/* SoX Resampler Library      Copyright (c) 2007-16 robs@users.sourceforge.net
 * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1                  See LICENCE for details.
 * Constant-rate resampling common code. */
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "filter.h"
#if defined SOXR_LIB
  #include "internal.h"
  #define STATIC
#include "cr.h"
#define num_coefs4 ((core_flags&CORE_SIMD_POLY)? ((num_coefs+3)&~3) : num_coefs)
#define coef_coef(C,T,x) \
  C((T*)result, interp_order, num_coefs4, j, x, num_coefs4 - 1 - i)
#define STORE(C,T) { \
  if (interp_order > 2) coef_coef(C,T,3) = (T)d; \
  if (interp_order > 1) coef_coef(C,T,2) = (T)c; \
  if (interp_order > 0) coef_coef(C,T,1) = (T)b; \
  coef_coef(C,T,0) = (T)f0;}
static real * prepare_poly_fir_coefs(double const * coefs, int num_coefs,
    int num_phases, int interp_order, double multiplier,
    core_flags_t core_flags, alloc_t const * mem)
  int i, j, length = num_coefs4 * num_phases * (interp_order + 1);
  real * result = mem->calloc(1,(size_t)length << LOG2_SIZEOF_REAL(core_flags));
  double fm1 = coefs[0], f1 = 0, f2 = 0;
  for (i = num_coefs - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    for (j = num_phases - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
      double f0 = fm1, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; /* = 0 to kill compiler warning */
      int pos = i * num_phases + j - 1;
      fm1 = pos > 0 ? coefs[pos - 1] * multiplier : 0;
      switch (interp_order) {
        case 1: b = f1 - f0; break;
        case 2: b = f1 - (.5 * (f2+f0) - f1) - f0; c = .5 * (f2+f0) - f1; break;
        case 3: c=.5*(f1+fm1)-f0;d=(1/6.)*(f2-f1+fm1-f0-4*c);b=f1-f0-d-c; break;
        default: assert(!interp_order);
      switch (core_flags & 3) {
        case 0: if (WITH_CR32 ) STORE(coef , float ); break;
        case 1: if (WITH_CR64 ) STORE(coef , double); break;
        case 2: if (WITH_CR32S) STORE(coef4, float ); break;
        default:if (WITH_CR64S) STORE(coef4, double); break;
      f2 = f1, f1 = f0;
  return result;
#undef STORE
#undef coef_coef
#define IS_FLOAT32 (WITH_CR32 || WITH_CR32S) && \
    (!(WITH_CR64 || WITH_CR64S) || sizeof_real == sizeof(float))
#define WITH_FLOAT64 WITH_CR64 || WITH_CR64S
static void dft_stage_fn(stage_t * p, fifo_t * output_fifo)
  real * output, * dft_out;
  int i, j, num_in = max(0, fifo_occupancy(&p->fifo));
  rate_shared_t const * s = p->shared;
  dft_filter_t const * f = &s->dft_filter[p->dft_filter_num];
  int const overlap = f->num_taps - 1;
  if (p->at.integer + p->L * num_in >= f->dft_length) {
    fn_t const * const RDFT_CB = p->rdft_cb;
    size_t const sizeof_real = sizeof(char) << LOG2_SIZEOF_REAL(p->core_flags);
    div_t divd = div(f->dft_length - overlap - p->at.integer + p->L - 1, p->L);
    real const * input = fifo_read_ptr(&p->fifo);
    fifo_read(&p->fifo, divd.quot, NULL);
    num_in -= divd.quot;
    output = fifo_reserve(output_fifo, f->dft_length);
    dft_out = (p->core_flags & CORE_SIMD_DFT)? p->dft_out : output;
    if (lsx_is_power_of_2(p->L)) { /* F-domain */
      int portion = f->dft_length / p->L;
      memcpy(dft_out, input, (unsigned)portion * sizeof_real);
      rdft_oforward(portion, f->dft_forward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
      if (IS_FLOAT32) {
#define dft_out ((float *)dft_out)
        for (i = portion + 2; i < (portion << 1); i += 2) /* Mirror image. */
