//  The Logitech LCD SDK, including all acompanying documentation,
//  is protected by intellectual property laws.  All use of the Logitech
//  LCD SDK is subject to the License Agreement found in the
//  "Logitech LCD SDK License Agreement" file and in the Reference Manual.  
//  All rights not expressly granted by Logitech are reserved.
// LCDText.cpp
// The CLCDText class draws simple text onto the LCD.
// Logitech LCD SDK
// Copyright 2010 Logitech Inc.
#include "LCDUI.h"
// CLCDText::CLCDText
:   m_hFont(NULL),
    m_nTextFormat(DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX),
    ZeroMemory(&m_dtp, sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS));
    m_dtp.cbSize = sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS);
    ZeroMemory(&m_sizeVExtent, sizeof(m_sizeVExtent));
    ZeroMemory(&m_sizeHExtent, sizeof(m_sizeHExtent));
// CLCDText::~CLCDText
    if (m_hFont)
        m_hFont = NULL;
// CLCDText::Initialize
HRESULT CLCDText::Initialize()
    m_hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
    if(NULL != m_hFont)
    SetForegroundColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
    return (NULL != m_hFont) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// CLCDText::SetFont
void CLCDText::SetFont(LOGFONT& lf)
    if (m_hFont)
        m_hFont = NULL;
    m_hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
    m_bRecalcExtent = TRUE;
// CLCDText::GetFont
HFONT CLCDText::GetFont()
    return m_hFont;
// CLCDText::SetFontFaceName
void CLCDText::SetFontFaceName(LPCTSTR szFontName)
    // if NULL, uses the default gui font
    if (NULL == szFontName)
    LOGFONT lf;
    ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf));
    GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
    LCDUI_tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, szFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
// CLCDText::SetFontPointSize
void CLCDText::SetFontPointSize(int nPointSize)
    LOGFONT lf;
    ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf));
    GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
    lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(nPointSize, DEFAULT_DPI, 72);
// CLCDText::SetFontWeight
void CLCDText::SetFontWeight(int nWeight)
    LOGFONT lf;
    ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf));
    GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
    lf.lfWeight = nWeight;
// CLCDText::SetFontColor
void CLCDText::SetFontColor(COLORREF color)
// CLCDText::SetText
void CLCDText::SetText(LPCTSTR szText)
    LCDUIASSERT(NULL != szText);
    if(szText && _tcscmp(m_sText.c_str(), szText))
        m_nTextLength = m_sText.size();
        m_dtp.iLeftMargin = 0;
        m_dtp.iRightMargin = 0;
        m_bRecalcExtent = TRUE;
// CLCDText::GetText
    return m_sText.c_str();
// CLCDText::SetWordWrap
void CLCDText::SetWordWrap(BOOL bEnable)
    if (bEnable)
        m_nTextFormat |= DT_WORDBREAK;
        m_nTextFormat &= ~DT_WORDBREAK;
    m_bRecalcExtent = TRUE;
// CLCDText::SetLeftMargin
void CLCDText::SetLeftMargin(int nLeftMargin)
    m_dtp.iLeftMargin = nLeftMargin;
// CLCDText::SetRightMargin
void CLCDText::SetRightMargin(int nRightMargin)
    m_dtp.iRightMargin = nRightMargin;
// CLCDText::GetLeftMargin
int CLCDText::GetLeftMargin(void)
    return m_dtp.iLeftMargin;
// CLCDText::GetRightMargin
int CLCDText::GetRightMargin(void)
    return m_dtp.iRightMargin;
// CLCDText::GetVExtent
SIZE& CLCDText::GetVExtent()
    return m_sizeVExtent;
// CLCDText::GetHExtent
SIZE& CLCDText::GetHExtent()
    return m_sizeHExtent;
// CLCDText::CalculateExtent
void CLCDText::CalculateExtent(BOOL bSingleLine)
    HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    int nOldMapMode = SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
    int nOldBkMode = SetBkMode(hdc, GetBackgroundMode());
    // select current font
    HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, m_hFont);
    int nTextFormat;
    RECT rExtent;
        // calculate horizontal extent w/ single line, we can get the line height
