt->win_h_x1,
                                      (OPJ_INT32*)(dwt->wavelet + 1 - dwt->cas + 2 * dwt->win_h_x0),
                                      1, 2 * NB_ELTS_V8, OPJ_TRUE);
#ifdef __SSE__
static void opj_v8dwt_decode_step1_sse(opj_v8_t* w,
                                       OPJ_UINT32 start,
                                       OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                       const __m128 c)
    __m128* OPJ_RESTRICT vw = (__m128*) w;
    OPJ_UINT32 i = start;
    /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
    vw += 4 * start;
    /* Note: attempt at loop unrolling x2 doesn't help */
    for (; i < end; ++i, vw += 4) {
        vw[0] = _mm_mul_ps(vw[0], c);
        vw[1] = _mm_mul_ps(vw[1], c);
static void opj_v8dwt_decode_step2_sse(opj_v8_t* l, opj_v8_t* w,
                                       OPJ_UINT32 start,
                                       OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                       OPJ_UINT32 m,
                                       __m128 c)
    __m128* OPJ_RESTRICT vl = (__m128*) l;
    __m128* OPJ_RESTRICT vw = (__m128*) w;
    /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    OPJ_UINT32 imax = opj_uint_min(end, m);
    if (start == 0) {
        if (imax >= 1) {
            vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vl[0], vw[0]), c));
            vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vl[1], vw[1]), c));
            vw += 4;
            start = 1;
    } else {
        vw += start * 4;
    i = start;
    /* Note: attempt at loop unrolling x2 doesn't help */
    for (; i < imax; ++i) {
        vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vw[-4], vw[0]), c));
        vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(vw[-3], vw[1]), c));
        vw += 4;
    if (m < end) {
        assert(m + 1 == end);
        c = _mm_add_ps(c, c);
        vw[-2] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-2], _mm_mul_ps(c, vw[-4]));
        vw[-1] = _mm_add_ps(vw[-1], _mm_mul_ps(c, vw[-3]));
static void opj_v8dwt_decode_step1(opj_v8_t* w,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 start,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                   const OPJ_FLOAT32 c)
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
    for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
        fw[i * 2 * 8    ] = fw[i * 2 * 8    ] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 1] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 1] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 2] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 2] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 3] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 3] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 4] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 4] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 5] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 5] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 6] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 6] * c;
        fw[i * 2 * 8 + 7] = fw[i * 2 * 8 + 7] * c;
static void opj_v8dwt_decode_step2(opj_v8_t* l, opj_v8_t* w,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 start,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 end,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 m,
                                   OPJ_FLOAT32 c)
    OPJ_FLOAT32* fl = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) l;
    OPJ_FLOAT32* fw = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) w;
    OPJ_UINT32 i;
    OPJ_UINT32 imax = opj_uint_min(end, m);
    if (start > 0) {
        fw += 2 * NB_ELTS_V8 * start;
        fl = fw - 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
    /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
    for (i = start; i < imax; ++i) {
        fw[-8] = fw[-8] + ((fl[0] + fw[0]) * c);
        fw[-7] = fw[-7] + ((fl[1] + fw[1]) * c);
        fw[-6] = fw[-6] + ((fl[2] + fw[2]) * c);
        fw[-5] = fw[-5] + ((fl[3] + fw[3]) * c);
        fw[-4] = fw[-4] + ((fl[4] + fw[4]) * c);
        fw[-3] = fw[-3] + ((fl[5] + fw[5]) * c);
        fw[-2] = fw[-2] + ((fl[6] + fw[6]) * c);
        fw[-1] = fw[-1] + ((fl[7] + fw[7]) * c);
        fl = fw;
        fw += 2 * NB_ELTS_V8;
    if (m < end) {
        assert(m + 1 == end);
        c += c;
        fw[-8] = fw[-8] + fl[0] * c;
        fw[-7] = fw[-7] + fl[1] * c;
        fw[-6] = fw[-6] + fl[2] * c;
        fw[-5] = fw[-5] + fl[3] * c;
        fw[-4] = fw[-4] + fl[4] * c;
        fw[-3] = fw[-3] + fl[5] * c;
        fw[-2] = fw[-2] + fl[6] * c;
        fw[-1] = fw[-1] + fl[7] * c;
/* <summary>                             */
/* Inverse 9-7 wavelet transform in 1-D. */
/* </summary>                            */
static void opj_v8dwt_decode(opj_v8dwt_t* OPJ_RESTRICT dwt)
    OPJ_INT32 a, b;
    /* BUG_WEIRD_TWO_INVK (look for this identifier in tcd.c) */
    /* Historic value for 2 / opj_invK */
    /* Normally, we should use invK, but if we do so, we have failures in the */