          dft_out[i] = dft_out[(portion << 1) - i],
            dft_out[i+1] = -dft_out[(portion << 1) - i + 1];
        dft_out[portion] = dft_out[1];
        dft_out[portion + 1] = 0;
        dft_out[1] = dft_out[0];
#undef dft_out
      else if (WITH_FLOAT64) {
#define dft_out ((double *)dft_out)
        for (i = portion + 2; i < (portion << 1); i += 2) /* Mirror image. */
          dft_out[i] = dft_out[(portion << 1) - i],
            dft_out[i+1] = -dft_out[(portion << 1) - i + 1];
        dft_out[portion] = dft_out[1];
        dft_out[portion + 1] = 0;
        dft_out[1] = dft_out[0];
#undef dft_out
      for (portion <<= 1; i < f->dft_length; i += portion, portion <<= 1) {
        memcpy((char *)dft_out + (size_t)i * sizeof_real, dft_out, (size_t)portion * sizeof_real);
        if (IS_FLOAT32)
        #define dft_out ((float *)dft_out)
          dft_out[i + 1] = 0;
        #undef dft_out
        else if (WITH_FLOAT64)
        #define dft_out ((double *)dft_out)
          dft_out[i + 1] = 0;
        #undef dft_out
      if (p->step.integer > 0)
        rdft_reorder_back(f->dft_length, f->dft_backward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
    } else {
      if (p->L == 1)
        memcpy(dft_out, input, (size_t)f->dft_length * sizeof_real);
      else {
        memset(dft_out, 0, (size_t)f->dft_length * sizeof_real);
        if (IS_FLOAT32)
          for (j = 0, i = p->at.integer; i < f->dft_length; ++j, i += p->L)
            ((float *)dft_out)[i] = ((float *)input)[j];
        else if (WITH_FLOAT64)
          for (j = 0, i = p->at.integer; i < f->dft_length; ++j, i += p->L)
            ((double *)dft_out)[i] = ((double *)input)[j];
        p->at.integer = p->L - 1 - divd.rem;
      if (p->step.integer > 0)
        rdft_forward(f->dft_length, f->dft_forward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
        rdft_oforward(f->dft_length, f->dft_forward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
    if (p->step.integer > 0) {
      rdft_convolve(f->dft_length, f->dft_backward_setup, dft_out, f->coefs);
      rdft_backward(f->dft_length, f->dft_backward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
      if ((p->core_flags & CORE_SIMD_DFT) && p->step.integer == 1)
        memcpy(output, dft_out, (size_t)f->dft_length * sizeof_real);
      if (p->step.integer != 1) {
        if (IS_FLOAT32)
          for (j = 0, i = p->remM; i < f->dft_length - overlap; ++j,
              i += p->step.integer)
            ((float *)output)[j] = ((float *)dft_out)[i];
        else if (WITH_FLOAT64)
          for (j = 0, i = p->remM; i < f->dft_length - overlap; ++j,
              i += p->step.integer)
            ((double *)output)[j] = ((double *)dft_out)[i];
        p->remM = i - (f->dft_length - overlap);
        fifo_trim_by(output_fifo, f->dft_length - j);
      else fifo_trim_by(output_fifo, overlap);
    else { /* F-domain */
      int m = -p->step.integer;
      rdft_convolve_portion(f->dft_length >> m, dft_out, f->coefs);
      rdft_obackward(f->dft_length >> m, f->dft_backward_setup, dft_out, p->dft_scratch);
      if (p->core_flags & CORE_SIMD_DFT)
        memcpy(output, dft_out, (size_t)(f->dft_length >> m) * sizeof_real);
      fifo_trim_by(output_fifo, (((1 << m) - 1) * f->dft_length + overlap) >>m);
  p->input_size = (f->dft_length - p->at.integer + p->L - 1) / p->L;
/* Set to 4 x nearest power of 2 or half of that */
