// Compilation mode
#define _HTTP_BUILD_WIN32 // Set Windows Build flag
// Section : Microsoft Windows Support
// Last updated : 01/09/2005
#ifdef _HTTP_BUILD_WIN32
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning (disable: 4996) // 'function': was declared deprecated (VS 2005)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
// Generic types
typedef unsigned int UINT32;
typedef int INT32;
// Sockets (Winsock wrapper)
// Section : Functions that are not supported by the AMT stdc framework
// So they had to be specificaly added.
// Last updated : 01/09/2005
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// STDC Wrapper implimentation
int HTTPWrapperIsAscii (int c);
int HTTPWrapperToUpper (int c);
int HTTPWrapperToLower (int c);
int HTTPWrapperIsAlpha (int c);
int HTTPWrapperIsAlNum (int c);
char* HTTPWrapperItoa (char *buff,int i);
void HTTPWrapperInitRandomeNumber ();
long HTTPWrapperGetUpTime ();
int HTTPWrapperGetRandomeNumber ();
int HTTPWrapperGetSocketError (int s);
unsigned long HTTPWrapperGetHostByName (char *name,unsigned long *address);
int HTTPWrapperShutDown (int s,int in);
// SSL Wrapper prototypes
int HTTPWrapperSSLConnect (int s,const struct sockaddr *name,int namelen,char *hostname);
int HTTPWrapperSSLNegotiate (int s,const struct sockaddr *name,int namelen,char *hostname);
int HTTPWrapperSSLSend (int s,char *buf, int len,int flags);
int HTTPWrapperSSLRecv (int s,char *buf, int len,int flags);
int HTTPWrapperSSLClose (int s);
int HTTPWrapperSSLRecvPending (int s);
// Global wrapper Functions
#define IToA HTTPWrapperItoa
#define GetUpTime HTTPWrapperGetUpTime
#define SocketGetErr HTTPWrapperGetSocketError
#define HostByName HTTPWrapperGetHostByName
#define InitRandomeNumber HTTPWrapperInitRandomeNumber
#define GetRandomeNumber HTTPWrapperGetRandomeNumber
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Section : Global type definitions
// Last updated : 01/09/2005
#define VOID void
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef char CHAR;
typedef unsigned short UINT16;
typedef int BOOL;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
// Global socket structures and definitions
typedef struct sockaddr_in HTTP_SOCKADDR_IN;
typedef struct timeval HTTP_TIMEVAL;
typedef struct hostent HTTP_HOSTNET;
typedef struct sockaddr HTTP_SOCKADDR;
typedef struct in_addr HTTP_INADDR;
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'UINT32' type. The system header file should be used: #include
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'INT32' type. The system header file should be used: #include
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'CHAR' type. The system header file should be used: #include
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'UINT16' type. The system header file should be used: #include
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'BOOL' type. The system header file should be used: #include
↑ V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'ULONG' type. The system header file should be used: #include