    /* conformance test, due to MSE and peak errors significantly higher than */
    /* accepted value */
    /* Due to using two_invK instead of invK, we have to compensate in tcd.c */
    /* the computation of the stepsize for the non LL subbands */
    const float two_invK = 1.625732422f;
    if (dwt->cas == 0) {
        if (!((dwt->dn > 0) || (dwt->sn > 1))) {
        a = 0;
        b = 1;
    } else {
        if (!((dwt->sn > 0) || (dwt->dn > 1))) {
        a = 1;
        b = 0;
#ifdef __SSE__
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step1_sse(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step1_sse(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2_sse(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->wavelet + a + 1,
                               dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
                               (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->sn, dwt->dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2_sse(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->wavelet + b + 1,
                               dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
                               (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->dn, dwt->sn - b),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2_sse(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->wavelet + a + 1,
                               dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
                               (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->sn, dwt->dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2_sse(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->wavelet + b + 1,
                               dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
                               (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->dn, dwt->sn - b),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step1(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step1(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->wavelet + a + 1,
                           dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->sn, dwt->dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->wavelet + b + 1,
                           dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->dn, dwt->sn - b),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2(dwt->wavelet + b, dwt->wavelet + a + 1,
                           dwt->win_l_x0, dwt->win_l_x1,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->sn, dwt->dn - a),
    opj_v8dwt_decode_step2(dwt->wavelet + a, dwt->wavelet + b + 1,
                           dwt->win_h_x0, dwt->win_h_x1,
                           (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min(dwt->dn, dwt->sn - b),
typedef struct {
    opj_v8dwt_t h;
    OPJ_UINT32 rw;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_UINT32 nb_rows;
} opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t;
static void opj_dwt97_decode_h_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t* job;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    job = (opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t*)user_data;
    w = job->w;
    assert((job->nb_rows % NB_ELTS_V8) == 0);
    aj = job->aj;
    for (j = 0; j + NB_ELTS_V8 <= job->nb_rows; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
        OPJ_UINT32 k;
        opj_v8dwt_interleave_h(&job->h, aj, job->w, NB_ELTS_V8);
        /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
        for (k = 0; k < job->rw; k++) {
            aj[k      ] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[0];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w  ] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[1];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 2] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[2];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 3] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[3];
        for (k = 0; k < job->rw; k++) {
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 4] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[4];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 5] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[5];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 6] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[6];
            aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 7] = job->h.wavelet[k].f[7];
        aj += w * NB_ELTS_V8;
typedef struct {
    opj_v8dwt_t v;
    OPJ_UINT32 rh;
    OPJ_UINT32 w;
    OPJ_UINT32 nb_columns;
} opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t;
static void opj_dwt97_decode_v_func(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls)
    OPJ_UINT32 j;
    opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t* job;
    job = (opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t*)user_data;
    assert((job->nb_columns % NB_ELTS_V8) == 0);
    aj = job->aj;