/* if danger of causing too many cache misses. */
static int set_dft_length(int num_taps, int min, int large)
  double d = log((double)num_taps) / log(2.);
  return 1 << range_limit((int)(d + 2.77), min, max((int)(d + 1.77), large));
static void dft_stage_init(
    unsigned instance, double Fp, double Fs, double Fn, double att,
    double phase_response, stage_t * p, int L, int M, double * multiplier,
    unsigned min_dft_size, unsigned large_dft_size, core_flags_t core_flags,
    fn_t const * RDFT_CB)
  dft_filter_t * f = &p->shared->dft_filter[instance];
  int num_taps = 0, dft_length = f->dft_length, i, offset;
  bool f_domain_m = abs(3-M) == 1 && Fs <= 1;
  size_t const sizeof_real = sizeof(char) << LOG2_SIZEOF_REAL(core_flags);
  if (!dft_length) {
    int k = phase_response == 50 && lsx_is_power_of_2(L) && Fn == L? L << 1 : 4;
    double m, * h = lsx_design_lpf(Fp, Fs, Fn, att, &num_taps, -k, -1.);
    if (phase_response != 50)
      lsx_fir_to_phase(&h, &num_taps, &f->post_peak, phase_response);
    else f->post_peak = num_taps / 2;
    dft_length = set_dft_length(num_taps, (int)min_dft_size, (int)large_dft_size);
    f->coefs = rdft_calloc((size_t)dft_length, sizeof_real);
    offset = dft_length - num_taps + 1;
    m = (1. / dft_length) * rdft_multiplier() * L * *multiplier;
    if (IS_FLOAT32) for (i = 0; i < num_taps; ++i)
        ((float *)f->coefs)[(i + offset) & (dft_length - 1)] =(float)(h[i] * m);
    else if (WITH_FLOAT64) for (i = 0; i < num_taps; ++i)
        ((double *)f->coefs)[(i + offset) & (dft_length - 1)] = h[i] * m;
  if (rdft_flags() & RDFT_IS_SIMD)
    p->dft_out = rdft_malloc(sizeof_real * (size_t)dft_length);
  if (rdft_flags() & RDFT_NEEDS_SCRATCH)
    p->dft_scratch = rdft_malloc(2 * sizeof_real * (size_t)dft_length);
  if (!f->dft_length) {
    void * coef_setup = rdft_forward_setup(dft_length);
    int Lp = lsx_is_power_of_2(L)? L : 1;
    int Mp = f_domain_m? M : 1;
    f->dft_forward_setup = rdft_forward_setup(dft_length / Lp);
    f->dft_backward_setup = rdft_backward_setup(dft_length / Mp);
    if (Mp == 1)
      rdft_forward(dft_length, coef_setup, f->coefs, p->dft_scratch);
      rdft_oforward(dft_length, coef_setup, f->coefs, p->dft_scratch);
    f->num_taps = num_taps;
    f->dft_length = dft_length;
    lsx_debug("fir_len=%i dft_length=%i Fp=%g Fs=%g Fn=%g att=%g %i/%i",
        num_taps, dft_length, Fp, Fs, Fn, att, L, M);
  *multiplier = 1;
  p->out_in_ratio = (double)L / M;
  p->core_flags = core_flags;
  p->rdft_cb = RDFT_CB;
  p->fn = dft_stage_fn;
  p->preload = f->post_peak / L;
  p->at.integer = f->post_peak % L;
  p->L = L;
  p->step.integer = f_domain_m? -M/2 : M;
  p->dft_filter_num = instance;
  p->block_len = f->dft_length - (f->num_taps - 1);
  p->phase0 = p->at.integer / p->L;
  p->input_size = (f->dft_length - p->at.integer + p->L - 1) / p->L;
static struct half_fir_info const * find_half_fir(
    struct half_fir_info const * firs, size_t len, double att)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i + 1 < len && att > firs[i].att; ++i);
  return &firs[i];
#define have_pre_stage  (preM  * preL  != 1)
#define have_arb_stage  (arbM  * arbL  != 1)
#define have_post_stage (postM * postL != 1)
#include "soxr.h"
STATIC char const * _soxr_init(
  rate_t * const p,             /* Per audio channel. */
  rate_shared_t * const shared, /* By channels undergoing same rate change. */