        nTextFormat = (m_nTextFormat | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT);
        rExtent.left = rExtent.top = 0;
        rExtent.right = m_Size.cx;
        rExtent.bottom = m_Size.cy;
        DrawTextEx(hdc, (LPTSTR)m_sText.c_str(), static_cast<int>(m_nTextLength), &rExtent, nTextFormat, &m_dtp);
        m_sizeHExtent.cx = rExtent.right;
        m_sizeHExtent.cy = rExtent.bottom;
        // calculate vertical extent with word wrap
        nTextFormat = (m_nTextFormat | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
        rExtent.left = rExtent.top = 0;
        rExtent.right = m_Size.cx;
        rExtent.bottom = m_Size.cy;
        DrawTextEx(hdc, (LPTSTR)m_sText.c_str(), static_cast<int>(m_nTextLength), &rExtent, nTextFormat, &m_dtp);
        m_sizeVExtent.cx = rExtent.right;
        m_sizeVExtent.cy = rExtent.bottom;
    // restores
    SetMapMode(hdc, nOldMapMode);
    SetBkMode(hdc, nOldBkMode);
    SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont);
// CLCDText::SetAlignment
void CLCDText::SetAlignment(int nAlignment)
    m_nTextFormat &= ~m_nTextAlignment;
    m_nTextFormat |= nAlignment;
    m_nTextAlignment = nAlignment;
// CLCDText::DrawText
void CLCDText::DrawText(CLCDGfxBase &rGfx)
    // draw the text
    RECT rBoundary = { 0, 0,0 + GetLogicalSize().cx, 0 + GetLogicalSize().cy }; 
    DrawTextEx(rGfx.GetHDC(), (LPTSTR)m_sText.c_str(), static_cast<int>(m_nTextLength), &rBoundary, m_nTextFormat, &m_dtp);
    if (m_bInverted)
        InvertRect(rGfx.GetHDC(), &rBoundary);
// CLCDText::OnDraw
void CLCDText::OnDraw(CLCDGfxBase &rGfx)
    if (GetBackgroundMode() == OPAQUE)
        HBRUSH hBackBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_crBackgroundColor);
        // clear the clipped area
        RECT rcClp = { 0, 0, m_Size.cx, m_Size.cy };
        FillRect(rGfx.GetHDC(), &rcClp, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
        // clear the logical area
        RECT rcLog = { 0, 0, m_sizeLogical.cx, m_sizeLogical.cy };
        FillRect(rGfx.GetHDC(), &rcLog, hBackBrush);
    if (m_nTextLength)
        // map mode text, with transparency
        int nOldMapMode = SetMapMode(rGfx.GetHDC(), MM_TEXT);
        int nOldBkMode = SetBkMode(rGfx.GetHDC(), GetBackgroundMode()); 
        COLORREF nOldBkColor = SetBkColor(rGfx.GetHDC(), m_crBackgroundColor);
        // select current font
        HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(rGfx.GetHDC(), m_hFont);   
        // select color
        COLORREF crOldTextColor = SetTextColor(rGfx.GetHDC(), m_crForegroundColor);
        if (m_bRecalcExtent)
            int nTextFormat;
            RECT rExtent;
            // calculate vertical extent with word wrap
            nTextFormat = (m_nTextFormat | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
            rExtent.left = rExtent.top = 0;
            rExtent.right = GetWidth();
            rExtent.bottom = GetHeight();
            DrawTextEx(rGfx.GetHDC(), (LPTSTR)m_sText.c_str(), static_cast<int>(m_nTextLength), &rExtent, nTextFormat, &m_dtp);
            m_sizeVExtent.cx = rExtent.right;
            m_sizeVExtent.cy = rExtent.bottom;
            // calculate horizontal extent w/o word wrap
            nTextFormat = (m_nTextFormat | DT_CALCRECT);
            rExtent.left = rExtent.top = 0;
            rExtent.right = GetWidth();
            rExtent.bottom = GetHeight();
            DrawTextEx(rGfx.GetHDC(), (LPTSTR)m_sText.c_str(), static_cast<int>(m_nTextLength), &rExtent, nTextFormat, &m_dtp);
            m_sizeHExtent.cx = rExtent.right;
            m_sizeHExtent.cy = rExtent.bottom;
            m_bRecalcExtent = FALSE;
        if (IsVisible())
        // restores
        SetMapMode(rGfx.GetHDC(), nOldMapMode);
        SetTextColor(rGfx.GetHDC(), crOldTextColor);
        SetBkMode(rGfx.GetHDC(), nOldBkMode);
        SetBkColor(rGfx.GetHDC(), nOldBkColor);
        SelectObject(rGfx.GetHDC(), hOldFont);
//** end of LCDText.cpp **************************************************

V526 The 'wcscmp' function returns 0 if corresponding strings are equal. Consider examining the condition for mistakes.