    for (j = 0; j + NB_ELTS_V8 <= job->nb_columns; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
        OPJ_UINT32 k;
        opj_v8dwt_interleave_v(&job->v, aj, job->w, NB_ELTS_V8);
        for (k = 0; k < job->rh; ++k) {
            memcpy(&aj[k * (OPJ_SIZE_T)job->w], &job->v.wavelet[k],
                   NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
        aj += NB_ELTS_V8;
/* <summary>                             */
/* Inverse 9-7 wavelet transform in 2-D. */
/* </summary>                            */
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_tile_97(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
                                opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* OPJ_RESTRICT tilec,
                                OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    opj_v8dwt_t h;
    opj_v8dwt_t v;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* res = tilec->resolutions;
    OPJ_UINT32 rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(res->x1 -
                                 res->x0);    /* width of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(res->y1 -
                                 res->y0);    /* height of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions -
                                                               1].x1 -
                                tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions - 1].x0);
    OPJ_SIZE_T l_data_size;
    const int num_threads = opj_thread_pool_get_thread_count(tp);
    if (numres == 1) {
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    l_data_size = opj_dwt_max_resolution(res, numres);
    /* overflow check */
    if (l_data_size > (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(opj_v8_t))) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    h.wavelet = (opj_v8_t*) opj_aligned_malloc(l_data_size * sizeof(opj_v8_t));
    if (!h.wavelet) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    v.wavelet = h.wavelet;
    while (--numres) {
        OPJ_FLOAT32 * OPJ_RESTRICT aj = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) tilec->data;
        OPJ_UINT32 j;
        h.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rw;
        v.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rh;
        rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(res->x1 -
                          res->x0);   /* width of the resolution level computed */
        rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(res->y1 -
                          res->y0);   /* height of the resolution level computed */
        h.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rw - (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn);
        h.cas = res->x0 % 2;
        h.win_l_x0 = 0;
        h.win_l_x1 = (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn;
        h.win_h_x0 = 0;
        h.win_h_x1 = (OPJ_UINT32)h.dn;
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rh < 2 * NB_ELTS_V8) {
            for (j = 0; j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) < rh; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
                OPJ_UINT32 k;
                opj_v8dwt_interleave_h(&h, aj, w, NB_ELTS_V8);
                /* To be adapted if NB_ELTS_V8 changes */
                for (k = 0; k < rw; k++) {
                    aj[k      ] = h.wavelet[k].f[0];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w  ] = h.wavelet[k].f[1];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 2] = h.wavelet[k].f[2];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 3] = h.wavelet[k].f[3];
                for (k = 0; k < rw; k++) {
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 4] = h.wavelet[k].f[4];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 5] = h.wavelet[k].f[5];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 6] = h.wavelet[k].f[6];
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w * 7] = h.wavelet[k].f[7];
                aj += w * NB_ELTS_V8;
        } else {
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = (OPJ_UINT32)num_threads;
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if ((rh / NB_ELTS_V8) < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rh / NB_ELTS_V8;
            step_j = ((rh / num_jobs) / NB_ELTS_V8) * NB_ELTS_V8;
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt97_decode_h_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->h.wavelet = (opj_v8_t*)opj_aligned_malloc(l_data_size * sizeof(opj_v8_t));
                if (!job->h.wavelet) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->h.dn = h.dn;
                job->h.sn = h.sn;
                job->h.cas = h.cas;
                job->h.win_l_x0 = h.win_l_x0;
                job->h.win_l_x1 = h.win_l_x1;
                job->h.win_h_x0 = h.win_h_x0;
                job->h.win_h_x1 = h.win_h_x1;
                job->rw = rw;
                job->w = w;
                job->aj = aj;
                job->nb_rows = (j + 1 == num_jobs) ? (rh & (OPJ_UINT32)~