  double const io_ratio,        /* Input rate divided by output rate. */
  soxr_quality_spec_t const * const q_spec,
  soxr_runtime_spec_t const * const r_spec,
  double multiplier,            /* Linear gain to apply during conversion. */
  cr_core_t const * const core,
  core_flags_t const core_flags)
  size_t const sizeof_real = sizeof(char) << LOG2_SIZEOF_REAL(core_flags);
  double const tolerance = 1 + 1e-5;
  double       bits = q_spec->precision;
  rolloff_t const rolloff = (rolloff_t)(q_spec->flags & 3);
  int interpolator = (int)(r_spec->flags & 3) - 1;
  double const Fp0 = q_spec->passband_end, Fs0 = q_spec->stopband_begin;
  double const phase_response = q_spec->phase_response, tbw0 = Fs0-Fp0;
  bool const maintain_3dB_pt = !!(q_spec->flags & SOXR_MAINTAIN_3DB_PT);
  double tbw_tighten = 1, alpha;
  #define tighten(x) (Fs0-(Fs0-(x))*tbw_tighten)
  double arbM = io_ratio, Fn1, Fp1 = Fp0, Fs1 = Fs0, bits1 = min(bits,33);
  double att = (bits1 + 1) * linear_to_dB(2.), attArb = att; /* +1: pass+stop */
  int preL = 1, preM = 1, shr = 0, arbL = 1, postL = 1, postM = 1;
  bool upsample=false, rational=false, iOpt=!(r_spec->flags&SOXR_NOSMALLINTOPT);
  bool lq_bits= (q_spec->flags & SOXR_PROMOTE_TO_LQ)? bits <= 16 : bits == 16;
  bool lq_Fp0 = (q_spec->flags & SOXR_PROMOTE_TO_LQ)? Fp0<=lq_bw0 : Fp0==lq_bw0;
  int n = 0, i, mode = lq_bits && rolloff == rolloff_medium? io_ratio > 1 ||
    phase_response != 50 || !lq_Fp0 || Fs0 != 1 : ((int)ceil(bits1) - 6) / 4;
  struct half_fir_info const * half_fir_info;
  stage_t * s;
  if (io_ratio < 1 && Fs0 - 1 > 1 - Fp0 / tolerance)
    return "imaging greater than rolloff";
  if (.002 / tolerance > tbw0 || tbw0 > .5 * tolerance)
    return "transition bandwidth not in [0.2,50] % of nyquist";
  if (.5 / tolerance > Fp0 || Fs0 > 1.5 * tolerance)
    return "transition band not within [50,150] % of nyquist";
  if (bits!=0 && (15 > bits || bits > 33))
    return "precision not in [15,33] bits";
  if (io_ratio <= 0)
    return "resampling factor not positive";
  if (0 > phase_response || phase_response > 100)
    return "phase response not in [0=min-phase,100=max-phase] %";
  p->core = core;
  p->io_ratio = io_ratio;
  if (bits!=0) while (!n++) {                            /* Determine stages: */
    int try, L, M, x, maxL = interpolator > 0? 1 : mode? 2048 :
      (int)ceil(r_spec->coef_size_kbytes * 1000. / (U100_l * (int)sizeof_real));
    double d, epsilon = 0, frac;
    upsample = arbM < 1;
    for (i = (int)(.5 * arbM), shr = 0; i >>= 1; arbM *= .5, ++shr);
    preM = upsample || (arbM > 1.5 && arbM < 2);
    postM = 1 + (arbM > 1 && preM), arbM /= postM;
    preL = 1 + (!preM && arbM < 2) + (upsample && mode), arbM *= preL;
    if ((frac = arbM - (int)arbM)!=0)
      epsilon = fabs(floor(frac * MULT32 + .5) / (frac * MULT32) - 1);
    for (i = 1, rational = frac==0; i <= maxL && !rational; ++i) {
      d = frac * i, try = (int)(d + .5);
      if ((rational = fabs(try / d - 1) <= epsilon)) {    /* No long doubles! */
        if (try == i)
          arbM = ceil(arbM), shr += x = arbM > 3, arbM /= 1 + x;
        else arbM = i * (int)arbM + try, arbL = i;
    L = preL * arbL, M = (int)(arbM * postM), x = (L|M)&1, L >>= !x, M >>= !x;
    if (iOpt && postL == 1 && (d = preL * arbL / arbM) > 4 && d != 5) {
      for (postL = 4, i = (int)(d / 16); (i >>= 1) && postL < 256; postL <<= 1);
      arbM = arbM * postL / arbL / preL, arbL = 1, n = 0;
