/* Copyright (c) MediaArea.net SARL. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a zlib-style license that can
* be found in the License.txt file in the root of the source tree.
#include "ZenLib/PreComp.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ZenLib/Conf_Internal.h"
#include "ZenLib/Format/Http/Http_Cookies.h"
#include "ZenLib/Format/Http/Http_Utils.h"
using namespace std;
namespace ZenLib
namespace Format
namespace Http
// Constructor/Destructor
// Helpers
size_t Cookies::Set(const std::string &Name, const std::string &Value, std::time_t Expires, const std::string &Path, const std::string &Domain, bool Secure)
//Name must not be empty
if (Name.empty())
return 1;
//Default values handling
if (Value.empty())
Expires=time(NULL)-365*24*60*60-1; //minus 1 year
//Default value
if (Expires==(time_t)-1)
Expires=time(NULL)+1*365*24*60*60; //+1 year
//Expires can be the count of seconds to handle instead of real time
if (Expires>=0 && Expires<3*365*24*60*60) //Les than year 1973, this is not a date, this is a time
Cookie Data;
Data.Value=Value.empty()?std::string("Deleted"):URL_Encoded_Encode(Value); //If no value, we force a default value for having the cookie understable
return 0;
void Cookies::Create_Lines(std::ostream& Out)
for (Cookies::iterator Cookie=begin(); Cookie!=end(); ++Cookie)
Out << "Set-Cookie: " << Cookie->first << "=" << Cookie->second.Value;
if (Cookie->second.Expires!=(time_t)-1)
char Temp[200];
#if defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R)
struct tm Gmt_Temp;
struct tm *Gmt=gmtime_r(&Cookie->second.Expires, &Gmt_Temp);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
struct tm Gmt_Temp;
errno_t gmtime_s_Result=gmtime_s(&Gmt_Temp , &Cookie->second.Expires);
struct tm* Gmt=gmtime_s_Result?NULL:&Gmt_Temp;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "This version of ZenLib is not thread safe"
struct tm *Gmt=gmtime(&Cookie->second.Expires);
if (strftime(Temp, 200, "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT", Gmt))
Out << "; expires=" << Temp;
if (!Cookie->second.Path.empty())
Out << "; path=" << Cookie->second.Path;
Out << "\r\n";
} //Namespace
} //Namespace
} //Namespace
↑ V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'strftime' function. Inspect the fourth argument.
↑ V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty constructor body.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'Cookie->second' expression repeatedly.