                                                      (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1)) - j * step_j : step_j;
                aj += w * job->nb_rows;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt97_decode_h_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
            j = rh & (OPJ_UINT32)~(NB_ELTS_V8 - 1);
        if (j < rh) {
            OPJ_UINT32 k;
            opj_v8dwt_interleave_h(&h, aj, w, rh - j);
            for (k = 0; k < rw; k++) {
                OPJ_UINT32 l;
                for (l = 0; l < rh - j; l++) {
                    aj[k + (OPJ_SIZE_T)w  * l ] = h.wavelet[k].f[l];
        v.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rh - (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn);
        v.cas = res->y0 % 2;
        v.win_l_x0 = 0;
        v.win_l_x1 = (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn;
        v.win_h_x0 = 0;
        v.win_h_x1 = (OPJ_UINT32)v.dn;
        aj = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) tilec->data;
        if (num_threads <= 1 || rw < 2 * NB_ELTS_V8) {
            for (j = rw; j > (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1); j -= NB_ELTS_V8) {
                OPJ_UINT32 k;
                opj_v8dwt_interleave_v(&v, aj, w, NB_ELTS_V8);
                for (k = 0; k < rh; ++k) {
                    memcpy(&aj[k * (OPJ_SIZE_T)w], &v.wavelet[k], NB_ELTS_V8 * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
                aj += NB_ELTS_V8;
        } else {
            /* "bench_dwt -I" shows that scaling is poor, likely due to RAM
                transfer being the limiting factor. So limit the number of
            OPJ_UINT32 num_jobs = opj_uint_max((OPJ_UINT32)num_threads / 2, 2U);
            OPJ_UINT32 step_j;
            if ((rw / NB_ELTS_V8) < num_jobs) {
                num_jobs = rw / NB_ELTS_V8;
            step_j = ((rw / num_jobs) / NB_ELTS_V8) * NB_ELTS_V8;
            for (j = 0; j < num_jobs; j++) {
                opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t* job;
                job = (opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dwt97_decode_v_job_t));
                if (!job) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->v.wavelet = (opj_v8_t*)opj_aligned_malloc(l_data_size * sizeof(opj_v8_t));
                if (!job->v.wavelet) {
                    opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
                job->v.dn = v.dn;
                job->v.sn = v.sn;
                job->v.cas = v.cas;
                job->v.win_l_x0 = v.win_l_x0;
                job->v.win_l_x1 = v.win_l_x1;
                job->v.win_h_x0 = v.win_h_x0;
                job->v.win_h_x1 = v.win_h_x1;
                job->rh = rh;
                job->w = w;
                job->aj = aj;
                job->nb_columns = (j + 1 == num_jobs) ? (rw & (OPJ_UINT32)~
                                  (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1)) - j * step_j : step_j;
                aj += job->nb_columns;
                opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_dwt97_decode_v_func, job);
            opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0);
        if (rw & (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1)) {
            OPJ_UINT32 k;
            j = rw & (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1);
            opj_v8dwt_interleave_v(&v, aj, w, j);
            for (k = 0; k < rh; ++k) {
                memcpy(&aj[k * (OPJ_SIZE_T)w], &v.wavelet[k],
                       (OPJ_SIZE_T)j * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32));
    return OPJ_TRUE;
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_partial_97(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* OPJ_RESTRICT tilec,
                                   OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    opj_sparse_array_int32_t* sa;
    opj_v8dwt_t h;
    opj_v8dwt_t v;
    OPJ_UINT32 resno;
    /* This value matches the maximum left/right extension given in tables */
    /* F.2 and F.3 of the standard. Note: in opj_tcd_is_subband_area_of_interest() */
    /* we currently use 3. */
    const OPJ_UINT32 filter_width = 4U;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr = tilec->resolutions;
    opj_tcd_resolution_t* tr_max = &(tilec->resolutions[numres - 1]);
    OPJ_UINT32 rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 -
                                 tr->x0);    /* width of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_UINT32 rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 -
                                 tr->y0);    /* height of the resolution level computed */
    OPJ_SIZE_T l_data_size;
    /* Compute the intersection of the area of interest, expressed in tile coordinates */
    /* with the tile coordinates */
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcx0 = tilec->win_x0;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcy0 = tilec->win_y0;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcx1 = tilec->win_x1;
    OPJ_UINT32 win_tcy1 = tilec->win_y1;