    } else if (rational && (max(L, M) < 3 + 2 * iOpt || L * M < 6 * iOpt))
      preL = L, preM = M, arbM = arbL = postM = 1;
    if (!mode && (!rational || !n))
      ++mode, n = 0;
  p->num_stages = shr + have_pre_stage + have_arb_stage + have_post_stage;
  if (!p->num_stages && multiplier != 1) {
    bits = arbL = 0;                         /* Use cubic_stage in this case. */
  p->stages = calloc((size_t)p->num_stages + 1, sizeof(*p->stages));
  if (!p->stages)
    return "out of memory";
  for (i = 0; i < p->num_stages; ++i) {
    p->stages[i].num = i;
    p->stages[i].shared = shared;
    p->stages[i].input_size = 8192;
  p->stages[0].is_input = true;
  alpha = postM / (io_ratio * (postL << 0));
  if ((n = p->num_stages) > 1) {                              /* Att. budget: */
    if (have_arb_stage)
      att += linear_to_dB(2.), attArb = att, --n;
    att += linear_to_dB((double)n);
  half_fir_info = find_half_fir(core->half_firs, core->half_firs_len, att);
  for (i = 0, s = p->stages; i < shr; ++i, ++s) {
    s->fn = half_fir_info->fn;
    s->coefs = half_fir_info->coefs;
    s->n = half_fir_info->num_coefs;
    s->pre_post = 4 * s->n;
    s->preload = s->pre = s->pre_post >> 1;
  if (have_pre_stage) {
    if (maintain_3dB_pt && have_post_stage) {    /* Trans. bands overlapping. */
      double x = tbw0 * lsx_inv_f_resp(-3., att);
      x = -lsx_f_resp(x / (max(2 * alpha - Fs0, alpha) - Fp0), att);
      if (x > .035) {
        tbw_tighten = ((4.3074e-3 - 3.9121e-4 * x) * x - .040009) * x + 1.0014;
        lsx_debug("tbw_tighten=%g (%gdB)", tbw_tighten, x);
    Fn1 = preM? max(preL, preM) : arbM / arbL;
    dft_stage_init(0, tighten(Fp1), Fs1, Fn1, att, phase_response, s++, preL,
        max(preM, 1), &multiplier, r_spec->log2_min_dft_size,
        r_spec->log2_large_dft_size, core_flags, core->rdft_cb);
    Fp1 /= Fn1, Fs1 /= Fn1;
  if (bits==0 && have_arb_stage) {                /* `Quick' cubic arb stage: */
    s->fn = core->cubic_stage_fn;
    s->mult = multiplier, multiplier = 1;
    s->step.whole = (int64_t)(arbM * MULT32 + .5);
    s->pre_post = max(3, s->step.integer);
    s->preload = s->pre = 1;
    s->out_in_ratio = MULT32 / (double)s->step.whole;
  else if (have_arb_stage) {                     /* Higher quality arb stage: */
    static const float rolloffs[] = {-.01f, -.3f, 0, -.103f};
    poly_fir_t const * f = &core->poly_firs[6*(upsample+!!preM)+mode-!upsample];
    int order, num_coefs = (int)f->interp[0].scalar, phase_bits, phases;
    size_t coefs_size;
    double at, Fp = Fp1, Fs, Fn, mult = upsample? 1 : arbM / arbL;
    poly_fir1_t const * f1;
    if (!upsample && preM)
      Fn = 2 * mult, Fs = 3 + fabs(Fs1 - 1);
    else Fn = 1, Fs = 2 - (mode? Fp1 + (Fs1 - Fp1) * .7 : Fs1);
    if (mode)
      Fp = Fs - (Fs - Fp) / (1 - lsx_inv_f_resp(rolloffs[rolloff], attArb));
    i = (interpolator < 0? !rational : max(interpolator, !rational)) - 1;
    do {
      f1 = &f->interp[++i];
      if (i)
        arbM /= arbL, arbL = 1, rational = false;
      phase_bits = (int)ceil(f1->scalar - log(mult)/log(2.));
      phases = !rational? (1 << phase_bits) : arbL;
      if (f->interp[0].scalar==0) {
        int phases0 = max(phases, 19), n0 = 0;
        lsx_design_lpf(Fp, Fs, -Fn, attArb, &n0, phases0, f->beta);
        num_coefs = n0 / phases0 + 1, num_coefs += num_coefs & !preM;
      if ((num_coefs & 1) && rational && (arbL & 1))
        phases <<= 1, arbL <<= 1, arbM *= 2;
      at = arbL * (s->phase0 = .5 * (num_coefs & 1));
      order = i + (i && mode > 4);
      coefs_size = (size_t)(num_coefs4 * phases * (order+1)) * sizeof_real;
    } while (interpolator < 0 && i < 2 && f->interp[i+1].fn &&
        coefs_size / 1000 > r_spec->coef_size_kbytes);
    if (!s->shared->poly_fir_coefs) {
      int num_taps = num_coefs * phases - 1;
      double * coefs = lsx_design_lpf(
          Fp, Fs, Fn, attArb, &num_taps, phases, f->beta);
      s->shared->poly_fir_coefs = prepare_poly_fir_coefs(
          coefs, num_coefs, phases, order, multiplier, core_flags, &core->mem);
      lsx_debug("fir_len=%i phases=%i coef_interp=%i size=%.3gk",
          num_coefs, phases, order, (double)coefs_size / 1000.);
    multiplier = 1;
    s->fn = f1->fn;
    s->pre_post = num_coefs4 - 1;
    s->preload = ((num_coefs - 1) >> 1) + (num_coefs4 - num_coefs);
    s->n = num_coefs4;
    s->phase_bits = phase_bits;
    s->L = arbL;
    s->use_hi_prec_clock =
      mode>1 && (q_spec->flags & SOXR_HI_PREC_CLOCK) && !rational;
    if (order && !s->use_hi_prec_clock) {
      s->at.flt = at;
      s->step.flt = arbM;
      s->out_in_ratio = (double)(arbL / s->step.flt);
    } else
      s->at.whole = (int64_t)(at * MULT32 + .5);
      if (s->use_hi_prec_clock) {
        double M = arbM * MULT32;
        s->at.fix.ls.parts.ms = 0x80000000ul;
        s->step.whole = (int64_t)M;
        M -= (double)s->step.whole;
        M *= MULT32 * MULT32;
        s->step.fix.ls.all = (uint64_t)M;
      } else
        s->step.whole = (int64_t)(arbM * MULT32 + .5);
      s->out_in_ratio = MULT32 * arbL / (double)s->step.whole;
  if (have_post_stage)
    dft_stage_init(1, tighten(Fp0 / (upsample? alpha : 1)), upsample? max(2 -
        Fs0 / alpha, 1) : Fs0, (double)max(postL, postM), att, phase_response,
        s++, postL, postM, &multiplier, r_spec->log2_min_dft_size,
        r_spec->log2_large_dft_size, core_flags, core->rdft_cb);
  lsx_debug("%g: >>%i %i/%i %i/%g %i/%i (%x)", 1/io_ratio,
      shr, preL, preM, arbL, arbM, postL, postM, core_flags);
  for (i = 0, s = p->stages; i < p->num_stages; ++i, ++s) {
    fifo_create(&s->fifo, (int)sizeof_real);
    memset(fifo_reserve(&s->fifo, s->preload), 0,
        sizeof_real * (size_t)s->preload);
    lsx_debug_more("%5i|%-5i preload=%i remL=%i",
        s->pre, s->pre_post-s->pre, s->preload, s->at.integer);
  fifo_create(&s->fifo, (int)sizeof_real);
  return 0;
static bool stage_process(stage_t * stage, bool flushing)
  fifo_t * fifo = &stage->fifo;
  bool done = false;
  int want;
  while (!done && (want = stage->input_size - fifo_occupancy(fifo)) > 0) {
    if (stage->is_input) {
      if (flushing)
        memset(fifo_reserve(fifo, want), 0, fifo->item_size * (size_t)want);
      else done = true;
    else done = stage_process(stage - 1, flushing);
  stage->fn(stage, &stage[1].fifo);
  return done && fifo_occupancy(fifo) < stage->input_size;
STATIC void _soxr_process(rate_t * p, size_t olen)
  int const n = p->flushing? min(-(int)p->samples_out, (int)olen) : (int)olen;
  stage_t * stage = &p->stages[p->num_stages];
  fifo_t * fifo = &stage->fifo;
  bool done = false;
  while (!done && fifo_occupancy(fifo) < (int)n)
    done = stage->is_input || stage_process(stage - 1, p->flushing);
STATIC real * _soxr_input(rate_t * p, real const * samples, size_t n)
  if (p->flushing)
    return 0;