    if (tr_max->x0 == tr_max->x1 || tr_max->y0 == tr_max->y1) {
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    sa = opj_dwt_init_sparse_array(tilec, numres);
    if (sa == NULL) {
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    if (numres == 1U) {
        OPJ_BOOL ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                       tr_max->win_x0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       tr_max->win_x1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       1, tr_max->win_x1 - tr_max->win_x0,
        return OPJ_TRUE;
    l_data_size = opj_dwt_max_resolution(tr, numres);
    /* overflow check */
    if (l_data_size > (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(opj_v8_t))) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    h.wavelet = (opj_v8_t*) opj_aligned_malloc(l_data_size * sizeof(opj_v8_t));
    if (!h.wavelet) {
        /* FIXME event manager error callback */
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    v.wavelet = h.wavelet;
    for (resno = 1; resno < numres; resno ++) {
        OPJ_UINT32 j;
        /* Window of interest subband-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 win_ll_x0, win_ll_y0, win_ll_x1, win_ll_y1;
        OPJ_UINT32 win_hl_x0, win_hl_x1;
        OPJ_UINT32 win_lh_y0, win_lh_y1;
        /* Window of interest tile-resolution-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 win_tr_x0, win_tr_x1, win_tr_y0, win_tr_y1;
        /* Tile-resolution subband-based coordinates */
        OPJ_UINT32 tr_ll_x0, tr_ll_y0, tr_hl_x0, tr_lh_y0;
        h.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rw;
        v.sn = (OPJ_INT32)rh;
        rw = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->x1 - tr->x0);
        rh = (OPJ_UINT32)(tr->y1 - tr->y0);
        h.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rw - (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn);
        h.cas = tr->x0 % 2;
        v.dn = (OPJ_INT32)(rh - (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn);
        v.cas = tr->y0 % 2;
        /* Get the subband coordinates for the window of interest */
        /* LL band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 0,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     &win_ll_x0, &win_ll_y0,
                                     &win_ll_x1, &win_ll_y1);
        /* HL band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 1,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     &win_hl_x0, NULL, &win_hl_x1, NULL);
        /* LH band */
        opj_dwt_get_band_coordinates(tilec, resno, 2,
                                     win_tcx0, win_tcy0, win_tcx1, win_tcy1,
                                     NULL, &win_lh_y0, NULL, &win_lh_y1);
        /* Beware: band index for non-LL0 resolution are 0=HL, 1=LH and 2=HH */
        tr_ll_x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[1].x0;
        tr_ll_y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[0].y0;
        tr_hl_x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[0].x0;
        tr_lh_y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)tr->bands[1].y0;
        /* Subtract the origin of the bands for this tile, to the subwindow */
        /* of interest band coordinates, so as to get them relative to the */
        /* tile */
        win_ll_x0 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_x0, tr_ll_x0);
        win_ll_y0 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_y0, tr_ll_y0);
        win_ll_x1 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_x1, tr_ll_x0);
        win_ll_y1 = opj_uint_subs(win_ll_y1, tr_ll_y0);
        win_hl_x0 = opj_uint_subs(win_hl_x0, tr_hl_x0);
        win_hl_x1 = opj_uint_subs(win_hl_x1, tr_hl_x0);
        win_lh_y0 = opj_uint_subs(win_lh_y0, tr_lh_y0);
        win_lh_y1 = opj_uint_subs(win_lh_y1, tr_lh_y0);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)h.sn, &win_ll_x0, &win_ll_x1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)h.dn, &win_hl_x0, &win_hl_x1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn, &win_ll_y0, &win_ll_y1);
        opj_dwt_segment_grow(filter_width, (OPJ_UINT32)v.dn, &win_lh_y0, &win_lh_y1);
        /* Compute the tile-resolution-based coordinates for the window of interest */
        if (h.cas == 0) {
            win_tr_x0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_ll_x0, 2 * win_hl_x0 + 1);
            win_tr_x1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_ll_x1, 2 * win_hl_x1 + 1), rw);
        } else {
            win_tr_x0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_hl_x0, 2 * win_ll_x0 + 1);
            win_tr_x1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_hl_x1, 2 * win_ll_x1 + 1), rw);
        if (v.cas == 0) {
            win_tr_y0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_ll_y0, 2 * win_lh_y0 + 1);
            win_tr_y1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_ll_y1, 2 * win_lh_y1 + 1), rh);
        } else {
            win_tr_y0 = opj_uint_min(2 * win_lh_y0, 2 * win_ll_y0 + 1);