  p->samples_in += (int64_t)n;
  return fifo_write(&p->stages[0].fifo, (int)n, samples);
STATIC real const * _soxr_output(rate_t * p, real * samples, size_t * n0)
  fifo_t * fifo = &p->stages[p->num_stages].fifo;
  int n = p->flushing? min(-(int)p->samples_out, (int)*n0) : (int)*n0;
  p->samples_out += n = min(n, fifo_occupancy(fifo));
  return fifo_read(fifo, (int)(*n0 = (size_t)n), samples);
STATIC void _soxr_flush(rate_t * p)
  if (p->flushing) return;
  p->samples_out -= (int64_t)((double)p->samples_in / p->io_ratio + .5);
  p->samples_in = 0;
  p->flushing = true;
STATIC void _soxr_close(rate_t * p)
  if (p->stages) {
    fn_t const * const RDFT_CB = p->core->rdft_cb;
    rate_shared_t * shared = p->stages[0].shared;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= p->num_stages; ++i) {
      stage_t * s = &p->stages[i];
    if (shared) {
      for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        dft_filter_t * f= &shared->dft_filter[i];
      memset(shared, 0, sizeof(*shared));
#if defined SOXR_LIB
STATIC double _soxr_delay(rate_t * p)
  return (double)p->samples_in / p->io_ratio - (double)p->samples_out;
STATIC void _soxr_sizes(size_t * shared, size_t * channel)
  *shared = sizeof(rate_shared_t);
  *channel = sizeof(rate_t);

V564 The '&' operator is applied to bool type value. You've probably forgotten to include parentheses or intended to use the '&&' operator.

V547 Expression '!rational' is always true.

V636 The 'p->at.fix.ms.parts.ms / p->L' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;.

V550 An odd precise comparison: Fn == L. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: phase_response == 50. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: phase_response != 50. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: bits == 16. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: Fp0 == (1385 / 2048.). It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: Fs0 != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: phase_response != 50. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: bits != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: bits != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: (frac = arbM - (int) arbM) != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: frac == 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: d != 5. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: arbM * arbL != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: multiplier != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: arbM * arbL != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: arbM * arbL != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: bits == 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: arbM * arbL != 1. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.

V550 An odd precise comparison: f->interp[0].scalar == 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memcpy' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memcpy' function. Inspect the second argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memcpy' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument.

V636 The 'i * (int) arbM' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid overflow. An example: double A = (double)(X) * Y;.

V636 The 'preL * arbL' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid overflow. An example: double A = (double)(X) * Y;.