            win_tr_y1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_max(2 * win_lh_y1, 2 * win_ll_y1 + 1), rh);
        h.win_l_x0 = win_ll_x0;
        h.win_l_x1 = win_ll_x1;
        h.win_h_x0 = win_hl_x0;
        h.win_h_x1 = win_hl_x1;
        for (j = 0; j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) < rh; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
            if ((j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) >= win_ll_y0 && j < win_ll_y1) ||
                    (j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) >= win_lh_y0 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn &&
                     j < win_lh_y1 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn)) {
                opj_v8dwt_interleave_partial_h(&h, sa, j, opj_uint_min(NB_ELTS_V8, rh - j));
                if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa,
                                                  win_tr_x0, j,
                                                  win_tr_x1, j + NB_ELTS_V8,
                                                  NB_ELTS_V8, 1, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                    /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                    return OPJ_FALSE;
        if (j < rh &&
                ((j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) >= win_ll_y0 && j < win_ll_y1) ||
                 (j + (NB_ELTS_V8 - 1) >= win_lh_y0 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn &&
                  j < win_lh_y1 + (OPJ_UINT32)v.sn))) {
            opj_v8dwt_interleave_partial_h(&h, sa, j, rh - j);
            if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa,
                                              win_tr_x0, j,
                                              win_tr_x1, rh,
                                              NB_ELTS_V8, 1, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                return OPJ_FALSE;
        v.win_l_x0 = win_ll_y0;
        v.win_l_x1 = win_ll_y1;
        v.win_h_x0 = win_lh_y0;
        v.win_h_x1 = win_lh_y1;
        for (j = win_tr_x0; j < win_tr_x1; j += NB_ELTS_V8) {
            OPJ_UINT32 nb_elts = opj_uint_min(NB_ELTS_V8, win_tr_x1 - j);
            opj_v8dwt_interleave_partial_v(&v, sa, j, nb_elts);
            if (!opj_sparse_array_int32_write(sa,
                                              j, win_tr_y0,
                                              j + nb_elts, win_tr_y1,
                                              1, NB_ELTS_V8, OPJ_TRUE)) {
                /* FIXME event manager error callback */
                return OPJ_FALSE;
        OPJ_BOOL ret = opj_sparse_array_int32_read(sa,
                       tr_max->win_x0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y0 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       tr_max->win_x1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->x0,
                       tr_max->win_y1 - (OPJ_UINT32)tr_max->y0,
                       1, tr_max->win_x1 - tr_max->win_x0,
    return OPJ_TRUE;
OPJ_BOOL opj_dwt_decode_real(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd,
                             opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* OPJ_RESTRICT tilec,
                             OPJ_UINT32 numres)
    if (p_tcd->whole_tile_decoding) {
        return opj_dwt_decode_tile_97(p_tcd->thread_pool, tilec, numres);
    } else {
        return opj_dwt_decode_partial_97(tilec, numres);

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'j + 1' operator to the 'OPJ_SIZE_T' type, not the result.

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'sn + j + 1' operator to the 'OPJ_SIZE_T' type, not the result.

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'j + 1' operator to the 'OPJ_SIZE_T' type, not the result.

V1032 The pointer 'tiledp_col' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'tmp' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'in_even' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'in_odd' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'tmp' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'in_even' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'in_odd' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'tmp' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'fw' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'tmp' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'fw' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'fw' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'fl' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V1032 The pointer 'a' is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V1003 The macro 'OPJ_S_off' is a dangerous expression. The parameter 'off' must be surrounded by parentheses.

V1003 The macro 'OPJ_D_off' is a dangerous expression. The parameter 'off' must be surrounded by parentheses.

V801 Decreased performance. It is better to redefine the fourth function argument as a pointer. Consider replacing 'const .. c' with 'const .. *c'.